MMC Committee definition

MMC Committee means the Compensation Committee of the MMC Board.

Examples of MMC Committee in a sentence

  • Participants in the Plan shall be those Employees selected by the Committee with the approval of the MMC Committee.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing or any other provision of the Plan, the Committee shall advise the MMC Committee of any determinations, interpretations or any other actions it intends to make or to take pursuant to the provisions of the Plan with respect to Section 8(b)(ii) or Section 9 prior to making any such determination or interpretation or taking other action.

  • In the event the MMC Committee disagrees with such intended determination, interpretation or action, the Committee and the MMC Committee shall negotiate in good faith to arrive at a resolution to such disagreement; failing which the Committee and the MMC Committee shall submit the matter to arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association.

  • The Committee shall, with the approval of the MMC Committee, determine the Participants to whom Options and Restricted Stock shall be granted or sold and the terms and conditions of any and all Options and Restricted Stock granted or sold to Participants.

  • During 2007, the Committee and the MMC Committee shall conduct a formal review of the Plan to determine its continued appropriateness.

  • Special Retention Grants may be made with such terms and conditions as are determined by the Committee to be consistent with the purpose of such grant, subject to the approval of the MMC Committee.

  • As soon as practicable following consummation of the Special Transaction, the Committee (or the Committee of the resulting entity) and the MMC Committee shall conduct a formal review of the Plan with a view toward adopting an amended, new or successor plan (the "New Plan").

  • Subject to Sections 7, 8 and 9, and unless otherwise determined by the Committee with the approval of the MMC Committee, all Restricted Stock granted or sold to a Participant at any time shall vest in accordance with the vesting schedule set forth in the applicable Award Agreement, provided that the Committee, subject to the approval of the MMC Committee, may accelerate the vesting of any Restricted Stock, at any time and from time to time.

  • Notwithstanding the above, if, as of any Valuation Date, no Fair Market Value has been established (as described herein), then, unless otherwise determined by the Committee with the approval of the MMC Committee, there shall be no purchases or sales of Class B Shares or grants of Restricted Stock or Options pursuant to the Plan until such time that a valuation of Class B Shares shall have been finalized.

  • For the last day of the second fiscal quarter (the “June 30 Price”) and the last day of the fourth fiscal quarter (the “December 31 Price”), the value of 100% of Putnam as the midpoint of the range of values determined by a nationally recognized independent valuation firm chosen by the Committee with the approval of the MMC Committee, in accordance with guidelines set forth in Exhibit C.

Related to MMC Committee

  • Sub-Committee means a committee of a committee created by the Board.

  • CSR Committee means the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Board referred to in section 135 of the Act.

  • P&T committee means a committee of the hospital composed of physicians, pharmacists, and other health professionals that evaluates the clinical use of drugs within the hospital, develops policies for managing drug use and administration in the hospital, and manages the hospital drug formulary system. “Physician” means a person who is currently licensed in Iowa to practice medicine and surgery, osteopathic medicine and surgery, or osteopathy. A physician who executes a written protocol with an authorized pharmacist shall supervise the pharmacist’s activities involved in the overall management of patients receiving medications or disease management services under the protocol. The physician may

  • Campaign committee means the committee designated by a candidate to receive all contributions

  • Board Committee means those individual Directors who have been appointed by the Board of Directors with the powers and responsibilities specified in Article V and to which has been delegated any fiduciary responsibilities of the Board of Directors with respect to the Plan.

  • Joint Committee means the Joint Committee established by Article 164(1) of the withdrawal agreement;

  • Banning Committee means a Committee constituted for the purpose of these guidelines by the competent authority. The members of this Committee shall not, at any stage, be connected with the tendering process under reference.

  • Party committee means any committee organized by or authorized by the

  • Selection Committee means a committee of individual(s) who evaluate and rank proposals; conduct negotiations; and makes a contract award recommendation to the District and its respective Committees.

  • Nomination Committee means the nomination committee of the Board established in accordance with Article 116;

  • Plan Committee means a committee of two or more directors appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.

  • Advisory Committee means the Employer's Advisory Committee as from time to time constituted.

  • Project Committee means a Committee comprising the Minister, the Lord Mayor or Deputy Lord Mayor of the City and the Chairman or Acting Chairman of the Metropolitan Region Planning Authority constituted under and for the purposes of this Agreement;

  • Transition Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 2.14.

  • Screening Committee means the State level Screening Committee constituted in terms of sub-rule (2) of rule 123 of these rules.

  • Audit Committee or Committee means Committee of Board of Directors of the Company constituted under provisions of Listing agreement and Companies Act, 2013.

  • Listing Committee the listing committee of the Stock Exchange;

  • Independent Board Committee means the independent board committee of the Company

  • Nominating Committee means the nominating committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.

  • Supervisory Committee means the Comisión Fiscalizadora of the Company.

  • Managing Committee means the individual or the body of individuals entrusted or charged with the management and administration of a private educational institution and where a society, trust, or an association manages more than one such institution, includes the managing committee of each such institution;

  • Oversight Committee means the committee established to monitor the overall implementation of the Canada-Ontario-AMO-Toronto Agreement.

  • OPSI Advisory Committee means the committee established under Tariff, Attachment M, section III.G.

  • Compensation Committee means the Compensation Committee of the Board.

  • Evaluation Committee means a body appointed to perform the evaluation of Offerors’ proposals.

  • Research Committee has the meaning set forth in Section 2.2(a).