Examples of Network Service in a sentence
Each Registered Participant that has a connection point to a Queensland transmission network must submit to the relevant Queensland Transmission Network Service Provider a forecast of the annual energy consumption associated with each connection point together with the information set out in schedule 5.7 of the Rules.
If a Network Service Provider, on the Queensland system, modifies forecast information in accordance with clause 5.11.1(d), then that Network Service Provider is not required to notify the relevant Registered Participant if it has conflicting confidentiality obligations to other Registered Participants.
A Local Network Service Provider who is the responsible person for a metering installation under Chapter 9 of the Rules immediately before the commencement date continues to be the responsible person for that metering installation for the purposes of clause 7.2.3.
Subject to this rule 11.6, a Transmission Network Service Provider is not required to submit a Revenue Proposal or a proposed negotiating framework to the AER under the new Chapter 6A until a date that is 13 months before the expiry of a current regulatory control period.
The maximum allowed revenue that a Transmission Network Service Provider may earn in any regulatory year of the first regulatory control period may be adjusted for any carry-over mechanisms provided for in the relevant existing revenue determination and in any other arrangements agreed between the AER and the Transmission Network Service Provider for the purposes of, and in accordance with, the existing revenue determination.