ELEMENT A definition

ELEMENT A. Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and their district's organized plan of instruction. ELEMENT B: Teachers develop and implement lessons that connect to a variety of content areas/disciplines and emphasize literacy and mathematics. ELEMENT C: Teachers demonstrate knowledge of the content, central concepts, inquiry, appropriate evidence-based instructional practices, and specialized characteristics of the disciplines being taught.
ELEMENT A. Collaborative project management and implementation Throughout the audit period, CWLA will closely collaborate with the firm that wins the management audit contract to manage and implement the project. As the project develops, CWLA will remain flexible, making any necessary adjustments to the work plan to better accommodate what we are learning, and the scope, methods and needs of the management auditors. Implementing the methodology described below will result in better analysis and improved audit recommendations due to ongoing coordination of efforts and information sharing between CWLA and the management auditors Method A.1 Deliver two week practical work schedule During the first week of the project, CWLA will meet with the management auditors to develop practical work schedules for the first three weeks of the project. This will be presented to the County Project Manager.

Examples of ELEMENT A in a sentence

  • STATE REPORTING FORMATS REQUIRING THE DATA ELEMENT: A section which specifies the state reporting formats which school districts must utilize in performing automated state reporting functions.

  • For the purpose of this Guide, and in interpreting the applicable regulations, “must” and “shall” are used interchangeably, and each means that the referenced action “is required.” 2.1 ELEMENT A: PLANNING PROCESS‌Overall Intent: A successful planning process involves bringing tribal members, such as tribal leaders, tribal elders, and other partners together to discuss their knowledge, their perception of risk, and how to meet their needs as part of the process.

  • STATE REPORTING FORMATS REQUIRING THE DATA ELEMENT: A section is included with this document which specifies the state reporting formats which school districts must utilize in performing automated state reporting functions.

  • CNH EQUIPMENT TRUST 2023-B, as Issuing Entity By: Wilmington Trust Company, not in its individual capacity, but solely as Trustee By: /s/ Xxxxxxx X.

  • ELEMENT A: DEMONSTRATED COMMITMENT FROM AGENCY LEADERSHIP This element requires the agency head to communicate a commitment to equal employment opportunity and a discrimination-free workplace.

  • NON-CRITICAL ELEMENT: A task, procedure, or operation which has been determined to be essential to the overall condition, value, or measure comprising a standard, but will not constitute a substantial deviation (major defect) from the standard unless viewed in the context of repeated unsatisfactory performance or non-performance.

  • CRITICAL ELEMENT: A task, procedure, or operation which has been determined to be mandatory to fulfill the condition, value, or measure comprising a standard.

  • These actions outline specifically how the goals of the RTP will be accomplished.REGIONAL STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ACTION ELEMENT A safe and efficient highways, streets and roads system is essential to the movement of people, vehicles and goods in and through Kern County.

  • CDE Dataquest ELEMENT A: DESCRIPTION OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM Governing Law: The educational program of the charter school, designed, among other things, to identify those whom the charter school is attempting to educate, what it means to be an “educated person” in the 21st century, and how learning best occurs.

  • Quality Standard VI: Teachers take responsibility for student academic growth.5.06(a) ELEMENT A: Teachers demonstrate high levels of student learning, growth and academic achievement.5.06(b) ELEMENT B: Teachers demonstrate high levels of student academic growth in the skills necessary for postsecondary and workforce readiness, including democratic and civic participation.

Related to ELEMENT A

  • Element means any electrical device with terminals that may be connected to other electrical devices such as a generator, transformer, circuit breaker, bus section, or transmission line. An Element may be comprised of one or more components.**

  • Energy Use Intensity (EUI means the kBTUs (1,000 British Thermal Units) used per square foot of gross floor area.

  • Cluster means the Group of exchanges/ cluster of contiguous exchanges.

  • Total resource cost test or "TRC test" means a standard that is met if, for an investment in energy efficiency or demand-response measures, the benefit-cost ratio is greater than one. The benefit-cost ratio is the ratio of the net present value of the total benefits of the program to the net present value of the total costs as calculated over the lifetime of the measures. A total resource cost test compares the sum of avoided electric utility costs, representing the benefits that accrue to the system and the participant in the delivery of those efficiency measures, as well as other quantifiable societal benefits, including avoided natural gas utility costs, to the sum of all incremental costs of end-use measures that are implemented due to the program (including both utility and participant contributions), plus costs to administer, deliver, and evaluate each demand-side program, to quantify the net savings obtained by substituting the demand-side program for supply resources. In calculating avoided costs of power and energy that an electric utility would otherwise have had to acquire, reasonable estimates shall be included of financial costs likely to be imposed by future regulations and legislation on emissions of greenhouse gases.

  • Second Level Domain means that portion of a domain name to the left of the right-most period, up to the second period from the right, if any, plus the Top Level Domain. (In the example, “XXXXXXXXX.XXX”.) “Third Level Domain” means that portion of a domain name to the left of the second period from the right, if any, up to the third period from the right, if any, plus the Second Level Domain. (In the example, “XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXX.XXX”.).

  • High radiation area means an area, accessible to individuals, in which radiation levels from radiation sources external to the body could result in an individual receiving a dose equivalent in excess of one mSv (0.1 rem) in one hour at 30 centimeters from any source of radiation or 30 centimeters from any surface that the radiation penetrates.

  • Generator Owner means the Person that owns the Generating Facility and has registered with the NERC as the Person responsible for complying with all NERC Reliability Standards applicable to the owner of the Generating Facility.

  • Top Level Domain means the portion of the Domain Name to the right of the right-most period. (In the example, “COM”.) “Second Level Domain” means that portion of a domain name to the left of the right-most period, up to the second period from the right, if any, plus the Top Level Domain. (In the example, “XXXXXXXXX.XXX”.) “Third Level Domain” means that portion of a domain name to the left of the second period from the right, if any, up to the third period from the right, if any, plus the Second Level Domain. (In the example, “XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXX.XXX”.).

  • Open type traction battery means a liquid type battery requiring refilling with water and generating hydrogen gas released to the atmosphere.

  • Built-Up Area and/or “Covered Area” in relation to a Flat shall mean the floor area of that Flat including the area of balconies and terraces, if any attached thereto, and also the thickness of the walls (external or internal) and the columns and pillars therein Provided That if any wall, column or pillar be common between two Flats, then one-half of the area under such wall column or pillar shall be included in the built-up area of each such Flat.

  • Shadow tray means a device attached to the radiation head to support auxiliary beam blocking material.

  • Network Element is As Defined in the Act.