Individual Service Strategy (ISS definition

Individual Service Strategy (ISS means an on going plan for youth developed jointly by the participant and the case manager/youth provider that meets the requirements of WIA Section 129(c)(1)(B), including identifying an age-appropriate academic and career goal and consideration of the assessment results for each youth (20 CRF 664.405 (a)(2).
Individual Service Strategy (ISS means a written outline of employment and training goals needed for a youth to attain self-sufficiency by finding and maintaining employment.
Individual Service Strategy (ISS means, for the purpose of this rule, the individual career plan that is developed by the participant and the CSSP case manager. The ISS includes all funding sources planned to meet the participant’s needs, including CSSP resources and resources other than CSSP. This rule applies to any ISS that includes CSSP funding.

Examples of Individual Service Strategy (ISS in a sentence

  • Work experiences are appropriate and desirable activities for many youth throughout the year, as determined by the youth’s Individual Service Strategy (ISS).

  • Describe process for developing the Individual Service Strategy (ISS) and use of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP), including provision of wraparound support services.

  • An incentive award must be tied to the goals of the specific program aligned with the local youth programs organizational policies as identified in the Individual Service Strategy (ISS).

  • All activity must be documented in the participant’s Individual Service Strategy (ISS) and learning plan.

  • Anion sensing properties.The addition of anionic salts (tetrabutylammonium salts) to EN was markedly accom- panied by naked eye observable colour changes, with the change in colours based on the individual anions added (Fig.

  • The requested documents need to be ready to produce, letters already drafted etc.

  • Reasonable incentives are allowable only if the local workforce board has written policies and procedures governing incentive payments, and the provision of an incentive is included in the participant's Individual Service Strategy (ISS).

  • Information collected during the assessment process is used to develop individual service strategies for youth and will be recorded on the Individual Service Strategy (ISS) and documented in the electronic case file.

  • The Youth Program provider must provide an objective assessment of the academic and occupational skill levels as well as needs and strengths of each participant to identify appropriate services and career pathways for each participant and to collect information for the Individual Service Strategy (ISS).

  • Commands:ls Print out a list of Experiment IDs. predict Make predictions using a predict Run Raster Vision commands against Experiments.

Related to Individual Service Strategy (ISS

  • Individual service plan means the written description of services, supports, and activities to be provided to an individual.

  • Basic generation service provider or "provider" means a

  • Basic generation service or "BGS" means electric generation

  • financial service supplier means any natural or juridical person of a Party wishing to supply or supplying financial services but the term “financial service supplier” does not include a public entity;

  • Education service provider means an education management organization, school

  • PJM Administrative Service means the services provided by PJM pursuant to Tariff, Schedule 9. PJM Board:

  • Service Planning Team or “SPT” means a team who includes the Individual and/or the Individual’s identified support network, Contractor’s lead administrative staff supporting medical, behavioral and activity oversight called out in this Contract, Contractor’s Administrator or designee and ODHS Designee. The team is responsible for overseeing the Individual’s Service Plan and all other associated plans or services in this Contract.

  • Actual service means the total straight-time pay hours accumulated in a title. The first 240 hours per year of authorized unpaid time off for non- disciplinary reasons shall not be deducted from actual service.

  • Electric generation service means the provision of retail

  • Local Service Provider (LSP) is the LEC that provides retail local Exchange Service to an End User. The LSP may or may not provide any physical network components to support the provision of that End User’s service.

  • Commercial Service means service to Customers engaged primarily in the sale of goods or services including institutions and local, sate and federal government agencies for uses other than those involving manufacturing or electric power generation.

  • DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES means therapies, typically provided by a qualified professional using a treatment plan, that are intended to lessen deficiencies in normal age appropriate function. The therapies generally are meant to limit deficiencies related to injury or disease that have been present since birth. This is true even if the deficiency was detected during a later developmental stage. The deficiency may be the result of injury or disease during the developmental period. Developmental services are applied for sustained periods of time to promote acceleration in developmentally related functional capacity. This plan covers developmental services unless specifically listed as not covered.

  • Payment Initiation Service Provider or “PISP” means an authorised third party provider which provides a service that allows that third party to pass payment instructions to us on your behalf in relation to your Account.

  • Individual monitoring means the assessment of:

  • Retail Service and Maintenance Sector Means the service and maintenance of retail facilities which includes financial institutions, retail businesses, schools and hospitals but does not include commercial premises as defined.

  • aerodrome control service means air traffic control service for aerodrome traffic;

  • Managed Services means the services provided by a Client to End Users using the SaaS and Client’s intellectual capital and/or additional services supplied by Client.

  • Dental Services means diagnostic, preventive, or corrective

  • Individualized family service plan means a written plan for providing early intervention services to an eligible child and the child’s family.

  • Basic health plan services means that schedule of covered

  • Local Service Provider (LSP means the LEC that provides retail local Exchange Service to an End User. The LSP may or may not provide any physical network components to support the provision of that End User’s service.

  • Cannabis retailer means any licensed person or entity that purchases or otherwise obtains usable cannabis from cannabis cultivators and cannabis items from cannabis manufacturers or cannabis wholesalers, and sells these to consumers from a retail store, and may use a cannabis delivery service or a certified cannabis handler for the off-premises delivery of cannabis items and related supplies to consumers. A cannabis retailer shall also accept consumer purchases to be fulfilled from its retail store that are presented by a cannabis delivery service which will be delivered by the cannabis delivery service to that consumer.

  • Base Load Generation Resource means a Generation Capacity Resource that operates at least 90 percent of the hours that it is available to operate, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.

  • Individual development account means a contract between an account holder and a fiduciary organization, for the deposit of funds into a financial institution by the account holder, and the deposit of matching funds into the financial institution by the fiduciary organization, to allow the account holder to accumulate assets for use toward achieving a specific purpose approved by the fiduciary organization.

  • Basic Municipal Service means a municipal service that is necessary to ensure an acceptable and reasonable quality of life and which, if not provided, would endanger public health or safety or the environment;

  • Family support services means providing opportunities for