LANDLORD'S INSURANCE PREMIUMS means the premiums for Landlord's Insurance Coverages, Landlord's Insurance Coverages being defined in paragraph 8.02.
LANDLORD'S INSURANCE PREMIUMS sums equivalent to the premiums incurred by the Landlord from time to time for keeping the Offices Portion of the Landlord’s Building and the Landlord’s Building Plant and Machinery insured against the Insured Risks pursuant to the Landlord’s obligation under Paragraph 1 of the Fourth Schedule hereto; “Landscaped Areas” those parts of the Public Areas which are landscaped or intended to be landscaped from time to time and maintained as such;


  • Insurance Premiums shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.1(b) hereof.

  • Insurance Rent the sums described in paragraph 1.1 of Schedule 4; “Insured Risks” the risks of fire (including subterranean fire), lightning, explosion, storm, flood, subsidence, landslip, heave, earthquake, burst or overflowing water pipes, tanks or apparatus, impact by aircraft or other aerial devices and any articles dropped from them, impact by vehicles, terrorism, riot, civil commotion and malicious damage to the extent, in each case, that cover is generally available on normal commercial terms in the UK insurance market at the time the insurance is taken out, and any other risks against which the Landlord reasonably insures from time to time, subject in all cases to any excesses, limitations and exclusions imposed by the insurers;20

  • Insurance Premium means the amount that each Debtor shall pay on a monthly basis to Agos pursuant to the relevant Consumer Loan Agreement, in relation to the insurance premium paid by Agos to the relevant Insurance Company under any Financed Insurance Policy.

  • Ground Rent means any rent, additional rent or other charge payable by the tenant under the Ground Lease.

  • Building Operating Expenses means the portion of “Operating Expenses,” as that term is defined in Section 4.2.7 below, allocated to the tenants of the Building pursuant to the terms of Section 4.3.1 below.

  • Insurance Expenses means any Insurance Proceeds (i) applied to the repair of the related Leased Vehicle, (ii) released to the related Lessee in accordance with applicable law or the Customary Servicing Practices or (iii) representing other related expenses incurred by the Servicer that are not otherwise included in Liquidation Expenses or Disposition Expenses and recoverable by the Servicer under any applicable Servicer Basic Documents.

  • Property Insurance is defined in Section 6.10(a).

  • Supplemental Rent means all amounts, liabilities and obligations (other than Basic Rent) which the Lessee assumes or agrees to pay to the Lessor, the Trust Company, the Holders, the Agent, the Lenders or any other Person under the Lease or under any of the other Operative Agreements including without limitation payments of the Termination Value and the Maximum Residual Guarantee Amount and all indemnification amounts, liabilities and obligations.

  • Tenant’s Property means Removable Installations and, other than Installations, any personal property or equipment of Tenant that may be removed without material damage to the Premises, and (z) “Installations” means all property of any kind paid for by Landlord, all Alterations, all fixtures, and all partitions, hardware, built-in machinery, built-in casework and cabinets and other similar additions, equipment, property and improvements built into the Premises so as to become an integral part of the Premises, including, without limitation, fume hoods which penetrate the roof or plenum area, built-in cold rooms, built-in warm rooms, walk-in cold rooms, walk-in warm rooms, deionized water systems, glass washing equipment, autoclaves, chillers, built-in plumbing, electrical and mechanical equipment and systems, and any power generator and transfer switch.

  • Insurance Costs means the sums described in paragraph 1.1 of Part 5 of the Schedule;

  • Lease Term means the term of this Lease which shall commence on the Commencement Date and continue for the period specified in Section J of the Summary.

  • Casualty insurance means liability insurance.

  • Rents means all of the rents, royalties, issues, profits, revenues, earnings, income and other benefits of the Property, or arising from the use or enjoyment of the Property, including all such amounts paid under or arising from any of the Leases and all fees, charges, accounts or other payments for the use or occupancy of rooms or other public facilities within the Real Property.

  • Special Primary Insurance Premium With respect to any Special Primary Insurance Policy, the monthly premium payable thereunder. Statutory Trust Statute: Chapter 38 of Title 12 of the Delaware Code, 12 Del.C. §3801 et seq., as the same may be amended from time to time.

  • Casualty Retainage means an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the costs actually incurred for work in place as part of the Restoration, as certified by the Casualty Consultant, until the Restoration has been completed. The Casualty Retainage shall in no event, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth above in this Section 6.4(b), be less than the amount actually held back by Borrower from contractors, subcontractors and materialmen engaged in the Restoration. The Casualty Retainage shall not be released until the Casualty Consultant certifies to Lender that the Restoration has been completed in accordance with the provisions of this Section 6.4(b) and that all approvals necessary for the re-occupancy and use of the Property have been obtained from all appropriate governmental and quasi-governmental authorities, and Lender receives evidence satisfactory to Lender that the costs of the Restoration have been paid in full or will be paid in full out of the Casualty Retainage; provided, however, that Lender will release the portion of the Casualty Retainage being held with respect to any contractor, subcontractor or materialman engaged in the Restoration as of the date upon which the Casualty Consultant certifies to Lender that the contractor, subcontractor or materialman has satisfactorily completed all work and has supplied all materials in accordance with the provisions of the contractor’s, subcontractor’s or materialman’s contract, the contractor, subcontractor or materialman delivers the lien waivers and evidence of payment in full of all sums due to the contractor, subcontractor or materialman as may be reasonably requested by Lender or by the title company issuing the Title Insurance Policy, and Lender receives an endorsement to the Title Insurance Policy insuring the continued priority of the lien of the Mortgage and evidence of payment of any premium payable for such endorsement. If required by Lender, the release of any such portion of the Casualty Retainage shall be approved by the surety company, if any, which has issued a payment or performance bond with respect to the contractor, subcontractor or materialman.

  • Tenant’s Proportionate Share is, subject to the provisions of this Paragraph 3, the percentage number described in Item 4 of the Basic Lease Provisions. Tenant's Proportionate Share represents a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of square feet of Rentable Area in the Premises and the denominator of which is the number of square feet of Rentable Area in the Project, as determined by Landlord pursuant to Subparagraph 2(d) above.

  • Renewal Rent for the Aircraft means the rent payable therefor in respect of a Renewal Lease Term determined pursuant to Section 17.2.2 of the Lease.

  • Operating Expenses is defined to include all expenses necessary or appropriate for the operation of the Fund (or Class, as applicable), including the Advisor’s investment advisory or management fee detailed in the Investment Advisory Agreement and any Rule 12b-1 fees and other expenses described in the Investment Advisory Agreement, but does not include taxes, leverage interest, brokerage commissions, dividend and interest expenses on short sales, acquired fund fees and expenses (as determined in accordance with SEC Form N-1A), expenses incurred in connection with any merger or reorganization, or extraordinary expenses such as litigation expenses.

  • Excess Insurance means insurance purchased from an insurance company authorized or admitted in the State of New Jersey or deemed eligible by the Commissioner as a surplus lines insurer or from any other entity authorized to provide said coverage in this state pursuant to law, covering losses in excess of an amount set forth in insurance contracts on a specific occurrence, or per accident or annual aggregate basis.

  • Additional Rent means all amounts payable by the Tenant under this Lease except Base Rent, whether or not specifically designated as Additional Rent elsewhere in this Lease;

  • Leased Premises means the Leased Premises as defined in Paragraph 1.

  • Other Charges means all ground rents, maintenance charges, impositions other than Taxes, and any other charges, including, without limitation, vault charges and license fees for the use of vaults, chutes and similar areas adjoining the Property, now or hereafter levied or assessed or imposed against the Property or any part thereof.

  • Tenant Inducement Costs shall not include loss of income resulting from any free rental period, it being agreed that Seller shall bear the loss resulting from any free rental period until the date of Closing and that Purchaser shall bear such loss from and after the date of Closing.