Examples of Annual Division of Revenue Act in a sentence
Kgetlengrivier Local Municipality operates its financial management within the framework of Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) Act No 56 of 2003 and the Annual Division of Revenue Act (DoRA).Key focus areas are as follows; The Financial Department comprises out of the following divisions: Income, Expenditure, Budget Office, Credit Control, Asset Management, Risk Management & Supply Chain ManagementFOCUSTo ensure efficient and effective financial management.
The cornerstone of the reform initiative has been implemented through the MFMA No 56 of 2003, which became effective in July 2004 and was supported by the Annual Division of Revenue Act.
Moreover, these parameters, weak as they appear, are enough for the proof of the main result.
The Financial Management Services branch assists the accounting officer in discharging the duties prescribed in chapter 5 of the PFMA and the Annual Division of Revenue Act.
In fact, all policies and supporting decisions taken by the municipality must be supported through a by-law to make it lawfully enforceable.Section 214 of the Constitution also provides for national government to transfer resources to municipalities in terms of the Annual Division of Revenue Act (DoRA) to assist them in exercising their powers and performing their functions (Constitution of South Africa, 1996).
The following are grants (conditional / non conditional) receivable from National Organs of states for various purposes as indicated in the Annual Division of Revenue Act as availed immediately after the budget speech by the Minister of Finance (Mr P Gordhan) in early February 2011.
The Financial Management Services department assists the Accounting Officer in carrying out the duties stipulated in Chapter 5 of the PFMA and the Annual Division of Revenue Act.
Consultation is mandatory for reassignment of functions in terms of section 27 of the Annual Division of Revenue Act (DORA) and section 6 of Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations Act,1997 (Act No.97 of 1997).Cabinet should have been informed of the desire to shift a function and should have approved the shift in principle before the planning commences.
The provision of financial support is generally addressed in the Annual Division of Revenue Act.
The Annual Division of Revenue Act provides for the equitable division of revenue raised nationally among the national, provincial and local spheres of government for the financial year, the determination of each province’s equitable share and allocations to provinces, local government and municipalities from national government’s equitable share and the responsibilities of all three spheres pursuant to such division and allocations; and to provide for matters connected therewith.