Olympic Properties definition

Olympic Properties means the Olympic Symbol (the Olympic rings), the emblem of the Games and other Games marks, mascots, pictograms and posters, the wordmarks “Olympic”, “Olympic Games” and “Olympiad”, the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” and any English or other language translations of the same, and other Olympic-related terminology. “Olympic Symbol” means the five interlaced rings that identify the Olympic Movement.
Olympic Properties means (i) the Olympic symbol, (ii) the wordmarks “Olympic”, “Olympic Games” and “Olympiad”, (iii) the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, and (iv) any other intellectual property rights associated with the Olympics Games. 1. Předchozí smlouvy: a) Tato smlouva, její Přílohy a Standardní podmínky upravují vztahy mezi DCEL a Provozovatelem od data jejího zahájení, a plně nahrazují dohodu mezi DCEL a Provozovatelem počínaje datem zahájení 01/01/2018 distribuce kanálů („ Předchozí dohoda “). b) Při podpisu této smlouvy všemi stranami se předchozí smlouva považuje za ukončenou dnem bezprostředně předcházejícím datu zahájení této smlouvy 2. Omezení Olympijských her a) Strany se dohodly a souhlasí, že: (a) DCEL poskytne “Provozovateli” práva týkající se Olympijských her; a (b) provozování takových práv provozovatelem budou vždy podléhat všem podmínkám ve smlouvě (smlouvách) uzavřených mezi DCEL a Mezinárodním Olympijským výborem (“MOV”) a veškerým diskreční pokynům od MOV (rozsah těchto podmínek/nebo pokynů MOV jsou sděleny Provozovateli společností DCEL) a Provozovatel je musí splňovat. b) Provozovatel nesmí mít žádné nároky na používání Olympijských vlastností a nesmí výslovně ani implicitně reprezentovat, že má práva na sponzorské, dodavatelské či sdružovací práva týkajících se Olympijských her. Veškrá propagace v rámci Olympijských her Provozovatelem podléhá předchozímu písemnému souhlasu společností DCEL a Mezinárodním Olympijským výborem. “Olympijskými vlastnostmi” se rozumí (i) Olympijský symbol, (ii) označení “Olympijáda”, “Olympijské hry”, (iii) olympijské motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius”, a (iv) jakékoli práva duševního vlastnictví spojená s Olympijskými hrami. STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS‌ VŠEOBECNÉ OBCHODNÍ PODMÍNKY
Olympic Properties means the Olympic Symbol, the official emblem, mascot, pictograms and other identifications, designations, logos and insignia identifying Buenos Aires 2018, the wordmarks “Olympic”, “Olympic Games”, and “Olympiad”, the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” and any English or other language translations of the same, and other Olympic-related terminology. “Team Welcome Ceremonies” means the official “celebratory moment” at the start of the Games to welcome all athletes, team officials, delegates and guests, taking place at the YOG Square from the opening of the Olympic Villages, on

Examples of Olympic Properties in a sentence

  • Through agreements with various Philippine companies, the Company holds directly and indirectly a 60% effective equity interest in the Olympic Properties.

  • The IOC retains exclusively all rights in and to the Olympic Properties, whether explicitly protected under separate national legislation or protected under general legislation such as protection of names, trademarks, emblems or other identifiers or protection under any other intellectual property rights.

  • Non-Olympic Partners can undertake Congratulatory Advertising in support of their contracted athletes before and after the Games Period, but without using any Olympic Properties.

  • The variety of means of protecting the Olympic Properties has led to the IOC requiring legislation to be implemented by the national government of the city where the Olympic Games is to be staged as a condition of the Host City Contract.46 As each Games sees the emergence of ever more creative means of circumventing these provisions, so too does the protection of the Olympic brand become more extensive and the punishment of transgressors more draconian.

  • London Olympic and Paralympic Games Act 2006 Whereas OSPA 1995 provides legislative protection for certain of the Olympic Properties, section 33 and schedule 4 of LOPGA 2006 create an almost identical framework of protection for the iconography specifically associated with the London 2012 edition of the Olympic Games.

  • The level of protection afforded to the Olympic Properties varies significantly between jurisdictions.

  • PART 4 Compulsory Personnel to be Employed Compulsory Personnel to be EmployedARTICLE 10 -(1) For the compulsory personnel to be employed in food businesses, the following provisions shall apply.

  • It is prohibited to use any of the Olympic Properties except as contained within the Photographs.

  • You will be required to submit a Physician certification every 12 months.

  • Between 1991 and 2000 he occupied top-level positions in the management of Olympic Properties & Investments SRL and OPI Construct S.A. (building and development companies).

More Definitions of Olympic Properties

Olympic Properties means the Olympic Symbol (the Olympic rings), the YOG Marks, the
Olympic Properties means the Olympic Symbol (the Olympic rings), the OQS Marks, the wordmarks “Olympic”, “Olympic Games” and “Olympiad”, the Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius - Communiter” and any English or other language translations of the same, and other OQS and/or Olympic-related terminology. “Olympic Symbol” means the five interlaced rings that identify the Olympic Movement. “OQS” means the 1st edition of the Olympic Qualifier Series 2024 to be celebrated in Budapest, Hungary, between 20 and 23 June 2024.

Related to Olympic Properties

  • Historic property means any prehistoric or historic site, district, building, object, or other real or personal property of historical, architectural, or archaeological value, and folklife resources. These properties or resources may include, but are not limited to, monuments, memorials, Indian habitations, ceremonial sites, abandoned settlements, sunken or abandoned ships, engineering works, treasure trove, artifacts, or other objects with intrinsic historical or archaeological value, or any part thereof, relating to the history, government, and culture of Florida.

  • Real Estate Assets means any investment by the Company or the Operating Partnership in unimproved and improved Real Property (including fee or leasehold interests, options and leases), directly, through one or more subsidiaries or through a Joint Venture.

  • Real Estate means all Leases and all land, together with the buildings, structures, parking areas, and other improvements thereon, now or hereafter owned by any Loan Party, including all easements, rights-of-way, and similar rights relating thereto and all leases, tenancies, and occupancies thereof.

  • Property Owners association" or "association" means an incorporated or unincorporated entity upon

  • Agricultural property means a property that is used primarily for agricultural purposes but, without derogating from section 9 of the Municipal Property Rates Act, (Act 6 of 2004), excludes any portion thereof that is used commercially for the hospitality of guests and excludes the use of the property for the purpose of eco-tourism or for the trading in or hunting of game;

  • Commercial property means property formerly or currently used primarily for business, retail, governmental or professional purposes.

  • Leasehold condominium means a condominium in which all or a portion of the real estate is subject to a lease the expiration or termination of which will terminate the condominium or reduce its size.

  • Hotel Property for any hotel means the Real Property and the Personal Property for such hotel.

  • Industrial Property – means property used for construction, repair, trade or manufacturing, production, assembly or processing of finished or partially finished products from raw materials or fabricated parts on such a large scale that capital and labour are significantly involved, and includes any office or other accommodation on the same property, the use of which is incidental to such activity;

  • Partnership Property means any property, real, personal or mixed, or any interest therein or appurtenant thereto which may be owned or acquired by the Partnership.

  • Condominium Property means the lands, leaseholds, and personal property that are subjected to condominium ownership, whether or not contiguous, and all improvements thereon and all easements and rights appurtenant thereto intended for use in connection with the condominium.