Balance of Plant Agreements definition

Balance of Plant Agreements. Balance of Plant Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Broadview Energy JN, LLC and RES America Construction Inc. with respect to the New Mexico portion of the site Balance of Plant Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Broadview Energy JN, LLC and RES (Construction), LP with respect to the Texas portion of the site Balance of Plant Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Broadview Energy KW, LLC, a New Mexico limited liability company and RES America Construction Inc. Substation and Transmission Line Engineering, Procurement and Construction Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Broadview Energy JN, LLC and M. A. Xxxxxxxxx Company. Substation Engineering, Procurement and Construction Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Broadview Energy KW, LLC and M.A. Xxxxxxxxx Company. Transmission Line Engineering, Procurement and Construction Agreement, dated as of the date hereof, between Western Interconnect LLC and M. A. Xxxxxxxxx Company (the “Western Interconnect EPC Contract”).

Examples of Balance of Plant Agreements in a sentence

  • In addition, Northland is in the final stages of negotiations regarding key agreements for the projects and expects to be able to sign the Turbine Supply, Service and Maintenance and the Balance of Plant Agreements in 2021.

  • Former Treasury Secretary LarrySummers recently wrote that a decline in unionization and worker power explainsthe stubbornly flat wages that workers have been experiencing since the 1970s3.

Related to Balance of Plant Agreements

  • Construction Agreements means agreements to which Tenant is a party for Construction Work, rehabilitation, alteration, repair, replacement or demolition performed pursuant to this Lease.

  • Interconnection Agreements means, collectively, (a) an agreement by and among Owner, TransÉnergie and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the U.S. Border of the NECEC Transmission Line with the Québec Line and (b) an agreement by and between Owner and ISO-NE that sets forth such parties’ respective rights and obligations following the interconnection at the Delivery Point of the NECEC Transmission Line with certain transmission facilities operated by ISO-NE. The Interconnection Agreements shall address cost responsibilities among entities other than the Distribution Company and the other RFP Sponsors and shall include provisions, both technical and otherwise, for safe and reliable interconnected operations of the HVDC Transmission Project following Commercial Operation (including use of the HVDC Transmission Project for the delivery of electric power in emergency circumstances).

  • Master Services Agreement means the master services agreement dated as of the date hereof, among the Service Providers, the Partnership, the Holding LP, the Holding Entities and others;

  • PJM Agreements means the PJM OATT, PJM Operating Agreement, PJM RAA and any other applicable PJM manuals or documents, or any successor, superseding or amended versions thereof that may take effect from time to time.

  • Custodial Agreements The Custodial Agreements, listed in Exhibit F hereof, as each such agreement may be amended or supplemented from time to time as permitted hereunder.

  • Service Agreements means the agreements in the agreed form to be entered into between the Company and each of the Founders;

  • Services Agreements means the Outsourcing Master Services Agreements between MBL and MGL dated November 15, 2007, and between the Non-Banking Holdco and MGL dated December 10, 2007, and any supplements or amendments thereto;

  • Contribution Agreements has the meaning set forth in the Recitals.

  • Distribution Agreements means the Amended and Restated Distribution and License Agreements dated as of November 30, 1992 between Bollore and North Atlantic Operating Corporation, Inc., a Delaware corporation and subsidiary of Turning Point, relating to (i) the United States and (ii) Canada, each as amended by a Restated Amendment dated June 25, 1997 and Amendments dated respectively October 22, 1997, October 7, 1999, October 20, 1999, June 19, 2002, February 28, 2005 and April 20, 2006, and the License and Distribution Agreement, dated March 19, 2013, between Bollore and North Atlantic Operating Corporation, Inc., in each case as so amended and as may hereafter be amended, modified or superseded, and any other related agreements between or among such parties.

  • Services Agreement means an agreement entered into between a Utility and one or more Affiliates for the provision of Shared Services or For Profit Affiliate Services and shall provide for the following matters as appropriate in the circumstances:

  • Construction Services Agreement means this Construction Services Agreement, together with any duly authorized and executed amendments hereto.

  • Escrow Agreements means one or more of the agreements between the Company, the Partnership and one or more of the Performance Investors, dated as of the closing of the date of the initial public offering of the common stock of the General Partner, pursuant to which the Performance Investors have deposited their Performance Shares in escrow for possible transfer to the General Partner or the Partnership (as applicable).

  • Interconnection Agreement means the interconnection agreement entered into by Seller pursuant to which the Facility will be interconnected with the Transmission System, and pursuant to which Seller’s Interconnection Facilities and any other Interconnection Facilities will be constructed, operated and maintained during the Contract Term.

  • Connection Agreement means an agreement entered into between a distributor and a person connected to its distribution system that delineates the conditions of the connection and delivery of electricity to or from that connection;

  • Water Agreement means an agreement entered into between the Water Corporation (established pursuant to section 4 of the Water Corporation Act 1995) and BHP Iron Ore Pty. Ltd. ACN 008 700 981 as agent for BHP Direct Reduced Iron Pty. Ltd. and the Mount Xxxxxx and Mount Goldsworthy Mining Associates Joint Venturers in a form approved by the Minister in relation to the supply of water for, inter alia, the Joint Venturers’ water requirements for the purposes of this Agreement at Port Hedland;

  • Settlement Agreements means any settlement reached in the U.S. Litigation with any of the Settling Defendants.

  • Transition Services Agreements means the transition services agreements between the Purchaser and one or more of the Sellers in substantially the forms attached hereto as Exhibit D and Exhibit E.

  • Development Agreements means all development, utility or similar agreements included in the Permitted Encumbrances.

  • Construction Agreement as used in this subsection means an agreement between Seller and any contractor or subcontractor to install the System;

  • VIE Agreements means the Exclusive Service Agreement, the Exclusive Call Option Agreement, the Shareholder Voting Rights Proxy Agreement and the Equity Pledge Agreement entered into by and among some or all of the Parties hereto on the same day this agreement is entered, including any supplemental agreements or amendments to such agreements, and any other agreements, contracts or legal documents executed or issued by one or more Parties and/or Party C’s affiliated enterprises from time to time to ensure the performance of the aforesaid agreements, signed or accepted by Party A in writing.

  • Athlete Agreement means the agreement that must be completed by any Athlete wishing to be considered for nomination and selection to the Games Team in accordance with clause8.4 of the NZOC Nomination and Selection Regulation.

  • Trust Agreements shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the introductory paragraph of the Authorized Participant Agreement.

  • Seller Ancillary Agreements means all agreements, instruments and documents being or to be executed and delivered by Seller under this Agreement or in connection herewith.

  • Generation Interconnection Agreement means the generation interconnection agreement to be entered into separately between Seller and PGE, providing for the construction, operation, and maintenance of interconnection facilities required to accommodate deliveries of Seller's Net Output.

  • Allocation Agreement or “Agreement” shall mean this NMTC Program Allocation Agreement between the Fund and the Allocatee and Subsidiary Allocatee, as the case may be, including the Organization Specific Terms and Conditions (Schedule 1) and the General Allocation Terms and Conditions (Schedule 2) and any attachments hereto, as such Agreement may, from time to time, be amended in accordance with its terms.

  • Project Agreements means collectively, this Concession Agreement, the Financing Documents, Construction Agreements and Operation & Maintenance Agreements, in each case as amended, supplemented or otherwise modified from time to time and any other agreements or contract that may be entered into by the Concessionaire with any person in connection with matters relating to, arising out of or incidental to the Project.