Bonus floor area definition

Bonus floor area means the amount of building floor area permitted by bonus values, in excess of the building floor area otherwise permitted on a lot. (By-law 92-232, S.3[e])
Bonus floor area means bonus residential floor area or bonus nonresidential 17
Bonus floor area means all chargeable floor area allowed in addition to the

Examples of Bonus floor area in a sentence

  • Bonus floor area - public open space…(4) Where required by Standard H8.6.26 located on a site subject to Map H8.11.6 Verandahs, provide a verandah along the street for the full length of the public open space in accordance with Standard H8.6.26(4) – (7).H2.

  • Bonus floor area for a heritage building shall be calculated by multiplying its gross floor area by the heritage bonus value contained in the regulations of the applicable zoning category.

  • Bonus floor area for a heritage facade shall be calculated by multiplying its vertical area by the heritage bonus value contained in the regulations of the applicable zoning category.

  • Of the total obligations, $522,157 was for active transportation projects.

  • Bonus floor area shall be calculated by multiplying the residential floor area provided on the lot by the residential bonus value contained in the regulations of the applicable zoning category.

  • Bonus floor area shall be given in return for a "heritage building" or "heritage facade" which is conserved on a lot that is designated under the Ontario Heritage Act and for which a heritage easement is registered to ensure the conservation, protection and preservation thereof.

  • The bonus floor area which may be obtained in return for a heritage building or heritage facade shall not exceed 20,000 square metres..4 Transfer of Bonus Floor Area Bonus floor area permitted by clause 3 of Section 5.19 but not built on the lot on which it is obtained, may be transferred to one or more lots within the same zone or to one or more lots within a D-1 or D-2 Zone.

  • Financial contribution = Total Bonus floor area achieved * 67% of land value per square metre * 25% Figure 2 – Illustration of proposed on-site and cash-in-lieu affordable housing public benefits where on-site units cannot be provided.

  • Bonus floor area of at least 7,500 square feet from the South Waterfront Willamette River Greenway bonus option must be earned before the project qualifies for other bonus options.

  • Bonus floor area under this subsection 23.49.011.A.2.k may not be granted on the basis of a Landmark structure for which bonus floor area is allowed under subsection 23.49.011.A.2.j, but may be allowed on the basis of a different structure or structures that are on the same lot as a Landmark structure for which such bonus floor area is allowed.

More Definitions of Bonus floor area

Bonus floor area means bonus residential floor area or bonus non-residential floor area.

Related to Bonus floor area

  • Gross Floor Area means the total floor area, measured between the outside of exterior walls or between the outside of exterior walls and the centre line of party walls dividing the building from another building, of all floors above the average level of finished ground adjoining the building at its exterior walls;

  • Total Floor Area means, the sum total of the total areas of all floors in a building or structure whether at above or below grade measured between the exterior faces of the exterior walls of the building or structure or from the centre line of a common wall separating two uses or from the outside edge of a floor where the outside edge of the floor does not meet an exterior or common wall, and;

  • Floor Area means the Floor Area shown on the preliminary participation quota as per Annexure C;

  • Residential Floor Area means all of the square footage of living area within the perimeter of a residential structure, not including any carport, walkway, garage, overhang, patio, enclosed patio, or similar area. The determination of Residential Floor Area shall be made by reference to the building permit(s) issued for such Assessor’s Parcel.

  • Floor Area Ratio means the sum of the area of all floors of

  • Footage means still images, video, audio and other data captured by the Flock Hardware or Customer Hardware in the course of and provided via the Flock Services.

  • Incremental Operating Costs means the incremental expenses incurred by the Recipient’s implementing agencies on account of Project implementation, management, and monitoring, including office space rental, utilities, and supplies, bank charges, communications, advertising, vehicle operation, maintenance, and insurance, building and equipment maintenance costs, travel and supervision costs, and salaries of supporting staff, but excluding salaries of officials of the Recipient’s civil service.

  • Base Year means the period set forth in Section 5 of the Summary.

  • Parking Garage means a building or portion of a building, other than a private garage, that is used for the temporary parking of motor vehicles;