Land Value means, at any time:-
Land Value means the full market value of the Land as determined by the applicable appraisal.
Land Value means the sum certified by the Valuer General as being the value of the land so described in this Policy after due allowance has been made for variations in or other circumstances affecting such value either before or after the Damage or which would have affected the value had the Damage not occurred so that the figures thus adjusted shall represent as nearly as may be reasonably practicable the true Land Values pertaining both before and after the Damage.
Examples of Land Value in a sentence
The Borrower shall not permit the Land Value to collectively exceed 45% of Tangible Net Worth.
More Definitions of Land Value
Land Value means, at any time, the difference of (a) the net book value of Land, minus (b) CDD Debt associated with such Land in an amount not to exceed twenty-five million dollars ($25,000,000) of CDD Debt in the aggregate (which CDD Debt should match what is being carried on the asset side of the Borrower’s financials with respect to the relevant Land).
Land Value means the assessed fair market value of land used by a grantee as match to EDA funds.
Land Value means, at any time, the sum of the net book value of (a) Unimproved Land, (a) Land Held for Development, (c) Lots Under Development, and (d) Finished Lots.
Land Value means the value of Your land ascertained by reference to the sum certified by the Valuer General subject to any circumstance which affects the certified value before or after the Damage occurs.
Land Value means the current appraised value of donated land used by a grantee to match LWCF funds.
Land Value means the book value of Land Held for Future Development, ---------- determined in accordance with GAAP.
Land Value. , in relation to any land, means the sum which the owner’s estate or interest therein, if unencumbered by any mortgage or other charge thereon, might be expected to realise at the time of valuation if offered for sale on such reasonable terms and conditions as a bona fide seller might be expected to impose, and if no improvements (as herein before defined) had been made on the said land.