Capacity Value definition

Capacity Value means the value of capacity, calculated as described in PGE’s IRP, at the time the resource contract is executed.
Capacity Value means the value of capacity, calculated as described in PGE’s IRP, at the time which the power purchase agreement (PPA) is executed.
Capacity Value means the numerical value assigned to a specific Capacity Service that, when multiplied by the number of Capacity Units of Measure used, results in the Capacity Units consumed.

Examples of Capacity Value in a sentence

  • Seller shall retain (a) all Environmental Attributes of or produced by the Facility, (b) all value from Ancillary Services provided by the Facility, and (c) all Capacity Value created by the Facility.

More Definitions of Capacity Value

Capacity Value means such capacity value as determined by market rules established by ISO-NE. Provider is the owner of the capacity value of the Project and shall have the right to participate in ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity market at their discretion through an aggregator or as an ISO-NE Market Participant.
Capacity Value means the amount of capacity in MW (equivalent to a Zonal Resource Credit) accredited to the Generating Facility for a specific MISO Planning Year, as calculated pursuant to Exhibit 3.3.
Capacity Value means, with respect to a Unit, Unit Group, or the Project and any full Capacity Year, the amount of generating capacity, expressed in MWs, that PJM determines the Unit, Unit Group, or Project can reliably contribute during summer peak hours and which can be traded as unforced capacity credits in the PJM RPM Market for the Locational Delivery Area in which the Delivery Point is located, as such Capacity Value shall be determined for each full Capacity Year in accordance with the PJM Agreements and the PJM Capacity Rules, and as such capacity valuation may be revised for wind generators by PJM from time to time.
Capacity Value means such capacity value as determined by market rules established by ISO-NE. Provider is the owner of the capacity value of the Project and shall have the right to participate in ISO-NE’s Forward Capacity market at their discretion through an aggregator or as an ISO-NE Market Participant. The Provider shall sell the capacity of the Project into the Forward Capacity Market by the later of twelve (12) months from the Commercial Operation Date or the first date available to participate in the Forward Capacity Auction; if not, the Provider relinquishes ownership of the Capacity Value of the Project to the Host.
Capacity Value means the value of capacity, calculated as described in PGE’s IRP, at the timethe resource contract is procured.
Capacity Value means all credits or value associated to the forced or unforced capacity of the Facility.
Capacity Value means all value realized by Seller as a result of the monetization of the Capacity in the ISO-NE capacity market, including but not limited to FCM Payments and payments or penalties under the ISO-NE Pay-for Performance Incentive.