Communications Network Facility definition

Communications Network Facility means equipment used by a Communications Provider in the provision of a Communications Service over a Communications Network, including: (1) equipment associated with wireless and wireline communications, and (2) radio transceivers, Antennas, wires, coaxial or fiber-optic cable or other cables, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration, and equipment associated with wireless and wireline communications. The term includes Small Wireless Facilities. The term does not include the structure or improvements on, under, or within which the equipment is located.
Communications Network Facility means any element that forms part of a communications network and includes any wire, cable, antenna, mast, equipment or other thing which is or may be used for or in connection with communications;
Communications Network Facility means equipment used by a Communications Provider in the provision of a Communications Service over Formatted: Header a Communications Network, including: (1) equipment associated with wireless and wireline communications, and (2) radio transceivers, Antennas, wires, coaxial or fiber-optic cable or other cables, regular and backup power supplies, and comparable equipment, regardless of technological configuration, and Formatted: Footer, Line spacing: single Formatted: Header Formatted: Left, Outline numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.07" + Indent at: 0.57"Formatted: Font: 12 ptFormatted: List Paragraph, Right: 0.08", Space Before: 0 pt, Outline numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:0.07" + Indent at: 0.57", Tab stops: 0.57", Left20. equipment associated with wireless and wireline communications. The term includes Small Wireless Facilities. The term does not include the structure or improvements on, under, or within which the equipment is located.

Examples of Communications Network Facility in a sentence

  • Nothing in this Model Code authorizes an Authority, to require Communications Network Facility deployment or to regulate Communications Services.

  • This subsection does not authorize a Person to Collocate or attach Communications Network Facilities on a privately owned Utility Pole, a privately owned Communications Network Facility Support Structure, or other private property without the consent of the property owner.

  • This subsection does not authorize a Person to Collocate or attach Communications Network Facilities on a privately owned Pole, a privately owned Communications Network Facility Support Structure, or other private property without the consent of the property owner.

  • Applicant shall provide notice to the Authority upon completion of Construction or Collocation of the permitted Communications Network Support Structure or Communications Network Facility.

  • Any annual or other recurring fee an Authority may charge for attaching a Communications Network Facility on an Authority Pole shall not exceed the rate computed pursuant to rules adopted by FCC rules for telecommunications pole Attachments if the rate were regulated by the FCC or $ per year per Authority Pole, whichever is less.

  • An Authority must approve or deny an Application within 60 days after the date the Authority receives a complete Application to construct a new or make a Substantial Modification to a Communications Network Support Structure or a complete Application for a Communications Network Facility.

  • Alternatively, an Authority may require the Applicant seeking to Collocate a Communications Network Facility to provide a Make-Ready estimate at the Applicant’s expense for the work necessary to support the Communications Network Facility, including polePole replacement, and perform the Make-Ready work.

  • Nothing in this Model Code authorizes an Authority, to require Communications Network Facility deployment or to regulate Communications Services.8.2. Any Communications Provider shall have the right pursuant to this Model Code to construct, maintain and operate poles, Conduit, cable, switches and related Facilities along, across, upon, and under any Public Right-of-Way in this state.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Applicant may offer in- kind contributions related to Communications Network Facility or Communications Network Support Structure for which approval is sought, on a reasonable and nondiscriminatory basis, including by contributing the cash value of an in-kind contribution already provided to the Authority by another party.

  • Unless agreed otherwise and pending resolution of a Public Right- of-Way access rate dispute, the Authority controlling access to and use of the Public Right-of-Way shall allow the placement of a Communications Network Facility or Communications Network Facility Support Structure at a temporaryrate of one-half of Authority-proposed annual rates or $20, , whichever isless, with rates to be trued up upon final resolution of the dispute.

Related to Communications Network Facility

  • Communications Facility means the set of equipment and network components, including wires, cables, antennas, and associated facilities, used by a communications service provider to provide communications service.

  • public telecommunications network means the public telecommunications infrastructure which enables signals to be conveyed between defined network termination points by wire, by microwave, by optical means or by other electromagnetic means;

  • public communications network means an electronic communications network used wholly or mainly for the provision of electronic communications services available to the public which support the transfer of information between network termination points;

  • telecommunications network means any wire, radio, optical, or other electromagnetic system used to route, switch, or transmit telecommunications;

  • Communications channel means a physical or virtual path of communications over which signals are transmitted between or among customer channel termination points.

  • Communication Services means aeronautical fixed and mobile services to enable ground-to-ground, air-to-ground and air-to-air communications for ATC purposes;

  • Telecommunications Facility means the machine, equipment, transmission path or other electrical facilities for telecommunication.

  • Telecommunications facilities means apparatus necessary or useful in the production, distribution,

  • Communication Facilities means video, video-conferencing, internet or online conferencing applications, telephone or tele-conferencing and/or any other video-communications, internet or online conferencing application or telecommunications facilities by means of which all Persons participating in a meeting are capable of hearing and being heard by each other;

  • Micro wireless facility means a small cell facility that is not larger in dimension than 24 inches in length, 15 inches in width, and 12 inches in height and that has an exterior antenna, if any, not longer than 11 inches.

  • Communications Provider means a person who provides an Electronic Communications Network or an Electronic Communications Service;

  • Open Wireless Network means any network or segment of a network that is not designated by the State of New Hampshire’s Department of Information Technology or delegate as a protected network (designed, tested, and approved, by means of the State, to transmit) will be considered an open network and not adequately secure for the transmission of unencrypted PI, PFI, PHI or confidential DHHS data.

  • Telecommunications provider means that term as defined in section 102 of the Michigan telecommunications act, 1991 PA 179, MCL 484.2102.

  • Telecommunications System means a system for conveying visual images, sounds or other information by electronic means;

  • Telecommunications Carrier is As Defined in the Act.

  • Communications services means any service provided for the purpose of transmission of information including, but not limited to, voice, video, or data, without regard to the transmission protocol employed, whether or not the transmission medium is owned by the provider itself and whether or not the transmission medium is wireline. Communications service includes all forms of telephone services and voice, video, data or information transport, but does not include: (1) cable service; (2) open video system service, as defined in 47 C.F.R. 76; (3) private communications system services provided without using the public rights of way or private communications system services that use the public rights of way without imposing any additional burden on the public rights of way; (4) over-the-air radio or television broadcasting to the public-at-large from facilities licensed by the Federal Communications Commission or any successor thereto; and (5) direct-to-home satellite service within the meaning of Section 602 of the Telecommunications Act.

  • Communication service means a service capable of accessing, connecting with, or interfacing with a 9-1-1 system, exclusively through the numerals 9-1-1, by dialing, initializing, or otherwise activating the 9-1-1 system through the numerals 9-1-1 by means of a local telephone device, cellular telephone device, wireless communication device, interconnected voice over the internet device, or any other means.

  • Communications Equipment means the communications equipment of the Licensee and its affiliates, including, without limitation, cabinets, racks, electronic equipment and other similar equipment.

  • Connectivity means the provision of a Permanent Separated Bicycle Lane system that reflects desired routes between all major origins and destinations in the city.

  • Collaborative law communication means a statement, whether oral or in a record, or verbal or nonverbal, to which both of the following apply:

  • Wireless facility means equipment at a fixed location that enables wireless communications

  • Wireless means a wireless handheld validation unit used with a supporting Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) as part of an approved gaming system. Amended 1/14/15

  • Telecommunications systems means voice, record, and data communications, including management information systems and local data networks that connect to external transmission media, when employed by Government agencies, contractors, and subcontractors to transmit—

  • IntraLATA LEC Toll means IntraLATA Toll traffic carried solely by a Local Exchange Carrier and not by an IXC. "IntraLATA Toll Traffic" describes IntraLATA Traffic outside the Local Calling Area.

  • Telecommunications Assets means all assets, rights (contractual or otherwise) and properties, whether tangible or intangible, used or intended for use in connection with a Telecommunications Business.

  • Outsourcing facility means a facility that is engaged in the compounding of sterile drugs and is currently registered as an outsourcing facility with the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and that complies with all applicable requirements of federal and state law, including the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.