Digitize definition

Digitize means to convert a work from a hard copy (including microform) format into an electronic representation, using any means and any technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, including making necessary technical adaptations to achieve such conversion (but not including adapting or altering the content of such written work). “Digitization,” “Digitizing” and “Digitized” have corresponding meanings.
Digitize means to convert content from a tangible, analog form into a digital electronic representation of that content.
Digitize means to convert a work from a hard copy (including microform) format into an electronic representation, using any means and any technology, whether now known or hereafter developed, including making necessary technical adaptations to achieve such conversion (but not including adapting or altering the content of such written work). ‘Digitization,’ ‘Digitizing’ and ‘Digitized’ have corresponding meanings.”

Examples of Digitize in a sentence

  • Further, as soon as practicable, Google will provide Plaintiffs, in a form mutually agreed,would Digitize on or before May 5, 2009.

  • The foregoing authorization for Google to Digitize Books and Inserts includes authorization of Google’s contractors to Digitize Books and Inserts for Google, including libraries that may Digitize Books and Inserts, or portions thereof, at Google’s request.

  • If a Book has not yet been Digitized when Google receives a Removal request for that Book, Google will use reasonable efforts not to Digitize that Book, but, in any event, will comply with the request to Remove.

More Definitions of Digitize

Digitize means the scanning of a subject and placing the information in digital form into a computer memory;
Digitize means to convert content from a tangible, analog form into a digital electronic representation of that content. “Digitization”, “Digitizing” and “Digitized” shall have corresponding meanings.
Digitize means to record in digital form information originally recorded in non-digital form;
Digitize and variations thereof, means converting Licensed Content into digital format such that it can be read, utilized and displayed by a device, machine, or any other technology capable of utilizing digital information.

Related to Digitize

  • digital content means data which are produced and supplied in digital form;

  • Feed means feed as defined in point (4) of Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 178/2002;

  • Encrypt means to encode Confidential Information into a format that can only be read by those possessing a “key”; a password, digital certificate or other mechanism available only to authorized users. Encryption must use a key length of at least 256 bits for symmetric keys, or 2048 bits for asymmetric keys. When a symmetric key is used, the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) must be used if available.

  • Images means all types of visual content, including without limitation still photography, motion film or video and may include audio elements, whether generated optically, electronically, digitally or by any other means, and shall include all metadata, keywords, descriptions and captions associated therewith. Any reference to Images includes the whole or the part.

  • Synchronous means an interaction between a provider and a client or member that occurs at the same time using an interactive technology. This may include audio only, video only, or audio with video and may include remote monitoring.¶

  • Interconnector means equipment used to link the electricity system of the State to electricity systems outside of the State;

  • Play or "Bet" means the six (6) numbers, the first five (5) from a field of sixty-nine

  • Filter means material placed in the useful beam to preferentially absorb selected radiations.

  • Microsoft means Microsoft Corporation.

  • Customer Content means all software, data (including personal data), information, text, images, audio, video, photographs, non-AVEVA or third-party applications, and other content and material, in any format, provided by Customer, any of Customer’s users, or on behalf of Customer that is stored in, or run on or through, the Products and Support Services.

  • Servers means the servers established, installed and operated by Licensee within the Territory only for the service of Game to End Users in the Territory.

  • Capture means the process of buffering EDR data in a temporary, volatile storage where it is continuously updated at regular time intervals.

  • Interface means the mixture occurring in pipeline operations between adjoining batches having similar or dissimilar physical characteristics.

  • Modules means the Base Modules and Extended Modules.

  • Camera means a device that renders an image of the outside world and then converts this image into a signal (e.g. video signal).

  • User Content means any comments, remarks, data, feedback, content, text, photographs, images, video, music, or other content or information that you or any Site Visitor or User post to any part of the Site or provide to Upwork, including such content or information that is posted as a result of questions.