Examples of Fitting in a sentence
Patients’ (n=31) reports on whether or not the three distinguishable factors that emerged from the Q-sorts fitteda them Patients Loading on factor 1 (n=13) Loading on factor 2 (n=8) Loading on factor 3 (n=8) Not loading on any factor (n=2) Fitting factor 1 10 3 2 1 Fitting factor 2 3 6 2 1 Fitting factor 3 1 0 4 0 Fitting just one factor 9 5 4 0 Fitting two factors 1 2 2 1 Non-respondents 0 1 1 1 a‘well’ or ‘very well’.
Fitting includes, but is not limited to, the day to day management practices of feeding, exercising, and show preparation.
Fitting is limited to the exhibitor, his/her mother, father, sister, brother, step-brother, step-sister, step-parent, grandparent or legal guardian (with proof of relationship) or other junior exhibitors participating in the Marquette County Fair Shows.