Damage to the Vehicle definition

Damage to the Vehicle means and include loss of and all damages to the Vehicle and loss of and all damage to tyres (including spares), tools, accessories and equipment attached to or installed in the Vehicle at the time of delivery to the Hirer and any costs or outgoings arising therefrom or in connection with the period of hire.
Damage to the Vehicle means: (a) loss or damage to the Vehicle that requires repair or replacement, subject to reasonable fair wear and tear; (b) towing and salvage fees; (c) assessing fees; and (d) Loss of Use, and for the removal of doubt, any damage to the Vehicle's windscreen, headlights, indicators, wheels or tyres that makes the Vehicle unroadworthy is not fair wear and tear.
Damage to the Vehicle includes all and any loss of or damage to the Vehicle, its tyres, tools and accessories and costs incurred by the Owner in connection with the loss or damage; Dispatch Sheet” is the separate page of this Agreement bearing the same contract number and a true diagrammatic representation of the vehicle and all marks on and damage to the vehicle at the time of dispatch.

Examples of Damage to the Vehicle in a sentence

  • You must notify Rental Choice as soon as possible of any fault in or Damage to the Vehicle.

  • To prevent Damage to the Vehicle and for the Hirer’s own personal safety the Owner strictly enforces conditions that restrict use of the Vehicle in such areas.

  • Damage to the Vehicle or any other associated costs with the use of incorrect fuel types is at Your sole expense.

  • If you purchase CDW, and pay for it in advance or upon time of Starting Date, we will waive our right to collect from you for a portion of Physical Damage to the Vehicle.

  • This Insurance Coverage protects You and any Additional Driver against any legal claims for Damage to the Vehicle, its theft and Third Party Loss caused by Your use of the Vehicle.

  • If there is Damage to the Vehicle, it is stolen of there is any Third Party Loss, You must pay the Damage Excess shown on the Rental Agreement.

  • If you purchase CDW, we will waive our right to collect from you for a portion of Physical Damage to the Vehicle.

  • If you purchase the Collision Damage Waiver (or if it is included in the price,) then we agree to waive our right to collect from you a portion of Physical Damage to the Vehicle.

  • If you purchase and accept by initialing the optional CDW at the beginning of the rental, and if you use the Vehicle in strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement, we will waive your responsibility for a portion of Physical Damage to the Vehicle (including Diminished Value).

  • In exchange for payment of the full premium We agree to cover You against the cost associated with the repair of Minor Cosmetic Damage to the Vehicle incurred during the Period of Insurance, subject to the full terms and conditions contained within this document.

Related to Damage to the Vehicle

  • Damage means actual and/or physical damage to tangible property;

  • Damage to Property means physical injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of its use. Tangible property includes the cost of recreating or replacing stocks, bonds, deeds, mortgages, bank deposits and similar instruments, but does not include the value represented by such instruments.

  • Salvage vehicle means any vehicle which is within the last ten (10) model years and which has been damaged by collision or other occurrence to the extent that the cost of repairing the vehicle for safe operation on the highway exceeds sixty percent (60%) of its fair market value, as defined by Section 1111 of this title, immediately prior to the damage. For purposes of this section, actual repair costs shall only include labor and parts for actual damage to the suspension, motor, transmission, frame or unibody and designated structural components;

  • Accidental Damage means physical damage, breakage or failure of Your Covered Equipment due to an unforeseen and unintentional event occurring either due to handling (e.g., dropping the Covered Equipment or through liquid contact) or due to an external event (e.g., extreme environmental or atmospheric conditions). The damage must affect the functionality of Your Covered Equipment, which includes cracks to the display screen that affect the visibility of the display.

  • Nonroad Vehicle means a vehicle that is powered by a Nonroad Engine, fifty horsepower and greater, and that is not a Motor Vehicle or a vehicle used solely for competition, which shall include, but not be limited to, excavators, backhoes, cranes, compressors, generators, bulldozers and similar equipment, except that this terms shall not apply to horticultural maintenance vehicles used for landscaping purposes that are powered by a Nonroad Engine of sixty-five horsepower or less and that are not used in any construction program or project.

  • Loss or Damage means any loss or damage to the Vehicle, including that caused by theft of the Vehicle or by adverse weather events, that requires repair or replacement including the loss of use of the Vehicle (demurrage), legal expenses, assessment fees, towing and recovery costs, storage, service charges and any appraisal fees of the Vehicle;

  • Casualty Loss has the meaning set forth in Section 5.06.

  • the vehicle means the vehicle named in the licence.

  • Matured Vehicle as of any date means any Leased Vehicle the related Lease of which has reached its Maturity Date or has been terminated in connection with a Lessee Initiated Early Termination (and the Lessee is not in default under such Lease) or in connection with a Casualty Termination, which Leased Vehicle has been returned to the Servicer on behalf of the Titling Trust, if applicable.

  • Environmental Damage means any injury or damage to persons, living organisms or property (including offence to man’s senses) or any pollution or impairment of the environment resulting from the discharge, emission, escape or migration of any substance, energy, noise or vibration;

  • Severe property damage means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which would cause them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources which can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production.

  • completed vehicle means a vehicle, resulting from the process of multi-stage type-approval, which meets the relevant technical requirements of this Directive;

  • Off-Road Vehicle means any vehicle while it is being operated on a road not maintained by a federal, provincial, state, or local agency, not including entrance or departure ways to private property, or any vehicle which cannot be licensed to drive on a public road and is designed and manufactured primarily for off-road usage.

  • Casualty shall have the meaning set forth in Section 6.2 hereof.

  • Subject Vehicle means the vehicle being tested.

  • Electrical Losses means all applicable losses, including the following: (a) any transmission or transformation losses between the CAISO revenue meter(s) and the Delivery Point; and

  • Personal vehicle means a vehicle that is:

  • Material Damage and “Materially damaged” means damage (w) resulting in the Property not complying with all legal requirements applicable to the Property, (x) reasonably exceeding $300,000 or (y) that entitles any tenant of the Property to terminate its Lease, or (z) which, in Buyer’s or Seller’s reasonable estimation, will take longer than 120 days to repair.

  • Injury means accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused by external, violent and visible and evident means which is verified and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

  • Consequential Loss means loss of profits, anticipated loss of profit or revenue, loss of production, loss of business opportunity, loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation, loss of use or any other similar loss, but excludes:

  • Shared vehicle means a vehicle that is available for

  • Property damage means physical injury to, destruction of, or loss of use of tangible property.

  • Major Damage means damage that in the estimation of the surveyor exceeds USD

  • Reconstructed vehicle means every vehicle of a type required to be registered under this title

  • Covered Vehicle means a private passenger vehicle (including mini-vans, pickup trucks and sport utility vehicles) which is registered or rented to You during Your Trip, which is rated ¾ ton in weight or less, not used for racing, dealer services, dealer loaners, taxi, limousine, shuttle, delivery, hauling, towing, road repair service, construction service, snow removal, or as a public livery vehicle, or any other commercial use.

  • Rental Vehicle means a New Vehicle less than two years old owned by a New Vehicle Borrower and purchased directly from a manufacturer as a New Vehicle and that is used as a service loaner vehicle or is periodically subject to a rental contract with customers of the New Vehicle Borrower for loaner or rental periods of up to thirty (30) consecutive days or is used by dealership personnel in connection with parts and service operations.