Designated supervisor means the supervisor designated by the Superintendent of Schools or designee as the administrator’s supervisor.
Designated supervisor means the supervisor designated by the Superintendent of Schools or designee as the teaching staff member’s supervisor.
Designated supervisor means the supervisor designated by the Superintendent of Schools as the Principal’s, Vice Principal’s, or Assistant Principal’s supervisor.
Examples of Designated supervisor in a sentence
Designated supervisor will e-mail task request to and request intake to be assigned on round robin on the pre- arranged date/time for the MINT intake.
Designated supervisor will be required to conduct four (4) to twelve (12) Oversight tests annually.
Designated supervisor will e-mail task request to and request intake to be assigned on round robin on the pre-arranged date/time for the MINT intake.
Designated supervisor will dispatch after hour calls as follows; Monday-Thursday (Non-Working Hours) – After hour calls during the week will be dispatched by the on-call supervisor from the top of a rotating list.
Designated supervisor to train all staff in licensing law and objectives.
More Definitions of Designated supervisor
Designated supervisor means the supervisor designated by the chief school administrator or his or her designee as the teaching staff member's supervisor.
Designated supervisor means the Employee who, at the University's request, in the absence of a supervisor for one day or more, is responsible for the smooth functioning of the Work Sector concerned. This Employee is temporarily re-assigned and is subject to the provisions of Article 37.07 a).
Designated supervisor means the supervisor designated by the Superintendent (or designee) as the teacher’s supervisor.
Designated supervisor means a Supervisor designated by a Dealer Member as having responsibility to fulfill a supervisory role defined in a Rule, including but not limited to:
Designated supervisor means the supervisors designated by the Superintendent of Schools or designee as the teacher’s supervisor.
Designated supervisor refers to the administrator who is assigned to supervise the unit member by the Superintendent or Designee.
Designated supervisor means a qualified individual