Labor Grade definition

Labor Grade. E" Minimum $5.60 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four months until reaching maximum rate of $11.95 per hour. The following jobs are in "E" Classification: Machinist - 2nd Class Vendor's Inspector Leadman Truck Driver X-Ray Technician Process Inspector Ultra-Sonic Technician LABOR GRADE "F" Minimum $5.85 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four months until reaching maximum rate of $12.45 per hour. The following jobs are in "F" Classification: Furnace Operator General Maintenance Man X-Ray Reader Set-Up Man LABOR GRADE "G" Minimum $6.10 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four months until reaching maximum rate of $12.70 per hour. The following jobs are in "G" Classification: CNC Machine Set-Up Machinist lst Class Experimental Machinist Turret Lathe Set-Up and Operator LABOR GRADE "H" Minimum $6.35 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four months until reaching maximum rate of $13.20 per hour. The following jobs are in "H" Classification: Tool and Die Maker Toolmaker Layout Inspector Welder LEADMAN: In the event the Company establishes a leadman in any classification in any labor grade, it is agreed the rate of the leadman should be 10% above their then current hourly rate, said payment to commence upon the completion of a 30-day trial period in the leadman classification.
Labor Grade. D" Minimum $5.95 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $14.70 per hour. The following jobs are in "D" Classification: Adjustor Torch Brazer Fluorescent Penetrant Operate & Set-up Plater
Labor Grade. E" Minimum $6.20 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $14.95 per hour. The following jobs are in "E" Classification: Machinist - 2nd Class Vendor's Inspector Leadman Truck Driver X-Ray Technician Process Inspector Ultrasonic Technician

Examples of Labor Grade in a sentence

  • An employee who desires consideration for a transfer to an available bargaining unit job opening which is the same or lower Labor Grade shall make written application on a form specified by the Company stating his/her qualifications and the position for which he/she is applying.

  • A demotion is a transfer, for any reason, to a Labor Grade that has a lower maximum hourly rate than the maximum hourly rate of the Employee’s current Labor Grade.

  • An EMPLOYEE who is required to work out of classification in a position assigned a higher Labor Grade shall be compensated at a higher rate of pay, as long as the EMPLOYEE shall have worked in the higher classification for a minimum of one (1) full work hour per occurrence.

  • Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, a demoted Employee will be placed on the highest Step in the Labor Grade to which he or she is demoted which carries a regular straight-time hourly rate lower than the Employee’s hourly rate of pay prior to the demotion.

  • Any Employee whom the Town promotes from a position in one Labor Grade to a different position in a higher Labor Grade will be placed at the lowest Step in the higher Labor Grade that has a regular straight-time hourly rate no less than two percent (2%) higher than that of the position to which the Employee was previously assigned.

More Definitions of Labor Grade

Labor Grade. F" Minimum $6.95 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $15.95 per hour. The following jobs are in "F" Classification: Furnace Operator General Maintenance Man X-Ray Reader Set-Up Man
Labor Grade. G" Minimum $7.20 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $16.20 per hour. The following jobs are in "G" Classification: CNC Machine Set-Up Machinist 1st Class Experimental Machinist Turret Lathe Set-Up and Operator
Labor Grade. H" Minimum $7.45 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $16.70 per hour. The following jobs are in "H" Classification: Tool and Die Maker Toolmaker Layout Inspector Welder
Labor Grade. E" Minimum $5.65 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days anautomatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $12.65per hour. The following jobs are in "E" Classification: Machinist - 2nd Class Vendor's Inspector Leadman Truck Driver X-Ray Technician Process Inspector Ultrasonic Technician LABOR GRADE "F" Minimum $5.90 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $13.15 per hour. The following jobs are in "F" Classification: Furnace Operator General Maintenance Man X-Ray Reader Set-Up Man LABOR GRADE "G" Minimum $6.15 per hour with an increase of $.05 per hour after thirty (30) days and automatic increases of $.10 per hour every four (4) months until reaching maximum rate of $13.40 per hour. The following jobs are in "G" Classification: CNC Machine Set-Up Machinist 1st Class Experimental Machinist Turret Lathe Set-Up and Operator
Labor Grade as used herein is understood to mean a specific level of jobs which fall within the same pay range. A labor grade contains one or more classifications. EXHIBIT BJOB CLASSIFICATIONS
Labor Grade as used herein is understood to mean the job content which is identified with the specific job title. EXHIBIT BJOB CLASSIFICATIONS
Labor Grade means that classifica- tion in the Town of Milford Wage and Classification Plan in which an employ- ee’s position falls based on knowledge, skills and ability required to properly and sufficiently perform the essential func- tions of the position.