Geographical site definition

Geographical site means contiguous land ownership by 1 landowner. A public right of way, such as a road, railroad, and watercourse, through part of the site, is not considered to break the continuity. Where transmission and fuel delivery rights-of-way or a strip of land that serves no other purpose than as a transportation or materials handling link connects 2 or more otherwise separate geographical sites, the connected sites shall be considered separate geographical sites.

Examples of Geographical site in a sentence

  • B.3. Description of the project boundary: According to methodology AMS I.D, version 17 the boundary for this project type is delineated by: • Geographical site: the area where the project is constructed which includes the dam, the reservoir, the tunnel, the power house and the sub-station.• Physical boundary: This consists of all power plants connected physically to the electricity system, which is defined as the Huapanh Grid and the National Grid of Vietnam, to which the project is connected.

  • Monthly metrological parameters for Dubai (PVsyst software 2018) Geographical site parameters such as: the amount of irradiation (Horizontal global irradi- ation and Horizontal diffusion irradiation), wind, ambient temperature and humidity as well, were calculated with the help of PVsyst software.

  • As used in these rules:(a) "Gasoline" means any petroleum distillate which has a Reid vapor pressure equal to or greater than 4.0 psia and which is used for automotive fuel.(b) "Geographical site" means contiguous land ownership by 1 landowner.

  • In compliance with USDA’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) policy, the project’s contractor will conduct a baseline study, and if awarded the option periods, the midterm and final evaluations.

  • At each site the following data were collected: Geographical site location (latitude/longitude); Observed vegetation class (Table 2); A rating of the operator-confidence in the assigned vegetation class (high, medium or low) see Appendix 1, A geo-tagged photograph of the vegetation (Figure 4).

  • Figure 27: Geographical site parameters: Interactive Map After all geographical parameters are detailed, orientation of the power plant is defined.

  • Figure 26: Geographical site parameters: Meteorological dataThe meteorological data in Figure 26 provides important values such as the global horizontal irradiance (GHI), diffuse horizontal irradiance (DHI), temperature, wind velocity, linked turbidity and relative humidity for computation of energy generation.

  • Juni 2022 Vorstellung des Exposure Draft ESRS E4 Biodiversity & Ecosystems 13 Deep dive in ausgewählte BerichtsanforderungenAG on ESRS 2-IRO1 & 2: Biodiversity and ecosystems impacts, risks and opportunities Breakdown by:(i) Geographical site locations(ii) Raw materialsThe undertaking shall disclose the outcomes of the process: Cover both:(i) Own operations(ii) Value chain10.

  • The Geographical site selected is Surat and data of this site lies on 21.17° N latitude and 72.83° E longitude, 20° tilt, 0° Azimuth, 14 meters above sea level (i.e. Altitude is 14 m).

  • Geographical site (effects can have impact on different countries/places).

Related to Geographical site

  • Geographical Area means North America, Europe or Asia Pacific, as the case may be.

  • Geographic Service Area or “Service Area” means an area as defined in Section 1345(k) of the Health and Safety Code.

  • Geographic Area means the three digit zip code in which the service, treatment, procedure, drugs or supplies are provided; or a greater area if necessary to obtain a representative cross-section of charge for a like treatment, service, procedure, device drug or supply.

  • Geographic Region means the geographic area in which I, during any time within the last two years of my employment with the Company, provided services or had a material presence or influence.

  • Geographic Territory shall include any territory formally assigned to Employee as well as all territories in which Employee has provided any services, sold any products or otherwise had responsibility at any time during the eighteen (18) month period preceding Employee’s date of separation;

  • Archaeological site means a geographic locality in Washington, including but not limited to, submerged and submersible lands and the bed of the sea within the state's jurisdiction, that contains archaeological objects.

  • the Territory means the sub-Saharan Continent, south of the 15N latitude.

  • Established geographic service area means a geographic area, as approved by the Commissioner and based on the carrier's certificate of authority to transact insurance in this state, within which the carrier is authorized to provide coverage;

  • Restricted Territories means: (i) Cuba, Sudan, Iran, North Korea, Syria and the territory of Crimea / Sevastopol; and (ii) any other country or territory that is subject to sanctions by the United Kingdom, the European Union, the U.S, United Nations or elsewhere.

  • Geographical Limits means

  • Geographic information system or “GIS” means a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographical data.

  • Restricted Geographic Area is defined as all countries, territories, parishes, municipalities and states in which Company is doing business or is selling its products at the time of termination of Employee’s employment with Company, including but not limited to every parish and municipality in the state of Louisiana. Employee acknowledges that this geographic scope is reasonable given Employee's position with Company, the international scope of Company's business; and the fact that Employee could compete with Company from anywhere Company does business.

  • Area means Monterey County, San Benito County, and Santa Cruz County.

  • geographical indication , in relation to goods, means an indication which identifies such goods as agricultural goods, natural goods or manufactured goods as originating, or manufactured in the territory of a country, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of such goods is essentially attributable to its geographical origin and in case where such goods are manufactured goods one of the activities of either the production or of processing or preparation of the goods concerned takes place in such territory, region or locality, as the case may be.

  • Areas means such areas within the DAS Areas that are identified in Annexure A annexed to this Agreement;

  • Restricted Territory means the United States of America.

  • Restricted Areas means (i) all areas within the Facility that are not generally accessible to the public, including judges’ xxxxxxxx, all non-public restrooms, elevators, break rooms, and corridors, and other non-public spaces that are dedicated for use only by judges or Court staff and employees, (ii) public areas of a Facility during non-business hours that are subject to security screening during normal business hours, and (iii) the areas defined as Restricted Areas in the Background Check Policy.

  • Restricted Area means an area, access to which is limited by the licensee or registrant for the purpose of protecting individuals against undue risks from exposure to sources of radiation. Restricted area does not include areas used as residential quarters, but separate rooms in a residential building may be set apart as a restricted area.

  • Downtown area means the business area of a community that is centrally located within the community within the context of the Iowa main street program.

  • mile means 5,280 feet.

  • School Site means the land set aside for each type of school, such as Elementary, Junior High, Senior High operated by the School Board, including but not limited to municipal school reserve;

  • Region means the Control Areas and Transmission Facilities with respect to which a Party serves as RTO or Reliability Coordinator under NERC policies and procedures.

  • Territory means worldwide.

  • Market Area means: (1) New York County, New York, and (3) any geographic area in which the Company is conducting any material amount publishing or development of technology during the Term, and for which he has material responsibilities or about which he has material Confidential Information; and

  • Cell Site means a transmitter/receiver location, operated by a CMRS provider, through which radio links are established between a wireless system and a Wireless Phone Handset.

  • Target area means a contiguous geographic area in which 50% or more of the households have income that is less than 80% of the statewide median household income.