Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery direct from stock actually on hand.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock
More Definitions of Delivery ex stock
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand 1.10. “Delivery into consignees store or to his site” means delivered and unloaded in the specified store or depot or on the specified site in compliance with the conditions of the contract or order, the supplier bearing all risks and charges involved until the supplies are so delivered and a valid receipt is obtained.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand. 1.10.“Delivery into consignees store or to his site” means delivered and unloaded in the specified store
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stockactually on hand.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stockactually on hand.
Delivery ex stock means immediate delivery directly from stock actually on hand. 1.10 “Delivery into consignees store or to his site” means delivered and unloaded in the specified store or depot or on the specified site in compliance with the conditions of the contract or order, the provider bearing all risks and charges involved until the supplies are so delivered and a valid receipt is obtained. 1.11 "Dumping" occurs when a private enterprise abroad market its goods on own initiative in the RSA at lower prices than that of the country of origin and which have the potential to harm the local industries in the RSA. 1.12 ”Force majeure” means an event beyond the control of the provider and not involving the provider’s fault or negligence and not foreseeable. Such events may include, but is not restricted to, acts of the purchaser in its sovereign capacity, wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargoes. 1.13 “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence a procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of any bidder, and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the bidder of the benefits of free and open competition. 1.14 “GCC” means the General Conditions of Contract. 1.15 “Goods” means all of the equipment, machinery, and/or other materials that the provider is required to supply to the purchaser under the contract. 1.16 “Imported content” means that portion of the bidding price represented by the cost of components, parts or materials which have been or are still to be imported (whether by the provider or his subcontractors) and which costs are inclusive of the costs abroad, plus freight and other direct importation costs such as landing costs, dock dues, import duty, sales duty or other similar tax or duty at the South African place of entry as well as transportation and handling charges to the factory in the Republic where the supplies covered by the bid will be manufactured. 1.17 “Local content” means that portion of the bidding price which is not included in the
Delivery ex stock means imme di ate delivery directly from stock actuall y on hand.