Exception Report definition

Exception Report. As defined in the Custodial Agreement.
Exception Report. The report of the Trustee referred to in Section 2.02.
Exception Report means the exceptions with respect to the representations and warranties made by Seller as to the Mortgage Loans in Section 6(a)(xii) and under the written certificate described in Section 4(b)(iii) of this Agreement, which exceptions are set forth in Schedule V attached hereto and made a part hereof.

Examples of Exception Report in a sentence

  • If County determines that a component or Deliverable does not conform to the applicable Acceptance Criteria, County promptly shall deliver to Vendor an exception report describing the nonconformity (the "Exception Report").

More Definitions of Exception Report

Exception Report. As defined in Section 2.02 hereof.
Exception Report. The list, in the format of Annex 1, of Mortgage Loans delivered by the Custodian to the Trustee as provided in Section 3.2 hereof, reflecting the Mortgage Loans held by the Custodian, which includes codes indicating any Exceptions with respect to each Mortgage Loan listed thereon.
Exception Report means the report prepared by Borrower and attached to this Agreement as Schedule B, setting forth any exceptions to the representations set forth in Article IV.
Exception Report shall have the meaning specified in Section 3(c)(viii).
Exception Report. The list of exceptions attached to the certification.
Exception Report means information provided to the Compliance Enforcement Authority by a Registered Entity indicating that a violation of a Reliability Standard has occurred (e.g., a System Operating Limit has been exceeded) or enabling the Compliance Enforcement Authority to ascertain the Registered Entity’s compliance.
Exception Report means the portion of the Mortgage Loan Schedule and Exception Report detailing Exceptions in respect of each Mortgage Loan.