Conserved definition

Conserved means or refers to the act of stabilizing or protecting an artifact or archival collection.
Conserved means the proportion of conserved sequence in its corre- sponding region.
Conserved. (or “conserve”) means the identification, protection, management and use of built heritage resources, cultural heritage landscapes and archaeological resources in a manner that ensures their cultural heritage value or interest is retained under the Ontario Heritage Act. This may be achieved by the implementation of recommendations set out in a conservation plan, archaeological assessment, and/or heritage impact assessment. Mitigative measures and/or alternative development approaches can be included in these plans and assessments;

Examples of Conserved in a sentence

  • Achieving Pathway to Canada Target 1 through the creation of Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas in the spirit and practice of reconciliation – The Indigenous Circle of Experts’ Report and Recommendations.

  • Xxxxxx Xxxx (P.I. – RIPS/NCNPR) – Evaluation, Characterization and Monitoring Genetic Stability of In vitro Conserved Medicinal Plant Germplasm (University of Mississippi Faculty Research Program), $3,456.00 – January 18, 2005-January 17, 2005.

More Definitions of Conserved

Conserved and “conserving” means protecting, preserving, or enhancing the heritage character or heritage value of heritage property or a heritage conservation area, retaining the heritage character or heritage value of heritage property or a heritage conservation area and extending the physical life of protected heritage property by preservation, rehabilitation or restoration in accordance with the First Shaughnessy Design Guidelines.
Conserved means permanently protected and meeting the definition of ecological reserve area, biodiversity conservation area, or natural resource management area as defined in this section for purposes of meeting the 30 percent goal in subsection 2802(b) of this title. For purposes of meeting the 50 percent goal of subsection 2802(b) of this title, “conserved” primarily means permanently protected and meeting the definition of ecological reserve area, biodiversity conservation area, or natural resource management area as defined in this section, although other long-term land protection mechanisms and measures that achieve the goals of Vermont Conservation Design that are enforceable and accountable and that support an ecologically functional and connected landscape may be considered.
Conserved means “…the use of all methods and procedures which are necessary to bring any endangered species…” to a point of recovery consistent with delisting.
Conserved means habitat is permanently protected through designation as a wildlife preserve, conservation easement, or equivalent. “Protected” means conserved and managed at some level to maintain habitat quality and prevent butterfly loss.
Conserved. (or “conserve”) means the identification, protection, management and use of built heritage resources, cultural heritage landscapes and archaeological resources in a manner that ensures their
Conserved. (or “conserve”) means the identification, protection, management, and use of built heritage resources, cultural heritage landscapes, and archaeological resources in a manner that ensures their cultural heritage value or interest is retained under the Ontario Heritage Act. This may be achieved by the implementation of recommendations set out in a conservation plan, archaeological assessment, and/or
Conserved means permanently protected and meeting the definition of ecological reserve area, biodiversity conservation area, or natural resource management area as defined in this section for purposes of meeting the 30 percent goal in subsection 2802(b) of this title. For purposes of meeting the 50 percent goal of subsection 2802(b) of this title, “conserved” primarily means permanently protected and meeting the definition of ecological reserve area, biodiversity conservation area, or natural resource management area as defined in this section, although other long-term land protection mechanisms