Examples of Meeting Date in a sentence
Item: 04Subject: DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST RECOMMENDATION That Disclosures of Interest be presented DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST DECLARATION Name of Meeting: Meeting Date: Item Number: Subject:I, the undersigned, hereby declare the following interest: Pecuniary:Take no part in the consideration and voting and be out of sight of the meeting.
Meeting Date: Monday, May 2, 2016 at 4:30 p.m. Deadline for submission of items: Monday, April 25, 2016 by Noon.
Mr. Kuzmich will mail back their original applications in addition to Board Meeting Date information and information regarding education and on-the-job training for Journeyperson license types.
Documentation is also available on the District website www.humboldtunified.com; on the home page, go to the School Board tab →Board Packets →Select Year→Select Meeting Date.
The Initial Meeting Date referenced below is the latter of the Pre-Design Conference or the OPR Workshop for the Commissioning Agent, if required, as scheduled by the Onwer.