Gross earnings definition

Gross earnings means all monies earned by the Employee under the terms of this Collective Agreement.
Gross earnings as used herein, shall be understood to mean the total earnings realized by an employee from the payment of wage rates for straight time, overtime, vacation pay and statutory holiday pay.
Gross earnings means the gross earnings of the System, including earnings of the System derived from sewerage charges imposed by the Municipality, all payments to the Municipality under any wastewater treatment service agreements between the Municipality and any contract users of the System, and any other monies received from any source including all rentals and fees and any special assessments levied and collected in connection with the Project;

Examples of Gross earnings in a sentence

  • Is calculated as a percentage of Total Gross Earnings on straight time, overtime, premiums, and penalties, and is paid to all employees with their weekly remuneration.

More Definitions of Gross earnings

Gross earnings means recurring payments by employer to the employee for employment, before any authorized or lawfully required deduction or withholding of funds by the employer, excluding irregular bonuses, retroactive pay, overtime, penalty pay, reimbursement of expenses, expense allowances, and the employer’s contribution for welfare benefits.
Gross earnings means the dentist's gross earnings from the provision of general dental services under the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, the National Health Service Act 2006 prior to 1 April 2006 or the Health and Personal Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972, as amended, and does not include remuneration by way of salary and, where the dentist's name is included in sub-part A of the first part, or Part A prior to 2 July 2010, of two or more dental lists during any part of the test period, shall include all gross earnings on an aggregated basis;
Gross earnings as referred to herein shall mean previous years T-4 earnings less previous year's vacation pay and taxable benefits.
Gross earnings in relation to premises means the gross earnings of the premises as a whole from the provision of general dental services under the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, as amended;
Gross earnings means the amount of earnings before any deductions are made, for example tax, National Insurance contributions, pension contributions and trade union subscriptions.
Gross earnings means the dentist's gross earnings from the provision of general dental services under Health and Personal Social Services (Northern Ireland) Order 1972, as amended, and does not include remuneration by way of salary;
Gross earnings means the dentist's gross earnings, excluding any remuneration by way of salary or relief of pain clinics, from the provision or performance of pilot personal dental services under the Health Services Primary Care (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 and from the provision by the dentist in person of general dental services under the Health and Personal Social Services Order (Northern Ireland) 1972, including: