Synchronous definition
Examples of Synchronous in a sentence
A Synchronous Conferencing course is delivered through audio and video conferencing to provide synchronous communications (i.e., at the same time) between an instructor at one site and students at other sites.
Fully Online Learning* and Synchronous Conferencing**DEFINITIONS:Courses:A Fully Online Learning (asynchronous) course is a form of distance learning delivered to individuals with access to the Internet, either at home, work or through an access centre.
Synchronous electrical (STS) or optical channel (OC) connections between LECs.
Ancillary Services costs will include payments for Regulation Services and Operating Reserves, including 10 Minute Synchronous, 10 Minute Non-synchronous and 30 Minute Non-synchronous.
A Synchronous Conferencing program describes a program, which is considered to be offered via synchronous conferencing if 80% or more of its courses are delivered via synchronous conferencing and 2 courses are delivered via traditional face-to-face.