JT Patents definition

JT Patents means all patents and all reissues, renewals, re-examinations, and extensions thereof, and patent applications therefor, and any divisions or continuations, in whole or in part, thereof, which claim the composition, manufacture, sale or use of an Agreement Product and that are Controlled by JT or its Controlled Affiliates during the term of this Agreement.
JT Patents means [***]*. In no event shall JT Patents be deemed to include either Corixa Patents or Joint Research Program Patents.
JT Patents means all patents and patent applications (a) (x) that cover patentable inventions or discoveries made by JT solely or together with a Third Party in the course of the Initial Agreement Activities or (y) that cover patentable inventions or discoveries that generically or specifically claim all or any part of any [*] Vaccine, a process for manufacturing any [*] Vaccine, intermediates used in such process or a use of any [*] Vaccine, and (b) which are now or become owned and/or controlled by JT and/or under which JT otherwise has, now or in the future, the right to grant licenses. Included within the definition of JT Patents are any continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, patents of addition, reissues, renewals, extensions, improvement patents and/or foreign counterparts thereof. In no event shall JT Patents be deemed to include the Corixa Patents. The JT Patents in existence as of the Effective Date are listed on Exhibit C.

Examples of JT Patents in a sentence

  • JT shall have the first right, but not the obligation, to prosecute Infringement of the JT Patents by activities conducted by Third Parties.

  • To the actual knowledge of the Key JT Personnel, the JT Patents are free and clear of any liens and encumbrances except for any minor liens and encumbrances that arise in the ordinary course of business and that do not materially detract from JT’s ability to grant licenses thereunder to Gilead as provided herein.

  • If either Party learns of any alleged or threatened infringement of the JT Patents or Gilead Patents, or any misappropriation or misuse of Know-How, of which the other Party is a sole owner, co-owner or licensee, such Party shall promptly notify, in writing, the other Party of such infringement, misappropriation or misuse.

  • JT has provided Gilead with English language translations of the JT Patents listed on Schedule 1.48 of the Original Agreement, and will provide Gilead with English language translations of any other JT Patents included in Schedule 1.59 as soon as practicable.

  • This project will result more efficient procedures in the TOC, reduced time-to-clearance for on-street incidents, a more proactive to traffic signal timing changes, and a closer working relationship between the TC and its operating partners (e.g. TTC, Toronto Police, MTO, etc.) • Transit Signal Priority (TSP) - A review of Transit Signal Priority (TSP) industry best practices was completed in Q4 2016.

  • Most of the flow in the storm drain system contains residual chlorine because of the discharge of chlorinated process water (drinking water from the City of Oak Ridge water supply system) from various uses (primarily cooling water).

  • If JT becomes aware of any request for, or filing or declaration of any interference, opposition, or reexamination relating to JT Patents in the Gilead Expanded Territory for which JT is responsible for Prosecution, JT shall inform Gilead within thirty (30) days of learning of such event.

  • As of the A&R Execution Date, the JT Patents listed in Schedule 1.59 are all of the Patents that JT Controls that would be infringed, but for the licenses granted to Gilead or its Affiliates pursuant to this Agreement, by the manufacture, Development, use, sale, offer for sale or importation of Products for treatment and prophylaxis of HIV infection in the Gilead Expanded Territory by Gilead.

  • To the actual knowledge of the Key JT Personnel there are no Patents (other than the JT Patents) that would be infringed by the manufacture, development, use, sale, offer for sale or importation of Compound for treating HIV infection in the Gilead Expanded Territory.

  • There are no JT Patents or Joint Patents under the VTE Agreement.

Related to JT Patents

  • Joint Patents means all Patents claiming any Joint Invention.

  • Patent Rights means all patents and patent applications, including all divisionals, continuations, substitutions, continuations-in-part, re-examinations, reissues, additions, renewals, extensions, registrations, and supplemental protection certificates and the like of any of the foregoing.

  • Joint Patent Rights means all Patent Rights claiming a Joint Invention.

  • Licensee Patents means all patent applications and patents Controlled by Licensee that claim (a) [***], or (b) [***].

  • Licensed Patents means (a) all United States patents and patent applications listed in Exhibit A, as modified pursuant to Section 2.6.1, including patents arising from such patent applications; and (b) any re-examination certificates thereof, and their foreign counterparts and extensions, continuations, divisionals, and re-issue applications; provided that “Licensed Patents” will not include any claim of a patent or patent application covering any Manufacturing Technology.

  • Product Patents means any Patent Controlled or owned by Quoin in the Territory that, absent the license in Section 2.1, would be infringed by the importation, sale, or use of the Product in the Territory by a third party.

  • Collaboration Patents means any and all Patents that claim or cover any of the Collaboration Know-How.

  • Licensed Patent Rights means:

  • Collaboration Patent Rights means Patent Rights claiming Collaboration Know-How.

  • Program Patent Rights means any Patent Rights that are Controlled by one or both parties and that Cover any Program Technology or Program Materials. For clarification, such Program Patent Rights include the entire scope of all of the claims contained in such Patent Rights.

  • Company Patents means Patents owned by the Company or used or held for use by the Company in the Business.

  • Patent Right means: (a) an issued or granted patent, including any extension, supplemental protection certificate, registration, confirmation, reissue, reexamination, extension or renewal thereof; (b) a pending patent application, including any continuation, divisional, continuation-in-part, substitute or provisional application thereof; and (c) all counterparts or foreign equivalents of any of the foregoing issued by or filed in any country or other jurisdiction.

  • Joint Patent means a patent that issues from a Joint Patent Application.

  • Regents' Patent Rights means The Regents interest in the claims of the United States patents and patent applications, corresponding foreign patents and patent applications (requested under Paragraph 7.3 herein), and any reissues, extensions, substitutions, continuations, divisions, and continuation-in-part applications (but only those claims in the continuation-in-part applications that are entirely supported in the specification and entitled to the priority date of the parent application) based on the patent applications listed in Appendix A (UC Case Nos [ * ] and [ * ]).

  • Licensed Patent means Stanford's rights in U.S. Patent Application, Serial Number , filed , any foreign patent application corresponding thereto, and any divisional, continuation, or reexamination application, extension, and each patent that issues or reissues from any of these patent applications. Any claim of an unexpired Licensed Patent is presumed to be valid unless it has been held to be invalid by a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction from which no appeal can be or is taken. “Licensed Patent” excludes any continuation-in-part (CIP) patent application or patent.

  • Patent means (a) all patents and patent applications in any country or supranational jurisdiction in the Territory, (b) any substitutions, divisionals, continuations, continuations-in-part, provisional applications, reissues, renewals, registrations, confirmations, re-examinations, extensions, supplementary protection certificates and the like of any such patents or patent applications, and (c) foreign counterparts of any of the foregoing.

  • Assigned Patent Rights means all of the following, whether now owned or hereafter acquired or arising:

  • Patent Applications means all published and unpublished nonprovisional and provisional patent applications, reexamination proceedings, invention disclosures and records of invention, applications for certificates of invention and priority rights, in any country and regardless of formal name, including without limitation, substitutions, continuations, continuations-in-part, divisions, renewals, revivals, reissues, re-examinations and extensions thereof.

  • Valid Patent Claim means a claim of an issued and unexpired Patent which has not been disclaimed, revoked, held unenforceable or invalid by a decision of a court or other governmental agency of competent jurisdiction, unappealable or unappealed within the time allowed for appeal, and which has not been admitted to be invalid or unenforceable through reissue or disclaimer or otherwise.

  • Patents means all patents, patent applications and like protections including without limitation improvements, divisions, continuations, renewals, reissues, extensions and continuations-in-part of the same.

  • Joint IP means Joint Know-How and Joint Patents.

  • Licensed IP means the Licensed Patents and the Licensed Know-How.

  • Patent Application means an application for patent protection for an Invention with any domestic or foreign patent-issuing authority.

  • Assigned Patents means all Patents issued to, or for which applications are pending in the name of, Holdings or any of its Subsidiaries and (a) assigned to IP Hold-Co in accordance with the Patent Assignment Agreement, including without limitation any Patents described on Schedule 5.17(a) or that are thereafter acquired by, or filed in the name of, Holdings or any of its Subsidiaries, including Patents that are the subject of Section 6.18.

  • Patent Prosecution means the responsibility and authority for (a) preparing, filing and prosecuting applications (of all types) for any Patent, (b) paying, filing and maintenance fees relating to any Patent, (c) managing any interference, opposition, re-issue, reexamination, revocation, nullification, or cancellation proceeding relating to the foregoing, (d) deciding to abandon Patent(s) and (e) settling any interference, opposition, revocation, nullification or cancellation proceeding.

  • Transferred Patents means those Patents identified on Schedule 1.01(g).