Ministerial definition

Ministerial means a routine governmental action or decision that involves little or no discretion. The issuance of a zoning compliance is such an action.
Ministerial means acting “in a prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of legal authority, without the exercise of th e person’s own judgment or discretion as the propriety of the action taken.” The clerk may appoint deputies, for whose acts the cl erk is liable, which deputies have the same power as the clerk, excepting the power to appoint deputies. Ss. 28.06 and 112.312(17), F.S.
Ministerial means acting “in a prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of legal authority, without the exercise of

Examples of Ministerial in a sentence

  • The obligations of each ministry involved in the delivery of assistive listening technology to children and youth are specified in the Inter-Ministerial Protocol for the Provision of Audiological Support Service (the Protocol), within the Inter- Ministerial Protocol for the Provision of Support Services to Schools (2013).

  • The annual report provided to the Ministerial Council and tabled in each Parliament is a key component of how Ahpra and National Boards are accountable to the Ministerial Council and parliaments.

  • Under the National Law, the Ministerial Council may provide policy directions to Ahpra and the National Boards, approve registration standards, make regulations and approve certain other recommendations from National Boards in respect of specialist registration, or endorsements on registration.

  • Without the power to employ staff or enter into contracts, National Boards rely on the partnership with Ahpra for the services provided under the HPAs. Accountable to the Ministerial Council and Australian parliaments for: • proper exercise of functions under National Law, including regulatory policies and the quality of their regulatory decisions.

  • However, accountabilities for National Scheme entities also arise from statutory instruments, including policy directions from the Ministerial Council and from statutory agreements or other negotiated agreements.

More Definitions of Ministerial

Ministerial means taking actions in a prescribed manner in obedience to the mandate of legal authority, without the exercise of the person’s own judgment or discretion as to the propriety of the actions taken. Section 112.312(17), F.S.
Ministerial means an action that allows for little discretion and requires adherence to previous decisions or adopted rules and regulations.
Ministerial means execution of a specific non-discretionary duty arising from fixed and designated facts. NOTE: For example, calculation of prejudgment interest is a ministerial action;
Ministerial means, as defined in “Public Resources Code CEQA Guidelines Section 15369: ‘Ministerial” describes a governmental decision involving little or no personal judgment by the public official as to the wisdom or manner of carrying out the project. The public official merely applies the law to the facts as presented but uses no special discretion or judgment in reaching a decision. A ministerial decision involves only the use of fixed standards or objective measurements, and the public official cannot use personal, subjective judgment in deciding whether or how the project should be carried out.” These standards must be applied administratively to the application and not subject to discretionary decision making by a legislative body.
Ministerial means a police employee of subordinate rank of and above the rank of Head Constable whose duties are entirely clerical.
Ministerial. [Guidelines § 15369] means a governmental decision involving little or no personal judgment by the public official as to the wisdom or manner of carrying out the activity. The public official merely implements legal requirements rather than using special discretion or judgment in reaching a decision.
Ministerial acts means acts which do not involve an exercise of discretion or judgment. 1980 Op.Att'y.Gen. 148.