Freedom of Navigation Sample Clauses

Freedom of Navigation. On the basis of equality of right, freedom of navigation shall be accorded throughout the mainstream of the Mekong River without regard to the territorial boundaries, for transportation and communication to promote regional cooperation and to satisfactorily implement projects under this Agreement. The Mekong River shall be kept free from obstructions, measures, conduct and actions that might directly or indirectly impair navigability, interfere with this right or permanently make it more difficult. Navigational uses are not assured any priority over other uses, but will be incorporated into any mainstream project. Riparians may issue regulations for the portions of the Mekong River within their territories, particularly in sanitary, customs and immigration matters, police and general security.
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Freedom of Navigation. เสรี ภาพในการเดินเรื อ บนพ้ืนฐานของสิทธิเสมอภาค ให้มี เสรีภาพในการเดินเรือ สําหรับการขนส่ง และคมนาคมตลอดลาน้ํา ของแม่น้าโขงโดยไม่คานึงถึงอาณาเขตแห่งดินแดน เพื่อส่งเสริมความ ร่วมมือในภูมิภาค และเพื่อให้การดาเนินงานโครงการต่างๆภายใต้ ข้อตกลงน้ีเป็ นท่ีน่าพอใจ แม่น้ําโขงจะต้องปลอดจากสิ่งกีดขวาง มาตรการ พฤติกรรม และการกระทําใดๆที่อาจจะก่อให้เกิดความ เสียหายโดยทางตรงหรือทางออมต่อการเดินเรือ การแทรกแซงต่อ สิทธิน้ีหรือการทาให้สิทธิน้ีเกิดอุปสรรคมากข้ึนอย่างเป็ นการถาวร การใชแม่น้าโขง เพ่ือการเดินเรือน้ีมิไดสาคญเหนือกว่าการใชเพ่ือการ อื่น แต่จะรวมอยใู นโครงการหน่ึงใด บนลาน้าโขง รัฐภาคีอาจจะออก กฎระเบียบเพื่อบังคบใชในส่วนของแม่น้ําโขงท่ีอยู่ภายใน ดินแดน ของตน โดยเฉพาะอย่างย่ิง ท่ีเก่ียวกบเรื่อง สุขาภิบาล ศุลกากร และ
Freedom of Navigation. เสรีภาพในการเดินเรือ บนพ้ืนฐานของสิทธิเสมอภาค ใหม้ เสรีภาพในการเดินเรือ สา˚ หรับการขนส่ง และคมนาคมตลอดลา น้า˚ ของแม่น้า˚ โขงโดยไม่คา˚ นึงถึงอาณาเขตแห่งดินแดน เพื่อ ส่งเสริมความร่วมมือในภูมิภาค และเพื่อใหการดา˚ เนินงาน โครงการต่างๆภายใตข้ อ้ ตกลงน้ีเป็ นที่น่าพอใจ แม่น้า˚ โ ขงจะตอ้ ง ปลอดจากส่ิงกีดขวาง มาตรการ พฤติกรรม และการกระทา˚ ใดๆท่ี อาจจะก่อใหเ้ กิดความเสียหายโดยทางตรงหรือทางออ้ มต่อการ เดินเรือ การแทรกแซงต่อสิทธิน้ีหรือการทา˚ ใหสิทธินี้เกิด อุปสรรคมากข้ึนอยา่ งเป็ นการถาวร การใชแ้ ม่น้า˚ โขง เพื่อการ เดินเรือน้ีมิไดสา˚ คญเหนือกวา่ การใ ชเ้ พอื่ การอื่น แตจะ่ รวมอยใู่ น โครงการหน่ึงใด บนลา˚ น้า˚ โขง รัฐภาคีอาจจะออกกฎระเบียบเพื่อ บงั คบใชใ้ นส่วนของแมน้่ า˚ โขงที่อยภ่ ายใน ดนิ แดนของตน โดยเฉพาะอยา่ งยง ที่เกี่ยวกบ เร่ือง สุขาภิบาล ศุลกากร และการ
Freedom of Navigation. เสรีภาพในการเดินเรือ บนพ้ืนฐานของสิทธิเสมอภาค ใหม้ เสรีภาพในการเดินเรือ สา หรับการขนส่ง และคมนาคมตลอดลา น้า ของแม่น้า โขงโดยไม่คา นึงถึงอาณาเขตแห่งดินแดน เพื่อ ส่งเสริมความร่วมมือในภูมิภาค และเพื่อใหการดา เนินงาน โครงการต่างๆภายใตข้ อ้ ตกลงน้ีเป็ นท่ีน่าพอใจ แม่น้า โ ขงจะตอ้ ง ปลอดจากส่ิงกีดขวาง มาตรการ พฤติกรรม และการกระทา ใดๆท่ี อาจจะก่อใหเ้ กิดความเสียหายโดยทางตรงหรือทางออ้ มต่อการ เดินเรือ การแทรกแซงต่อสิทธิน้ีหรือการทา ใหสิทธินี้เกิด อุปสรรคมากข้ึนอยา่ งเป็ นการถาวร การใชแ้ ม่น้า โขง เพื่อการ เดินเรือน้ีมิไดสา คญเหนือกวา่ การใ ชเ้ พอื่ การอื่น แตจะ่ รวมอยใู่ น โครงการหน่ึงใด บนลา น้า โขง รัฐภาคีอาจจะออกกฎระเบียบเพื่อ บงั คบใชใ้ นส่วนของแมน้่ า โขงที่อยภ่ ายใน ดนิ แดนของตน โดยเฉพาะอยา่ งยง ที่เกี่ยวกบ เร่ือง สุขาภิบาล ศุลกากร และการ
Freedom of Navigation. ARTICLE 334. The nationals of any of the Allied Powers as well as their vessels and property shall enjoy in all Turkish ports and on the inland navigation routes of Turkey at least the same treatment in all respects as Turkish nationals, vessels and property. In particular, the vessels of any one of the Allied Powers shall be entitled to transport goods of any description and passengers to or from any ports or places in Turkish territory to which Turkish vessels may have access, under conditions which shall not be more onerous than those applied in the case of national vessels, they shall be treated on a footing of equality with national vessels as regards port and harbour facilities and charges of every description, including facilities for stationing, loading and unloading, tonnage duties and charges, harbour, pilotage, lighthouse, quarantine and all analogous duties and charges of whatsoever nature levied in the name of or for the profit of the Government, public functionaries, private individuals, corporations or establishments of any kind. In the event of Turkey granting a preferential regime to any of the Allied Powers or to any other foreign Power, this regime shall be extended immediately and unconditionally to all the Allied Powers. There shall be no restrictions on the movement of persons or vessels other than those arising from prescriptions concerning customs, police, public health, emigration, and immigration and those relating to the import and export of prohibited goods. Such regulations must be reasonable and uniform and must not impede traffic unnecessarily. CHAPTER II. PORTS OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN ARTICLE 335. The following Eastern ports are declared ports of international concern and placed under the regime defined in the following Articles of this section; Constantinople, from St. Stefano to Dolma Bagtchi; Haidar Pasha; Smyrna; Alexandretta; Haifa; Basra; Trebizond (in the conditions laid down in Article 352); Batum (subject to conditions to be subsequently fixed). Free zones shall be provided in these ports. Subject to any provisions to the contrary in the present Treaty, the regime laid down for the above ports shall not prejudice the territorial sovereignty.
Freedom of Navigation. ARTICLE 327. The nationals of any of the Allied and Associated Powers as well as their vessels and property shall enjoy in all German ports and on the inland navigation routes of Germany the same treatment in all respects as German nationals, vessels and property. In particular the vessels of any one of the Allied or Associated Powers shall be entitled to transport goods of any description, and passengers, to or from any ports or places in German territory to which German vessels may have access, under conditions which shall not be more onerous than those applied in the case of national vessels; they shall be treated on a footing of equality with national vessels as regards port and harbour facilities and charges of every description, including facilities for stationing loading, and unloading, and duties and charges of tonnage, harbour, pilotage, light-house, quarantine, and all analogous duties and charges of whatsoever nature, levied in the name of or for the profit of the Government, public functionaries, private individuals, corporations or establishments of any kind. In the event of Germany granting a preferential regime to any of the Allied or Associated Powers or to any other foreign Power, this regime shall be extended immediately and unconditionally to all the Allied and Associated Powers. There shall be no impediment to the movement of persons or vessels other than those arising from prescriptions concerning customs, police, sanitation, emigration, and immigration, and those relating to the import and export of prohibited goods. Such regulations must be reasonable and uniform and must not impede traffic unnecessarily.
Freedom of Navigation. 1. In order to ensure the actual implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties reaffirm their compliance with the principle of freedom of maritime navigation and will endeavour so as to remove all the obstacles which may somehow hamper the development of navigation between the two Parties. They shall also refrain from taking any discriminatory measure which may limit the activities of the vessels operated by the Shipping Companies of their respective Countries.
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Related to Freedom of Navigation

  • Health, Safety and Environment 41.1 In the performance of this Contract, Contractor and Operator shall conduct Petroleum Operations with due regard to health, safety and the protection of the environment (“HSE”) and the conservation of natural resources, and shall in particular:

  • Health & Safety (a) The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Home, in order to prevent injury and illness and abide by the Occupational Health and Safety Act as amended from time to time.

  • Freedom of Information and Transparency The Supplier acknowledges that the Authority and Other Contracting Bodies are subject to the requirements of the FOIA and the Environmental Information Regulations and shall assist and co-operate with the Authority and the Other Contracting Bodies to enable the Authority and Other Contracting Bodies to comply with their Information disclosure obligations in relation to this Framework Agreement and any Call Off Agreements. The Supplier shall: transfer to the Authority and/or the relevant Other Contracting Bodies, as applicable, all Requests for Information that it receives as soon as practicable and in any event within two (2) Working Days of receiving a Request for Information; and provide all necessary assistance reasonably requested by the Authority and/or the Other Contracting Body to enable the Authority and/or the Other Contracting Body to respond to the Request for Information within the time for compliance set out in section 10 of the FOIA or regulation 5 of the Environmental Information Regulations. The Authority shall be responsible for determining in absolute its discretion and notwithstanding any other provision in this Framework Agreement or any other agreement whether the Commercially Sensitive Information and/or any other Information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA or the Environmental Information Regulations. In no event shall the Supplier respond directly to a Request for Information unless expressly authorised to do so by the Authority. The Supplier acknowledges that (notwithstanding the provisions of this Clause FW-40.) the Authority may, acting in accordance with the Ministry of Justice’s Code of Practice on the Discharge of the Functions of Public Authorities under Part 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“the Code”), be obliged under the FOIA, or the Environmental Information Regulations to disclose information concerning the Supplier or the Services: in certain circumstances without consulting the Supplier; or following consultation with the Supplier and having taken its views into account; provided always that where Clause FW-40.5.1 applies the Authority shall, in accordance with any recommendations of the Code, take reasonable steps, where appropriate, to give the Supplier advanced notice, or failing that, to draw the disclosure to the Supplier’s attention after any such disclosure. The Supplier acknowledges that the description of information as Commercially Sensitive Information as notified to the Authority prior to the Commencement Date is of an indicative nature only and that the Authority and Other Contracting Body may be obliged to disclose the Commercially Sensitive Information in accordance with this Clause FW-40.. Subject to any information which is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA and notwithstanding any other term of this Framework Agreement or the Call Off Agreement, the Supplier agrees that the contents of the Framework Agreement and the Call Off Agreement are not Confidential Information and the Supplier hereby gives his consent for the Authority to publish this Framework Agreement and for the Contracting Body to publish the Call Off Agreement in their entirety including from time to time agreed changes to this Framework Agreement and/or the Call Off Agreement, to the general public.

  • Accident Prevention Health and Safety Committee The Employer and the Union agree that they mutually desire to maintain standards of safety and health in the Hospital in order to prevent accidents, in jury and illness. its responsibilities under the applicable legislation, the agrees to accept as a member of its Accident Prevention Health 6 Safety Committee at l e a s t one representative selected or appointed by the Union from amongst bargaining unit employees. shall identify potential dangers and hazards, institute means of improving health and programs and recommend to be a e improve related and health. The Hospital agrees to co-operate i providing information to enable the Committee to its function. shall i be at the call of Chair if shall minutes O f all meetings t h e s a m e available for representative o r selected accordance with shall serve for a of one calendar year the date of appointment which may renewed for further periods of one year. off for such to attend meetings of the Accident Prevention and Safety Committee accordance with shall and spent s h a l l be deemed to b e work time for which the representative(s) shall be paid by the a t his/her regular or premium rate as m a y be applicable. ARTICLE PAID The Holidays with pay for this Agreement shall be: New's Years Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Dominion Da) Holiday (as locally declared) During of this the Day, which is not a day, shall be granted third in If a that shall replace this holiday. t the nature of services necessary a Hospital, of the e m p l o y e e s ma be required work these In general, may required alternate with other in absent instance, an e m p l o y e e having Day off 0 be off on Year's Day. a the preference. To qualify for holiday pay as above, an employee must work his or her full regularly scheduled shift immediately preceding and his or her full regularly scheduled shift immediately succeeding the Holiday. In the event of an employee being prevented from working the shift immediately preceding and/or succeeding such holiday by reason of illness, authenticated by medical certificate or otherwise, lasting more than five full working such employee shall qualify for holiday pay, it being further understood and agreed that no employee shall receive holiday pay for more than one holiday during any one illness except for holidays over the Christmas and Year's periods, in which case no employee shall receive pay for more than three holidays. of the above named holidays an regular day off, or during his or her vacation the employee receive off payment for holidays in lieu thereof, but additional shall not be added to the period of vacation of employee except the of the Department his work shall time half time rate of o r . such in addition any entitled or at the option of the the employee may be paid time one half for the time worked and a paid day off in lieu thereof, or, (or a further option of the Hospital), the employee may be paid his regular straight time plus a paid clay and a half off in lieu thereof. Failure report for work assigned on such holiday shall disqualify employee for holiday pay.

  • Occupational Health & Safety (a) It is a mutual interest of the parties to promote health and safety in workplaces and to prevent and reduce the occurrence of workplace injuries and occupational diseases. The parties agree that health and safety is of the utmost importance and agree to promote health and safety and wellness throughout the organization. The employer shall provide orientation and training in health and safety to new and current employees on an ongoing basis, and employees shall attend required health and safety training sessions. Accordingly, the parties fully endorse the responsibilities of employer and employee under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, making particular reference to the following:

  • SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY 6.6.1. Labor and Management are committed to providing employees with a drug-free and alcohol-free workplace. It is the goal to protect the health and safety of employees and to promote a productive workplace, and protect the reputation of Labor and Management and the employees.

  • D5 Health and Safety D5.1 The Contractor shall promptly notify the Authority of any health and safety hazards which may arise in connection with the performance of its obligations under the Contract. The Authority shall promptly notify the Contractor of any health and safety hazards which may exist or arise at the Authority’s Premises and which may affect the Contractor in the performance of its obligations under the Contract.

  • Work Health and Safety (a) The employer and employee acknowledge their responsibilities under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011 and Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012.

  • Risk Warning 7.1. The Client unreservedly accepts, acknowledges and understands that CFDs trading: • is highly speculative; • carry a high level of financial risk, as they are subject to excessive price fluctuations which may cause substantial losses; • in the case of CFDs with underlying asset a virtual currency, there might be sudden changes in prices of certain instruments. This can happen during economic events or market announcements or geopolitical events, news, or even due to adverse media or fake news. Gaps can occur when markets open or close or even during normal trading hours. If the market is closed when these factors occur, the opening price of the underlying asset can be substantially different from the closing price, giving you no opportunity to close your trade in-between. Pricing gaps can result in losses. Therefore, CFDs on virtual currencies may be subject to large price fluctuations and in some instances, due to the early stages of their lifecycle, they may lose entire value. • the losses may include all of the Client’s investment and also any additional commissions and other expenses; • is only suitable for persons who are able to cope with the associated risks by bearing the financial losses; • the Company does not guarantee the capital of the Client’s Account or its value at any time or any money invested in any Financial Instrument;

  • Environment, Health, and Safety 24.4.1. The Supplier and its staff (and/or any sub-supplier and/or subcontractor) shall comply with the laws and regulations in force related to protection of the environment, the health and safety instructions applicable to the Goods and Services performed pursuant to the Contract and especially, if appropriate, to the Goodsand Services performedon any Site by a third company.

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