Physical Access Control Sample Clauses

Physical Access Control. Unauthorized persons are prevented from gaining physical access to premises, buildings or rooms where data processing systems that process and/or use Personal Data are located.
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Physical Access Control. SAP protects its assets and facilities using the appropriate means based on the SAP Security PolicyIn general, buildings are secured through access control systems (e.g., smart card access system). • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management. • Depending on the security classification, buildings, individual areas and surrounding premises may be further protected by additional measures. These include specific access profiles, video surveillance, intruder alarm systems and biometric access control systems. • Access rights are granted to authorized persons on an individual basis according to the System and Data Access Control measures (see Section 1.2 and 1.3 below). This also applies to visitor access. Guests and visitors to SAP buildings must register their names at reception and must be accompanied by authorized SAP personnel. • SAP employees and external personnel must wear their ID cards at all SAP locations. Additional measures for Data Centers: • All Data Centers adhere to strict security procedures enforced by guards, surveillance cameras, motion detectors, access control mechanisms and other measures to prevent equipment and Data Center facilities from being compromised. Only authorized representatives have access to systems and infrastructure within the Data Center facilities. To protect proper functionality, physical security equipment (e.g., motion sensors, cameras, etc.) undergo maintenance on a regular basis. • SAP and all third-party Data Center providers log the names and times of authorized personnel entering SAP’s private areas within the Data Centers.
Physical Access Control. UKG shall ensure that its data center sub-processor uses industry standard technology to ensure that only the appropriately authorized staff have access to those systems of UKG that are used to provide the Services. This shall include at least the following measures: visitor sign-ins, role-based access controls, limited access to the server rooms and to the alarm systems which report any unauthorized access.
Physical Access Control. Unauthorized persons are prevented from gaining physical access to premises, buildings or rooms where data processing systems that process and/or use Personal Data are located. 물리적 액세스 제어. 승인되지 않은 사람이 개인 정보를 처리하거나 사용하는 정보 처리 시스템이 위치해 있는 사업장, 건물, 실내에 대한 물리적 액세스를 확보하는 것을 방지합니다. Measures: 조치: • SAP protects its assets and facilities using the appropriate means based on the SAP Security Policy SAP 는 SAP 보안 정책을 기반으로 적절한 수단을 사용하여 자산과 시설을 보호합니다. • In general, buildings are secured through access control systems (e.g., smart card access system). 일반적으로 건물은 액세스 제어 시스템(예: 스마트 카드 액세스 시스템)을 통해 보안됩니다. • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management. 최소 요건으로, 건물의 가장 바깥쪽 출입 지점에는 현대식 활성 키 관리를 포함한 인증된 키 시스템을 장착해야 합니다. • Depending on the security classification, buildings, individual areas and surrounding premises may be further protected by additional measures. These include specific access profiles, video surveillance, intruder alarm systems and biometric access control systems. 보안 등급에 따라 건물, 개별 구역 및 주변 지역은 추가 조치로 보안을 강화할 수 있습니다. 추가 조치에는 특정 액세스 프로필, 비디오 감시, 침입자 경보 시스템 및 생체 인식 액세스 제어 시스템이 포함됩니다. • Access rights are granted to authorized persons on an individual basis according to the System and Data Access Control measures (see Section 1.2 and 1.3 below). This also applies to visitor access. Guests and visitors to SAP buildings must register their names at reception and must be accompanied by authorized SAP personnel. 시스템 및 데이터 액세스 제어 조치에 따라 개별적으로 승인된 사람에게 액세스 권한을 부여합니다(아래 제 1.2 항 및 제 1.3 항 참조). 이는 방문객 액세스에도 적용됩니다. SAP 건물을 방문하는 손님과 방문객은 접수처에서 이름을 등록해야 하며 승인된 SAP 직원과 동행해야 합니다. • SAP employees and external personnel must wear their ID cards at all SAP locations. SAP 직원 및 외부 인력은 모든 SAP 위치에서 ID 카드를 착용해야 합니다. Additional measures for Data Centers: 데이터 센터의 추가 조치: • All Data Centers adhere to strict security procedures enforced by guards, surveillance cameras, motion detectors, access control mechanisms and other measures to prevent equipment and Data Center facilities from being compromised. Only authorized representatives have access to systems and infrastructure within the Data Center facilities. To protect proper functionality, physical security equipment (e.g., motion sensors, cameras, etc.) undergo maintenance on a regular basis. 모든 데이터 센터는 보안 요원, 감시 카메라, 동작 감지기, 액세스 제어 장치 및 장비와 데이터 센터 시설이 손상되는 것을 방지할 기타 조치로 강화되는 엄격한 보안 절차를 유지합니다. 승인된 대리인만이 데이터 센터 시설 내부의 시스템과 인프라에 액세스합...
Physical Access Control. The following measures as implemented are designed to protect against unauthorized physical access to premises, buildings or rooms where data processing systems are located which process and/or use Personal Data:
Physical Access Control. Kendali Akses Fisik. • SAP protects its assets and facilities using the appropriate means based on the SAP Security Policy/ SAP melindungi aset dan fasilitasnya dengan menggunakan sarana yang sesuai berdasarkan Kebijakan Keamanan SAP • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management./ In general, buildings are secured through access control systems (e.g., smart card access system)./ Secara umum, gedung diamankan melalui sistem pengendalian akses (misalnya, sistem akses kartu pintar). • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management./ Sebagai persyaratan minimum, titik masuk terluar gedung harus dilengkapi dengan sistem kunci master tersertifikasi termasuk manajemen kunci aktif dan modern. • Depending on the security classification, buildings, individual areas and surrounding premises may be further protected by additional measures. These include specific access profiles, video surveillance, intruder alarm systems and biometric access control systems./ Bergantung pada klasifikasi keamanan, gedung, area individu, dan lokasi di sekitar dapat selanjutnya dilindungi dengan tindakan-tindakan tambahan. Tindakan-tindakan ini termasuk profil akses spesifik, CCTV, sistem alarm penyusup, dan sistem kendali akses biometri. • Access rights are granted to authorized persons on an individual basis according to the System and Data Access Control measures (see Section 1.2 and 1.3 below). This also applies to visitor access. Guests and visitors to SAP buildings must register their names at reception and must be accompanied by authorized SAP personnel./ Hak akses diberikan kepada orang-orang resmi secara individual sesuai dengan tindakan Sistem dan Kendali Akses Data (lihat Pasal 1.2 dan 1.3 di bawah). Hal ini juga berlaku untuk akses pengunjung. Tamu dan pengunjung ke gedung SAP harus mendaftarkan nama mereka di bagian penerimaan dan harus didampingi oleh personel resmi SAP . • SAP employees and external personnel must wear their ID cards at all SAP locations./ Karyawan SAP dan personel eksternal harus mengenakan kartu identitas di semua lokasi SAP. Additional measures for Data Centers:/ Tindakan tambahan untuk Pusat Data: • All Data Centers adhere to strict security procedures enforced by guards, surveillance cameras, motion detectors, access control mechanisms ...
Physical Access Control. Unauthorized persons are prevented from gaining physical access to premises, buildings or rooms where data processing systems that process and/or use Personal Data are located. В следующих разделах определяются текущие технические и организационные меры SAP. SAP может менять эти меры в любой момент без уведомления при условии обеспечения аналогичного или более высокого уровня безопасности. Индивидуальные мероприятия могут быть заменены новыми мерами, если они служат той же цели и не уменьшают уровень безопасности Персональных данных.
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Physical Access Control. 물리적 액세스 제어. • SAP protects its assets and facilities using the appropriate means based on the SAP Security Policy SAP 는 SAP 보안 정책을 기반으로 적절한 수단을 사용하여 자산과 시설을 보호합니다. • In general, buildings are secured through access control systems (e.g., smart card access system). 일반적으로 건물은 액세스 제어 시스템(예: 스마트 카드 액세스 시스템)을 통해 보안됩니다. • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management. 최소 요건으로, 건물의 가장 바깥쪽 출입 지점에는 현대식 활성 키 관리를 포함한 인증된 키 시스템을 장착해야 합니다. • Depending on the security classification, buildings, individual areas and surrounding premises may be further protected by additional measures. These include specific access profiles, video surveillance, intruder alarm systems and biometric access control systems. 보안 등급에 따라 건물, 개별 구역 및 주변 지역은 추가 조치로 보안을 강화할 수 있습니다. 추가 조치에는 특정 액세스 프로필, 비디오 감시, 침입자 경보 시스템 및 생체 인식 액세스 제어 시스템이 포함됩니다. • Access rights are granted to authorized persons on an individual basis according to the System and Data Access Control measures (see Section 1.2 and 1.3 below). This also applies to visitor access. Guests and visitors to SAP buildings must register their names at reception and must be accompanied by authorized SAP personnel. 시스템 및 데이터 액세스 제어 조치에 따라 개별적으로 승인된 사람에게 액세스 권한을 부여합니다(아래 제 1.2 항 및 제 1.3 항 참조). 이는 방문객 액세스에도 적용됩니다. SAP 건물을 방문하는 손님과 방문객은 접수처에서 이름을 등록해야 하며 승인된 SAP 직원과 동행해야 합니다. • SAP employees and external personnel must wear their ID cards at all SAP locations. SAP 직원 및 외부 인력은 모든 SAP 위치에서 ID 카드를 착용해야 합니다. Additional measures for Data Centers: 데이터 센터의 추가 조치: • All Data Centers adhere to strict security procedures enforced by guards, surveillance cameras, motion detectors, access control mechanisms and other measures to prevent equipment and Data Center facilities from being compromised. Only authorized representatives have access to systems and infrastructure within the Data Center facilities. To protect proper functionality, physical security equipment (e.g., motion sensors, cameras, etc.) undergo maintenance on a regular basis. 모든 데이터 센터는 보안 요원, 감시 카메라, 동작 감지기, 액세스 제어 장치 및 장비와 데이터 센터 시설이 손상되는 것을 방지할 기타 조치로 강화되는 엄격한 보안 절차를 유지합니다. 승인된 대리인만이 데이터 센터 시설 내부의 시스템과 인프라에 액세스합니다. 적절한 기능을 보호하기 위해, 물리적 보안 장비(예: 동작 센서, 카메라 등)의 정기적 유지보수를 수행합니다. • SAP and all third-party Data Center providers log the names and times of authorized personnel entering SAP’s private areas within the Data Centers. SAP 와 모든 제 3 자 데이터 센터 공급업자는 데이터 센터 내의 SAP 사적 구역을 출입하는 승인된 인력의 이...
Physical Access Control. The software is hosted in data centers operated by Hetzner Online GmbH in Germany. The technical and organizational measures taken in the data centers of the subcontracted processor Hetzner Online GmbH are described in detail here: xxxxx://
Physical Access Control. Unauthorized persons are prevented from gaining physical access to premises, buildings or rooms where data processing systems that process and/or use Personal Data are located./ Kendali Akses Fisik. Orang yang tidak berwenang dicegah dari mendapatkan akses fisik ke lokasi, gedung, atau ruangan di mana terdapat sistem pemrosesan data yang memproses dan/atau menggunakan Data Pribadi. Measures:/ Tindakan: • SAP protects its assets and facilities using the appropriate means based on the SAP Security Policy/ SAP melindungi aset dan fasilitasnya dengan menggunakan sarana yang sesuai berdasarkan Kebijakan Keamanan SAP • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management./ In general, buildings are secured through access control systems (e.g., smart card access system)./ Secara umum, gedung diamankan melalui sistem pengendalian akses (misalnya, sistem akses kartu pintar). • As a minimum requirement, the outermost entrance points of the building must be fitted with a certified key system including modern, active key management./ Sebagai persyaratan minimum, titik masuk terluar gedung harus dilengkapi dengan sistem kunci master tersertifikasi termasuk manajemen kunci aktif dan modern. • Depending on the security classification, buildings, individual areas and surrounding premises may be further protected by additional measures. These include specific access profiles, video surveillance, intruder alarm systems and biometric access control systems./ Bergantung pada klasifikasi keamanan, gedung, area individu, dan lokasi di sekitar dapat selanjutnya dilindungi dengan tindakan-tindakan tambahan. Tindakan-tindakan ini termasuk profil akses spesifik, CCTV, sistem alarm penyusup, dan sistem kendali akses biometri. • Access rights are granted to authorized persons on an individual basis according to the System and Data Access Control measures (see Section 1.2 and 1.3 below). This also applies to visitor access. Guests and visitors to SAP buildings must register their names at reception and must be accompanied by authorized SAP personnel./ Hak akses diberikan kepada orang-orang resmi secara individual sesuai dengan tindakan Sistem dan Kendali Akses Data (lihat Pasal 1.2 dan 1.3 di bawah). Hal ini juga berlaku untuk akses pengunjung. Tamu dan pengunjung ke gedung SAP harus mendaftarkan nama mereka di bagian penerimaan dan harus didampingi oleh personel resmi SAP . • SAP emp...
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