Industrial uses definition

Industrial uses means the activities within land areas predominantly connected with manufacturing, assembly, processing, or storage of products.
Industrial uses means the activities predomi- nantly connected with manufacturing, assembly, pro- cessing, or storage of products.
Industrial uses means the use of electricity, coal, gas, fuel oil, coke, or nuclear fuel, in a continuing business activity of manufacturing or producing tangible personal property or services as set forth in C.R.S. 39-26-104(c), (d), (d.1) and (d.2). Department regulation (39-)26-102.21

Examples of Industrial uses in a sentence

  • Product Use Description[SU3] Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites; [PC21] Laboratory chemicals; [PROC15] Use as laboratory reagent;Intended for laboratory use only.

  • Product Use Description[SU3] Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites; [PC21] Laboratory chemicals;Substrate Solution.

  • Product Use Description[SU3] Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites; [PC21] Laboratory chemicals;Intended for laboratory use only.

  • Product Use Description[SU3] Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites; [PC21] Laboratory chemicals;Intended for use in routine analytics, including quality control and monitoring.

  • Product Use Description[SU3] Industrial uses: Uses of substances as such or in preparations at industrial sites; [PC35] Washing and cleaning products (including solvent based products);Cleaner.

More Definitions of Industrial uses

Industrial uses means a use that includes the assembly, production, or storage of finished or semi- finished materials or components into a finished or semi-finished product.
Industrial uses means those activities involving land used for manufacturing of food products, apparel and fabric, lumber and wood products, furniture and fixtures, paper products, printing and publishing, chemicals, petroleum products, plastics, leather goods, stone, clay and glass, fabricated metal products, precision instruments, and miscellaneous manufacturing; railroad, motor vehicle, aircraft, marine craft transportation; automobile parking; communications; other transportation, communication, or utilities; water systems; sanitary land fills; or auto wrecking yards as defined by the Kitsap County zoning ordinance.
Industrial uses is defined in Recital C to this Agreement. “LAFCO” is defined in Recital D to this Agreement. “Lender” is defined in Section 12.1.1 to this Agreement.
Industrial uses means manufacturing; mineral processing, exploration or extraction; snowmaking; commercial recreational services and operations; and other uses that are neither municipal, domestic nor agricultural.
Industrial uses means use of land/building for production, manufacturing, bulk storage and large scale processing
Industrial uses means all manufacturing facilities.
Industrial uses means an area contiguous to the road segment with mainly warehouse, distribution and manufacturing development.