Annual Yield definition

Annual Yield means 9.265 per cent p.a.
Annual Yield means the yield for the theoretical zero coupon U.S. Treasury Security as calculated from the current “on-the-run” U.S. Treasury yield curve with a term to maturity that most closely matches the Applicable Defeasance Term for the Mortgage Payment, as published by Fxxxxx Mxx on MORNET(R) (or in an alternative electronic format) at 2:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. time on the Business Day that Lender receives the Defeasance Notice in accordance with Section 3.10(g)(4). If the publication of yields on MORNET(R) is unavailable, Lender shall determine yields from another source reasonably determined by Lender.
Annual Yield means 11.010 per cent p.a.

Examples of Annual Yield in a sentence

  • If the yield indicator is „blank‟ and at least one Annual Yield Type = „C‟, then this field must equal the simple average T-yield for Added P/T/V.

  • Annual Yield calculated by CSU Treasury Operations based on the quarterly apportionment yield rates published by the State Controller’s Office.

  • In this situation, there will be no edit to determine the value of each Annual Yield, however, the Annual Yields will be summed and divided by the number of yields to determine the Approved Yield.

  • If the yield indicator is ‘blank’ and at least one Annual Yield Type = ‘C’, then this field must equal the simple average T-yield for Added P/T/V.

  • It has also helped us to evolve from a regulatory process which reacts to disaster to a more orderly process which recognizes technical innovation and progressive ideas aimed at preventing disaster.

  • The yield estimates most commonly used in New Zealand are Maximum Constant Yield (MCY) and Current Annual Yield (CAY).

  • Salinas and Whale Rock Reservoirs Safe Annual Yield [technical memorandum].Available:

  • AWAC owns Alcoa Minerals of Jamaica LLC, a US based company which holds a joint venture interest in Jamaica.

  • Ex: How much money should you deposit in an account paying 5% interest per year compounded monthly, so that you’ll have $5000 in 10 years?Continuously Compounded Interest: A = P ert Effective Rate of Interest (Effective Annual Yield): The simple inter- est rate that would produce the same accumulated amount in one year as the nominal rate compounded m times a year.

  • The Oklahoma House Agriculture and Rural Development Committee held an Interim Study on poultry waste management where the OWRB participated and Kent Wilkins presented on the Roubidoux and Boone Aquifer Maximum Annual Yield Study with the US Geological Survey determining the yield of the aquifer for proper appropriation of water rights (anticipated completion in December 2021).Ms. Cunningham concluded her report updating the members on Congressional activities.

More Definitions of Annual Yield

Annual Yield means the yield for the theoretical zero coupon U.S. Treasury Security as calculated from the current "on-the-run" U.S. Treasury yield curve with a term to maturity that most closely matches the Applicable Defeasance Term for the Mortgage Payment, as published by Fannie Mae on MORNET(R) (or in an alternative electroxxx xxrmat) at 2:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. time on the Business Day that Lender receives the Defeasance Notice in accordance with Section 3.10(g)(4). If the publication of yields on MORNET(R) is unavailable, Lender shall determine yields from another source reasonably determined by Lender.
Annual Yield means the yield for an insured crop during a growing season as delermined by the Corporation;
Annual Yield means, with respect to each Portfolio Investment, the Partnership's annual yield on such Portfolio Investment taking into consideration: (i) the total capital invested by the Partnership in such Portfolio Investment, (ii) the aggregate amount of annual net cash available to the Partnership attributable to the Operating Income of such Portfolio Investment, and (iii) the aggregate amount of net cash available to the Partnership attributable to any Realization Event with respect to such Portfolio Investment; provided, however, that in clauses (ii) and (iii) above, the "net cash available" shall take into consideration the payment of any and all debts and other expenses directly attributable to such Portfolio Investment.
Annual Yield means an effective rate of 9.425 per cent per annum.
Annual Yield has the meaning set forth in Section 3.9.

Related to Annual Yield

  • Accrual Yield means the rate specified as such in the applicable Final Terms; and

  • Annual Percentage Rate or “APR” of a Receivable means the annual percentage rate of finance charges or service charges, as stated in the related Contract.

  • Final Index Level : means the Closing Level of the FTSE 100 Index on the Investment End Date.

  • Working level month (WLM) means an exposure to 1 working level for 170 hours (2,000 working hours per year divided by 12 months per year is approximately equal to 170 hours per month).

  • Annualized EBITDA means, for the four consecutive quarters ending on each Reporting Date, the Operating Partnership’s Pro Rata Share (as defined below) of earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (“EBITDA”), with other adjustments as are necessary to exclude the effect of all realized or unrealized gains and losses related to hedging obligations, items classified as extraordinary items and impairment charges in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, adjusted to reflect the assumption that (i) any EBITDA related to any assets acquired or placed in service since the first day of such four-quarter period had been earned, on an annualized basis, from the beginning of such period, and (ii) any assets disposed of during such four-quarter period had been disposed of as of the first day of such period and no EBITDA related to such assets had been earned during such period.

  • Five-year U.S. Treasury Rate means, as of any Reset Dividend Determination Date, as applicable, (i) an interest rate (expressed as a decimal) determined to be the per annum rate equal to the weekly average yield to maturity for U.S. Treasury securities with a maturity of five years from the next Reset Date and trading in the public securities markets or (ii) if there is no such published U.S. Treasury security with a maturity of five years from the next Reset Date and trading in the public securities markets, then the rate will be determined by interpolation between the most recent weekly average yield to maturity for two series of U.S. Treasury securities trading in the public securities market, (A) one maturing as close as possible to, but earlier than, the Reset Date following the next succeeding Reset Dividend Determination Date, and (B) the other maturity as close as possible to, but later than, the Reset Date following the next succeeding Reset Dividend Determination Date, in each case as published in the most recent H.15. If the Five-year U.S. Treasury Rate cannot be determined pursuant to the methods described in clause (i) or (ii) above, then the Five-year U.S. Treasury Rate will be the same interest rate determined for the prior Reset Dividend Determination Date.

  • Annual summative evaluation rating means an annual evaluation rating that is based on appraisals of educator practice and student performance, and includes all measures captured in a teacher’s evaluation rubric. The four summative performance categories are ineffective, partially effective, effective, and highly effective.

  • SOFR Compounded Index means the Compounded SOFR rate as published at 15:00 (New York time) by Federal Reserve Bank of New York (or a successor administrator of SOFR) on the website of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or any successor source; and

  • Base Level means, in respect of an Inflation Index, the level of such Inflation Index (excluding any "flash" estimates) published or announced by the relevant Inflation Index Sponsor in respect of the month which is 12 calendar months prior to the month for which the Substitute Index Level is being determined.

  • Initial Index Level means the closing level of the FTSE 100 on the Start Date.

  • Adjusted EBITDA Margin means Adjusted EBITDA divided by operating revenue;

  • Annual Period means each twelve (12) month period commencing on the Effective Date and, thereafter, on each anniversary of the Effective Date.

  • Reference Level means the level of the Index (excluding any flash estimates) published or announced by Eurostat (or any successor entity which publishes such index) in respect of the month that is 12 calendar months prior to the month referred to in “Latest Level” above.