SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. UNBUNDLED LOCAL SWITCHING, PORT USAGE End Office Switching (Port Usage) End Office Switching Function, Per MOU 0.001868 End Office Trunk Port - Shared, Per MOU 0.00018 Tandem Switching (Port Usage) (Local or Access Tandem) Tandem Switching Function Per MOU 0.0001067 Tandem Trunk Port - Shared, Per MOU 0.000222 Tandem Switching Function Per MOU (Melded) 0.000035296 Tandem Trunk Port - Shared, Per MOU (Melded) 0.000073438 Melded Factor: 33.08% of the Tandem Rate Common Transport Common Transport - Per Mile, Per MOU 0.0000032 Common Transport - Facilities Termination Per MOU 0.0003748
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SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Interoffice Channel - Dedicated Channel - DS1 - Per Mile per month U1TD1 1L5XX 0.18 Interoffice Channel - Dedicated Tranport - DS1 - Facility Termination U1TD1 U1TF1 60.16 89.27 81.81 16.35 14.44 Interoffice Channel - Dedicated Transport - DS3 - Per Mile per month U1TD3 1L5XX 4.09 Interoffice Channel - Dedicated Transport - DS3 - Facility Termination per month X0XX0 X0XX0 703.52 278.75 162.76 60.20 28.46 Interoffice Channel - Dedicated Transport - STS-1 - Per Mile per month X0XX0 0X0XX 4.09 Interoffice Channel - Dedicated Transport - STS-1 - Facility Termination X0XX0 X0XXX 701.37 278.75 162.76 60.20 28.46
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - DS1 combination - Facility Termination per month UNC1X U1TF1 60.16 89.27 81.81 16.35 14.44 1/0 Channelization System in combination Per Month UNC1X MQ1 101.06 91.04 62.57 10.54 9.79 Voice Grade COCI - Per Month UNCVX 1D1VG 0.53 6.58 4.72 Each Additional 2-Wire VG Loop (SL 2) in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 14.38 88.00 55.00 47.24 7.44 Each Additional 2-Wire VG Loop (SL 2) in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 22.85 88.00 55.00 47.24 7.44 Each Additional 2-Wire VG Loop (SL 2) in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 36.14 88.00 55.00 47.24 7.44 Voice Grade COCI - Per Month UNCVX 1D1VG 0.53 6.58 4.72 Nonrecurring Currently Combined Network Elements Switch -As- Is Charge UNC1X UNCCC 5.59 5.59 6.98 6.98 EXTENDED 4-WIRE VOICE GRADE EXTENDED LOOP WITH DEDICATED DS1 INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT First 4-Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 25.34 131.97 94.51 59.14 14.50 First 4-Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 38.58 131.97 94.51 59.14 14.50 First 4-Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 60.02 131.97 94.51 59.14 14.50 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - DS1 combination - Per Mile Per Month UNC1X 1L5XX 0.18 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - DS1 - Facility Termination Per Month UNC1X U1TF1 60.16 89.27 81.81 16.35 14.44 1/0 Channel System in combination Per Month UNC1X MQ1 101.06 91.04 62.57 10.54 9.79 Voice Grade COCI in combination - per month UNCVX 1D1VG 0.53 6.58 4.72 Additional 4-Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop in same DS1 Interoffice Transport Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 25.34 131.97 94.51 59.14 14.50 Additional 4-Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop in same DS1 Interoffice Transport Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 38.58 131.97 94.51 59.14 14.50 Additional 4-Wire Analog Voice Grade Loop in same DS1 Interoffice Transport Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXXX0 60.02 131.97 94.51 59.14 14.50 Additional Voice Grade COCI in combination - per month UNCVX 1D1VG 0.53 6.58 4.72 Nonrecurring Currently Combined Network Elements Switch -As- Is Charge UNC1X UNCCC 5.59 5.59 6.98 6.98 EXTENDED 4-WIRE 56 KBPS EXTENDED DIGITAL LOOP WITH DEDICATED DS1 INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT First 4-Wire 56Kbps Digital Grade Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 26.09 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 First 4-Wire 56Kbps Digital Grade Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 35.95 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 First 4-Wire 56Kbps Digital Grade Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 ...
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Exchange Ports - 2-Wire VG unbundled res, low usage line port with Caller ID (XXX) UEPSR UEPAP 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Exchange Ports - 2-Wire VG Alabama Residence Dialing Plan without Caller Id UEPSR UEPWA 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 2-Wire voice unbundled Low Usage Line Port without Caller ID Capability UEPSR UEPRT 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Subsequent Activity UEPSR USASC 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEATURES All Available Vertical Features UEPSR UEPVF 1.98 0.00 0.00 2-WIRE VOICE GRADE LINE PORT RATES (BUS) Exchange Ports - 2-Wire Analog Line Port without Caller ID - Bus UEPSB UEPBL 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Exchange Ports - 2-Wire VG unbundled Line Port with unbundled port with Caller+E484 ID - Bus. UEPSB UEPBC 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Exchange Ports - 2-Wire Analog Line Port outgoing only - Bus. UEPSB UEPBO 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Exchange Ports - 2-Wire VG unbundled AL extended local dialing parity Port with Caller ID - Bus. UEPSB UEPAW 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Exhange Ports - 2-Wire VG unbundled incoming only port with Caller ID - Bus UEPSB UEPB1 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Exchange Ports - 2-Wire Voice Alabama Business Dialing Plan without Caller ID UEPSB UEPWB 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 2-Wire voice unbundled Incoming Only Port without Caller ID Capability UEPSB UEPBE 2.38 2.38 2.27 1.42 1.33 Subsequent Activity UEPSB USASC 0.00 0.00 0.00 FEATURES All Available Vertical Features UEPSB UEPVF 1.98 0.00 0.00 EXCHANGE PORT RATES (DID & PBX) 2-Wire VG Unbundled 2-Way PBX Trunk - Res UEPSE UEPRD 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire VG Line Side Unbundled 2-Way PBX Trunk - Bus UEPSP UEPPC 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire VG Line Side Unbundled Outward PBX Trunk - Bus UEPSP UEPPO 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire VG Line Side Unbundled Incoming PBX Trunk - Bus UEPSP UEPP1 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Analog Long Distance Terminal PBX Trunk - Bus UEPSP UEPLD 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Voice Unbundled 2-Way PBX Alabama Calling Port UEPSP UEPA2 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Voice Unbundled PBX LD Terminal Ports UEPSP UEPLD 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Vice Unbundled 2-Way PBX Usage Port UEPSP UEPXA 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Voice Unbundled PBX Toll Terminal Hotel Ports UEPSP UEPXB 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Voice Unbundled PBX LD DDD Terminals Port UEPSP UEPXC 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Voice Unbundled PBX LD Terminal Switchboard Port UEPSP UEPXD 2.38 31.27 14.85 13.94 0.90 2-Wire Voice Unbundled PBX LD Terminal Switchboard IDD Ca...
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - STS-1 combination - Per Mile Per Month UNCSX 1L5XX 4.09 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - STS-1 combination - Facility Termination per month UNCSX U1TFS 701.37 278.75 162.76 60.20 58.46 3/1 Channel System in combination per month UNCSX MQ3 166.13 178.14 93.97 33.26 31.83 4-WIRE 56 KBPS DIGITAL LOOP WITH 56 KBPS INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT 4-wire 56 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 26.09 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 56 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 35.95 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 56 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 37.88 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - 4-wire 56 kbps combination - Per Mile per month UNCDX 1L5XX 0.008838 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - 4-wire 56 kbps combination - Facility Termination per month UNCDX U1TD5 15.12 40.54 27.41 16.74 6.90 4-WIRE 64 KBPS DIGITAL EXTENDED LOOP WITH 64 KBPS INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT 4-wire 64 kbps Lcoal Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 26.09 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 64 kbps Lcoal Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 35.95 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 64 kbps Lcoal Loop in Combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 37.88 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - 4-wire 64 kbps combination - Per Mile per month UNCDX 1L5XX 0.008838 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - 4-wire 64 kbps combination - Facility Termination per month UNCDX U1TD6 15.12 40.54 27.41 16.74 6.90 4-WIRE 56 KBPS DIGITAL EXTENDED LOOP WITH DS0 INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT 4-wire 56 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 26.09 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 56 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 35.95 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 56 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 37.88 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wiree 56 kbps Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - Per Mile per month UNCDX 1L5XX 0.008838 4-wire 56 kbps Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - Facility Termination per month UNCDX U1TD5 15.12 40.54 27.41 16.74 6.90 4-WIRE 64 KBPS DIGITAL EXTENDED LOOP WITH DS0 INTEROFFICE TRANSPORT 4-wire 64 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 26.09 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 64 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 35.95 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 4-wire 64 kbps Local Loop in combination - Xxxx 0 0 XXXXX XXX00 37.88 126.27 88.80 59.14 14.50 I4-wire 65 kbps Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - Per Mile per month UNCDX 1L5...
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. UNE OTHER, PROVISIONING ONLY - NO RATE NID - Dispatch and Service Order for NID installation UENTW UNDBX 0.00 0.00 UNTW Circuit Id Establishment, Provisioning Only - No Rate UENTW UENCE 0.00 0.00 Unbundled Contract Name, Provisioning Only - No Rate UEANL,UEF,UEQ,U ENTW UNECN 0.00 0.00 UNBUNDLED NETWORK ELEMENTS - Kentucky Attachment: 2 Exhibit: A CATEGORY RATE ELEMENTS Interi m Zone BCS USOC RATES ($) Svc Order Submitted Elec per LSR Svc Order Submitted Manually per LSR Incremental Charge - Manual Svc Order vs. Electronic- 1st Incremental Charge - Manual Svc Order vs. Electronic- Add'l Incremental Charge - Manual Svc Order vs. Electronic- Disc 1st Incremental Charge - Manual Svc Order vs. Electronic- Disc Add'l Rec Nonrecurring Nonrecurring Disconnect OSS Rates ($) First Add'l First Add'l SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX Unbundled Contact Name, Provisioning Only - no rate UAL,UCL,UDC,UDL, UDN,UEA,XXX,ULC UNECN 0.00 0.00 Unbundled Sub-Loop Feeder-2 Wire Cross Box Jumper - no rate UEA,UDN,UCL,UDC USBFQ 0.00 0.00 Unbundled Sub-Loop Feeder-4 Wire Cross Box Jumper - no rate UEA,USL,UCL,UDL USBFR 0.00 0.00 Unbundled DS1 Loop - Superframe Format Option - no rate USL CCOSF 0.00 0.00 Unbundled DS1 Loop - Expanded Superframe Format option - no rate USL CCOEF 0.00 0.00
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - STS-1 combination - per mile per month UNCSX 1L5XX 4.09 Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - STS-1 combination - Facility Termination per month UNCSX U1TFS 701.37 278.75 162.76 60.20 58.46
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SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Interoffice Transport - Dedicated - STS-1 combination - Facility Termination per month UNCSX U1TFS 701.37 278.75 162.76 60.20 58.46
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. UNBUNDLED LOCAL SWITCHING, PORT USAGE End Office Switching (Port Usage) End Office Switching Function, Per MOU 0.0008041 Tandem Switching (Port Usage) (Local or Access Tandem) Tandem Switching Function Per MOU 0.0009778 Tandem Switching Function Per MOU (Melded) 0.000380364 Melded Factor: 38.90% of the Tandem Rate Common Transport Common Transport - Per Mile, Per MOU 0.0000064 Common Transport - Facilities Termination Per MOU 0.0003871
SOMEC XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX. Loop Tagging Service Xxxxx 0, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx, Xxx- Designed and Distribution Subloops UEF, UEANL URETL 8.94 0.88 Loop Testing - Basic 1st Half Hour UEF URET1 34.16 0.00 Loop Testing - Basic Additional Half Hour UEF XXXXX 19.85 19.85
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