RAPID definition

RAPID. Peptide's proprietary system for discovering substrates and developing inhibitors of protease enzymes.
RAPID means Rapid Result Investments Limited; “ROM” means run-of-mine;
RAPID. E. coli (20)" means "Simultaneous Detection of Total Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli Using RAPID’E. coli 2 (REC2) in Drinking Water" (May 2020). Available from Bio-Rad Laboratories, 2000 Nobel Drive, Hercules, California 94547. Referenced in Sections 611.802 and 611.1052.

Examples of RAPID in a sentence

  • CITY OF RAPID CITY By Fire Code Official State of South Dakota ) ) ss.

  • MEDICAL DIRECTOR Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx CITY OF RAPID CITY Mayor ATTEST: Finance Officer (SEAL) State of South Dakota ) ss County of Pennington ) On this the day of , 2005, before me, the undersigned officer, personally appeared Xx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, known to me or satisfactorily proven to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that he executed the same for the purposes therein contained.

  • View Acceptable Use Policy, visit xxxxx://xxxxxxxx.xxxx/acceptable-use-policy/ RAPID RESPONSE: All customers are a priority to us and our standards are to restore everyone as soon as possible.

  • STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Secretary of Corrections CITY OF RAPID CITY Xxx Xxxx Mayor ATTEST: Finance Officer (SEAL) State of South Dakota ) SS.

More Definitions of RAPID

RAPID. (formerly known as Bus Rapid Transit) is a flexible, high performance transit mode that uses buses or special rubber tire-based vehicles operating on pavement, and that combines a variety of physical, operating and system elements into a permanently integrated system with a quality image and unique identity. TSP and DEDICATED GUIDEWAY operations are intended to improve the quality of Rapid.
RAPID means the Regional Automated Property Information Database, which is used by Dealers to report acquisitions of Regulated Property to the Police Bureau.
RAPID means Raytheon Aircraft Parts Inventory and Distribution Company, LLC.
RAPID has the meaning given in Schedule A, Section 5.2(p)(ii)(F).
RAPID. E. coli (20)” means “Simultaneous Detection of Total Coliform Bacteria and Escherichia coli Using RAPID’E. coli 2 (REC2) in Drinking
RAPID means ability to transition between a facility’s maximum consumption capability and its maximum generation capability in 10 minutes or less,
RAPID here means 'rapidly oscillating', short-period waves. (MH)