Verbally definition

Verbally means information transmitted during telephone calls by using contact numbers specified in the Service Contract or annexes thereto (if any)/on the website at paslaugos.
Verbally means the acts of the Customer in person or by its Authorized Persons or by phone. The Customer agrees that the Bank shall record the conversations of both parties pursuant to the regulations and verify the identity of the Customer with the phone banking password on the phone. The recording files are maintained at the central recording system set up at the business location of the Bank (which are kept for not less than 3 months) for evidences purpose. “In writing” shall mean the original, cable, facsimile or imaged file by way of email. The Customer authorizes the Bank to process the cable and facsimile or imaged file by way of email as an original without any dispute. If the Bank considers the text or information in the facsimile or imaged file by way of email copy is illegible or questionable, the Bank may choose not to accept the request or contact the Customer to confirm. When the Customer makes requests for transactions in writing, the Customer agrees to sign in the same specimen signature retained at the Bank for debiting the account. The specimen signature is valid between the Customer and the Bank for various transactions and businesses relating to ISDA or IFEMA, and will remain valid until the Customer amends the same by giving an original notice in writing.
Verbally means any speech or conversation which offences or look down the other;

Examples of Verbally in a sentence

  • Verbally threatening physical harm or physically threatening any member of the department or his/her family; conduct that interferes with the proper coordination of the work effort in the department to the detriment of public service.

  • Verbally confirm with candidate that s/he meets Employment Eligibility Verification - Department of Homeland Security / US Citizenship and Immigration (I-9) verifying the candidate’s identity and eligibility to work.

  • Verbally identify the importance of engagement and cultural humility in working with clients and discuss with field instructor/supervisor.

  • Verbally abusing other players or deliberately distracting or provoking an opponent are also not acceptable or permitted in basketball.

  • Verbally or otherwise including but not limited to social media such as.

  • Verbally placed orders or ancillary agreements are only valid after our written order.

  • Verbally agreed changes to the project scope or materials shall not be binding upon the parties.

  • Verbally notify the employee that this action constitutes stage 1 of the disciplinary procedure Set a specific date for review of the matter.

  • Information shared will be provided in any of the following formats, with the most appropriate option used according to the circumstances: • Verbally (e.g. either face to face meetings or via the telephone).

  • Revised 8-8-2022 Quick Access Reporting Table 2022-2023 Drugs/Alcohol/ Tobacco Suicide/Homicide HIB Missing Child Abused/Neglect Children Verbally report Principal/AP & Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx report to Principal/AP and school psychologist, social worker, mental health specialist, or school counselor.

Related to Verbally

  • In writing means communicated in written form with proof of receipt.

  • Oral communication means any oral communication uttered by a person exhibiting an expectation that such communication is not subject to interception under circumstances justifying such expectation, but such term does not include any electronic communication;

  • In writing” or “written means hand-written, type-written, printed or electronically made, and resulting in a permanent record;

  • Confidential communication means a communication not intended to be disclosed to third persons other than those to whom disclosure is in furtherance of the rendition of professional legal services to the client or those reasonably necessary for the transmission of the communication.

  • Verbal abuse means, but is not limited to, the use of derogatory terms or names, undue voice volume and rude comments, orders or responses to residents.

  • Disparage means making comments or statements to the press, the Company's or its subsidiaries' or affiliates' employees or any individual or entity with whom the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates has a business relationship which would adversely affect in any manner (1) the business of the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates (including any products or business plans or prospects), or (2) the business reputation of the Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates, or any of their products, or their past or present officers, directors or employees.

  • Contact means a communication, direct or indirect, between an athlete agent and a student athlete, to recruit or solicit the student athlete to enter into an agency contract.

  • Notice in writing or written notice means a notice in writing, typed or printed matters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise proved to have been received) by registered post to the last known private or business address or registered office of the addressee and shall be deemed to have been received in the ordinary course of post, it would have been delivered.

  • Grievor means the employee concerned, a local of the Union, the Union or the Company.

  • Mediation communication means a statement, whether oral, in a record, verbal or nonverbal, that occurs during a mediation or is made for purposes of considering, conducting, participating in, initiating, continuing, or reconvening a mediation or retaining a mediator.

  • Informal communications means any communication method other than written emails to the Point of Contact Person identified for this RFP.

  • Criticized , "Watch list" or words of similar import, together with the principal amount of and accrued and unpaid interest on each such Loan and the identity of the obligor thereunder, (4) where a reasonable doubt exists as to the timely future collectibility of principal and/or interest, whether or not interest is still accruing or the loans are less than 90 days past due, (5) where the interest rate terms have been reduced and/or the maturity dates have been extended subsequent to the agreement under which the loan was originally created due to concerns regarding the borrower's ability to pay in accordance with such initial terms, or (6) where a specific reserve allocation exists in connection therewith, and (G) all assets classified by Innes Street or Citizens Bank as real estate acquired through foreclosure or in lieu of foreclosure, including in-substance foreclosures, and all other assets currently held that were acquired through foreclosure or in lieu of foreclosure.

  • Contact Officer means the person identified as Contact Officer on the cover page of this RFT;

  • Notice in Writing or written notice shall mean a notice in writing, type or printed characters sent (unless delivered personally or otherwise provided to have been received) by registered post to the last known private or business address or registered office of the addressee and shall be deemed to have been received when in the ordinary course of post it would have been delivered.

  • Information Officer means the Person acting on behalf of the Company and discharging the duties and responsibilities assigned to the Head of the Private Body by the Act. The Information Officer is duly authorised to act as such and such authorisation has been confirmed in writing by the Head of the Private Body.

  • Communication is defined in Section 10.

  • Correspondence between the Company, the Union, or any member of the Union arising out of this Agreement or incidental thereto, shall pass to and from the Company, the Union and member by verifiable means.

  • Public safety officer means a member serving a public

  • Written Testing-the-Waters Communication means any Testing-the-Waters Communication that is a written communication within the meaning of Rule 405 under the Securities Act.

  • Radiographer means any individual who performs or who, in attendance at the site where the sources of radiation are being used, personally supervises industrial radiographic operations and who is responsible to the licensee or registrant for assuring compliance with the requirements of the agency's regulations and the conditions of the license or registration.

  • Ex parte communication ’ means an oral or written communication not on the pub- lic record with respect to which reasonable prior notice to all parties is not given, but it shall not include requests for status reports on any matter or proceeding covered by this sub- chapter.

  • Complaints means each of the following documents:

  • Written or Writing means letters, characters, and symbols that are intended to represent or convey particular ideas or meanings and are made in electronic form or inscribed on paper by hand, print, type, or other method of impression.

  • ADE means the Arizona Department of Education.

  • Testing-the-Waters Communication means any oral or written communication with potential investors undertaken in reliance on Section 5(d) of the Securities Act.

  • Written or “in writing” means handwritten in ink or any form of electronic or mechanical writing.