General Division definition

General Division means the General Division of the High Court;
General Division means that division of the register referred to in
General Division means the General Division of the Family Court;

Examples of General Division in a sentence

  • The General Division exercises all of the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court other than the jurisdiction referred to in section 58(1).

  • Signed for and on behalf of the CONSTRUCTION FORESTRY MINING & ENERGY UNION (Victorian Construction & General Division): Name: ……………………………………………………………… Position: ……………………………………………………………… Signature: ……………………………………………………………… Witness ……………………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………………… 3.

  • Hearings Tribunal means the first instance tribunal established under clause 8.1, being either the NST General Division or an Internal Tribunal as provided in this Policy.

  • Judge of appeal may sit in General Division if approved A judge of appeal may sit in the General Division with the prior approval of the Chief Justice given after consulting the President.

  • In the event of any dispute arising out of or relating to this Agreement, a suit will be brought only in the General Division of the Ontario Court of Justice.

  • In the case of the absence or inability of the judge upon whom the powers and duties of the Chief Justice devolve under subsection (1), such powers and duties shall during such absence or inability devolve upon the judge in the General Division who is next in seniority.

  • During any vacancy in the office of Chief Justice, or when and so often as the Chief Justice is absent on leave or in consequence of sickness, or for any reason is temporarily unable to perform the duties of his office, then where no judge is specifically appointed by a commission issued under subsection (3) to act in the office of Chief Justice, all the duties and powers of the Chief Justice shall during such vacancy, absence, or inability devolve upon the senior judge in the General Division.

  • Fees collected by the Clerk of Courts under this Rule shall be paid to the County Treasurer for deposit into a General Division Special Projects Fund established through the County Auditor.

  • Completed applications, along with any other documentation required by court policy, shall be submitted to the court administration office and shall be reviewed by the General Division Judges.

  • The special projects fee, in addition to all other court costs, shall be collected on the filing of each criminal cause or civil action in the General Division of Common Pleas Court.

More Definitions of General Division

General Division means, at any time, the Corporation's interest in (i) all of the businesses, products, or development or research programs in which the Corporation or any of its subsidiaries (or any of their predecessors or successors) is or has been engaged, directly or indirectly, other than those allocated to the any Division of the Corporation represented by a series of Common Stock other than the GGD Stock; and (ii) all assets and liabilities of the Corporation to the extent allocated to any such businesses, products, or development or research programs in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied for all of the Corporation's business units. From and after the date on which all of the outstanding shares of any series of Common Stock are exchanged for shares of GGD Stock, cash or a combination thereof, all of the businesses, products, development or research programs, assets and liabilities of the Division represented by such series of Common Stock shall be included in the General Division. The General Division shall be represented by the GGD Stock.
General Division means a General Division of the High Court referred to in section 7(1); "head of the Court" in relation to
General Division means that division of the register referred to in section 43(2)(a);
General Division means the General Division of the National Sport Arbitration Chamber;
General Division means the General Division of the Union.

Related to General Division

  • LLC Division means the division of a limited liability company into two or more limited liability companies, with the dividing company continuing or terminating its existence as a result, whether pursuant to the laws of any applicable jurisdiction or otherwise (including, without limitation, any “plan of division” under Section 18-217 of the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act or any similar statute or provision under applicable law or otherwise).

  • Finance commission means the Finance Commission of Texas.

  • Annual Division of Revenue Act means the Act of Parliament, which must be enacted annually in terms of section 214 (1) of the Constitution;

  • District superintendent means the superintendent of a district or the chief administrator of a public school academy.

  • Michigan economic development corporation means the public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999, as amended, between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund. If the Michigan economic development corporation is unable for any reason to perform its duties under this act, those duties may be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.

  • Gas public utility means a public utility, as that term is defined

  • Local district means a local government entity under Title 17B, Limited Purpose

  • Regional economic integration organization means an organization constituted by sovereign States of a given region to which its member States have transferred competence in respect of matters governed by this Convention and which has been duly authorized, in accordance with its internal procedures, to sign, ratify, accept, approve or accede to this Convention;

  • University Community means all students and employees of the University, persons officially associated with the University, former students and alumni at the University, as well as invitees, visitors and guests.

  • Division means the division of the assets, liabilities and/or obligations of a Person (the “Dividing Person”) among two or more Persons (whether pursuant to a “plan of division” or similar arrangement), which may or may not include the Dividing Person and pursuant to which the Dividing Person may or may not survive.

  • Community Council or “Council” means a duly elected body of MNO citizens that represents a Charter Community,

  • Health and Human Services Commission or “HHSC” means the administrative agency established under Chapter 531, Texas Government Code, or its designee.

  • Local district officers means those local district board members that are required