Existing Regulations definition

Existing Regulations collectively means all of the following which are in force and effect as of the Effective Date: (i) the General Plan (including, without limitation, the XXXX); (ii) the Zoning Ordinance except as modified herein; (iii) the IZO; (iv) any and all ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, specifications and official policies of the City governing, regulating or affecting the demolition, grading, design, development, building, construction, occupancy or use of buildings and improvements or any exactions therefore, except as amended by this Agreement; and (v) the development standards and procedures in Article 2 of this Agreement.
Existing Regulations collectively means all of the
Existing Regulations collectively means all of the following which are in force and effect as of the Effective Date: (i) the General Plan (including, without limitation, the XXXX); (ii) the Zoning Ordinance (including the provisions of the LMSD zone) except as modified herein; (iii) the IZO; (iv) any and all ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, specifications and official policies of the City governing, regulating or affecting the demolition, grading, design, development, building, construction, occupancy or use of buildings and improvements or any exactions therefore, except as amended by this Agreement; and (v) the development standards and procedures in Section 2 of this Agreement.

Examples of Existing Regulations in a sentence

  • Any Subsequent Development Approval, when granted, shall be deemed to be part of the Existing Regulations from the date of approval except as mandated by court order, or as specified in approvals not granted by the City.

  • Any amendment to the Project Approvals or the Development Plan, when granted, shall be deemed to be part of the Existing Regulations from the date of the grant.

  • During the Term, HF or its Assignee, shall have a vested right to develop the Subject Property in accordance with the Existing Regulations, and as subject to the provisions of this Agreement.

  • No testimony or evidence of any such representations, understandings or covenants shall be admissible in any proceeding of any kind or nature to interpret or determine the terms or conditions of this Agreement except as to future and further agreements and the exercise of the Existing Regulations.

  • Except as otherwise provided under the terms of this Agreement, the rules, regulations and official policies governing permitted uses of the Subject Property, the density and intensity of use of the Subject Property, the maximum height and size of proposed buildings, and the design, improvement, and construction standards and specifications applicable to Development of the Subject Property, shall be only the Existing Regulations and those contained in the Development Plan.

More Definitions of Existing Regulations

Existing Regulations means the laws, regulations, provisions, rules of the PRC or any applicable state, provincial or municipal laws, regulations, provisions, rules or any conditions attached to any necessary Consents in force at the date of this Contract.
Existing Regulations means, from the Issue Date to (but excluding) the date of entry into force of Solvency II Regulations, the solvency margin, capital adequacy regulations or any other regulatory capital rules in effect in France, as amended from time to time up to (but excluding) the date of entry into force of Solvency II Regulations in France, or, if the Issuer becomes domiciled in a jurisdiction other than France, such other jurisdiction, and/or any other relevant jurisdiction as applied and construed by the Relevant Supervisory Authority or an official application or interpretation of those regulations including a decision of a court or tribunal and applicable to the Issuer.
Existing Regulations shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.2.
Existing Regulations means regulations made under section 1 of the 1965 Act and having effect by virtue of paragraph 3. 3. Regulations made under section 1 (safety requirements) of the 1965 Act shall have effect as if made under section 9, and may be amended or revoked accordingly. 4. (1) Subject to paragraph 5, no person shall supply, or have in his possession for the purpose of supplying, any goods as respects which, or a component part of which, any requirements of existing regulations are in force unless all the requirements of the regulations relating to the goods or component part are complied with.(2) Subject to paragraph 5, no person shall supply, or have in his possession for the purpose of supplying, a component part intended for but not embodied in goods as respects which, or a component part of which, any requirements of existing regulations are in force, being a component part such that, if it were embodied in the goods, any requirement of the regulations relating to the goods would be contravened or not complied with.
Existing Regulations collectively means all of the following which are in force and effect as of the Effective Date: (i) the General Plan (including the XXXX); (ii) the City’s Zoning Ordinance (including the provisions of the LMSD zone), as amended; and (iii) any and all ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, specifications and official policies of the City governing, regulating or affecting the demolition, grading, design, development, building, construction, occupancy or use of buildings and improvements or any exactions therefore.
Existing Regulations has the meaning set forth in Section 5.1.1(a), below.
Existing Regulations collectively means all of the following which are in force and effect as of the Effective Date: (i) the General Plan (including, without limitation, the LUCE); (ii) the Zoning Ordinance except as modified herein; (iii) the IZO; (iv) any and all ordinances, rules, regulations, standards, specifications and official policies of the City governing, regulating or affecting the demolition, grading, design, development, building, construction, occupancy or use of buildings and improvements or any exactions therefore, except as amended by this Agreement; and (v) the development standards and procedures in Article 2 of this Agreement.