Automatic Review Procedure Sample Clauses

Automatic Review Procedure. On the third year anniversary of the Effective Date and every third year thereafter the Bank will automatically review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits with the intent that the Executive=s target benefit shall be 75% of compensation less the Bank-provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement, Bank-provided benefits include but are not limited to (a) the Bank 401(k) match and (b) the Bank portion of Social Security benefits. The term Acompensation@ as used in this Section 7.15 means the base annual salary of the Executive projected at the Executive=s Normal Retirement Age. Base Annual Salary means compensation of the type that would, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission=s Regulation S-K Item 402(b) (17 CFR 229.402(b) (2003)), be required to be reported as salary in column (c) of that rule=s Summary Compensation Table. The term Base Annual Salary specifically excludes director fees and other director compensation, bonus, option grants and any other compensation that would be reported in separate columns in the Summary Compensation Table, but it includes salary deferred at the election of the Executive.
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Automatic Review Procedure. On the third year anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and every third year thereafter, the Bank shall review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits, taking into account the Executive’s compensation on the date of the review and Bank-provided benefits that may be provided to the Executive after retirement from other sources. For purposes of this Agreement, Bank-provided benefits shall include, but are not limited to, matching contributions under the Bank’s 401(k) plan, contributions under the ESOP plan, and the Bank portion of Social Security benefits.
Automatic Review Procedure. On the third year anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement, and continuing on each subsequent third year anniversary, the Bank will automatically review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits with the intent that the Executive's target benefit shall be 75 percent of compensation less Bank-provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement, Bank-provided benefits shall include, but are not limited to, the Bank 401(k) match, benefit accruals by the Bank under the United National Bank & Trust Company Pension Plan and Trust through the plan's termination as of April 14, 2002, and the Bank portion of Social Security benefits. The term "compensation" as used in this Section 7.18 means the base annual salary of the Executive projected at the Executive's Normal Retirement Age. Base annual salary refers to compensation of the type that would be required to be reported by Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 228.402(b) (17 CFR 228.402(b)), specifically column (c) of that rule's Summary Compensation Table (or any successor provision), excluding director fees but including elective deferred compensation.
Automatic Review Procedure. Upon the third year anniversary of the execution of this Agreement, and continuing on each subsequent third year anniversary, the Bank will automatically review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits with the intent that the Executive's target benefit shall be 75 percent of compensation less Bank-provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement, Bank-provided benefits shall include, but are not limited to, the Bank 401(k) match, the UNB Corp. Pension Plan, and the Bank portion of Social Security benefits. The term "compensation" as used in this Section 7.18 means the base annual salary of the Executive projected at the Executive's Normal Retirement Age. Base annual salary refers to compensation of the type that would be required to be reported by Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 228.402(b) (17 C.F.R. ss.228.402(b)), specifically column (c) of that rule's Summary Compensation Table (or any successor provision), excluding director fees but including elective deferred compensation.
Automatic Review Procedure. Upon the third year anniversary of the execution of this Agreement, and continuing on each subsequent third year anniversary, the Company will automatically review the Executive's Agreement for reasonableness of benefits with the intent that the Executive's target benefit shall be 70 percent of Compensation less Company provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement, Company provided benefits shall include, but are not limited to, the Company's 401(k) match, the Company's Employee Stock Ownership Plan, and the Company's portion of Social Security benefits. 214
Automatic Review Procedure. On the fifth anniversary of the Effective Date of this Agreement and every five years thereafter, the Bank shall automatically review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits, with the intent that the Executive’s target benefit shall be 70.9% of compensation less Bank-provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement Bank-provided benefits shall include but shall not be limited to any 401(k) match, benefit accruals by the Bank under any pension plan, and the Bank portion of Social Security benefits. The term “compensation” as used in this section means the base annual salary of the Executive projected at the Executive’s Normal Retirement Age. Base annual salary refers to compensation of the type that would be required to be reported by Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 229.402(c) (17 CFR 229.402(c)), specifically column (c) of that rule’s Summary Compensation Table (or any successor provision), excluding director fees but including elective deferred compensation.
Automatic Review Procedure. Upon the third year anniversary of the execution of this Agreement, and continuing on each subsequent third year anniversary, the Bank will automatically review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits with the intent that the Executive's target benefit shall be 70 percent of compensation less Bank-provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement, Bank-provided benefits shall include, but are not limited to, the Bank 401(k) match, and the Bank portion of Social Security benefits. The term "compensation" as used in this Section 7.18 means the base annual salary of the Executive projected at the Executive's Normal Retirement Age. Base annual salary refers to compensation of the type that would be required to be reported by Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 228.402(b) (17 C.F.R. '228.402(b)), specifically column (c) of that rule's Summary Compensation Table (or any successor provision), excluding director fees but including elective deferred compensation.
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Automatic Review Procedure. Upon the third year anniversary of the execution of this Agreement, and continuing on each subsequent third year anniversary, the Bank will automatically review this Agreement for reasonableness of benefits with the intent that the Executive's target benefit shall be 70 percent of compensation less Bank-provided benefits. For purposes of this Agreement, Bank-provided benefits shall include, but are not limited to, the Bank 401(k) match, and the Bank portion of Social Security benefits. The term "compensation" as used in this Section 7.18 means the base annual salary of the Executive projected at the Executive's Normal Retirement Age. Base annual salary refers to compensation of the type that would be required to be reported by Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 228.402(b) (17 C.F.R. '228.402(b)), specifically column (c) of that rule's Summary Compensation Table (or any successor provision), excluding director fees but including elective deferred compensation.

Related to Automatic Review Procedure

  • Review Procedure If the Plan Administrator denies part or all of the claim, the claimant shall have the opportunity for a full and fair review by the Plan Administrator of the denial, as follows:

  • Review Procedures The Parties agree to jointly conduct a review, sampling transactions of the incidents managed under this Agreement. Findings that are inconsistent with the normal or accepted way of doing business will be reconciled on a case by case basis. Any decision to further examine records will be considered on a case by case basis and appropriate follow up action agreed upon by all agencies involved. Payment for Protection Services (use if appropriate) Geographic, Statewide or Sub-Geographic (local) operating plans and procurement documents or agreement will establish billing procedures for Fee Basis Protection Services.

  • Claims and Review Procedure In the event that any claim for benefits that must initially be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors, is denied (in whole or in part) hereunder, the claimant shall receive from First Charter a notice of denial in writing within 60 days, written in a manner calculated to be understood by the claimant, setting forth the specific reasons for denial, with specific reference to pertinent provisions of this Supplemental Agreement. Any disagreements about such interpretations and construction shall be submitted to an arbitrator subject to the rules and procedures established by the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator shall be acceptable to both First Charter and the Executive (or Beneficiary); if the parties cannot agree on a single arbitrator, the disagreement shall be heard by a panel of three arbitrators, with each party to appoint one arbitrator and the third to be chosen by the other two. No member of the Board of Directors shall be liable to any person for any action taken under Article VIII except those actions undertaken with lack of good faith.

  • Claims Procedure An Executive or Beneficiary (“claimant”) who has not received benefits under this Agreement that he or she believes should be distributed shall make a claim for such benefits as follows:

  • Procedure for Termination The party designated in Section 4.03 of the Trust Agreement shall advise the Securities Administrator in writing of its election to cause a Terminating Purchase, no later than the Distribution Date in the month preceding the Distribution Date on which the Terminating Purchase will occur. Notice of the Distribution Date on which any such termination shall occur (or the Distribution Date on which final payment or other Liquidation of the last Mortgage Loan remaining in the Trust or the disposition of the last REO Property remaining in the Trust will be distributed to Certificateholders, as reflected in the Remittance Report for such month (the “Final Distribution Date”) shall be given promptly by the Securities Administrator by letter to Certificateholders mailed (a) in the event such notice is given in connection with a Terminating Purchase, not earlier than the 15th day of the month preceding such final distribution and not later than the 5th day of the month of such final distribution or (b) otherwise during the month of such final distribution on or before the Servicing Remittance Date in such month, in each case specifying (i) the Final Distribution Date and that final payment of the Certificates will be made upon presentation and surrender of Certificates at the office of the Securities Administrator therein designated on that date, (ii) the amount of any such final payment and (iii) that the Record Date otherwise applicable to such Final Distribution Date is not applicable, payments being made only upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates at the office of the Securities Administrator. The Securities Administrator shall give such notice to the Certificate Registrar at the time such notice is given to Certificateholders. In the event such notice is given in connection with a Terminating Purchase, the purchaser shall deliver to the Securities Administrator for deposit in the Certificate Account on the Business Day immediately preceding the Final Distribution Date an amount in next day funds equal to the Termination Price, as the case may be. Upon presentation and surrender of the Certificates on a Distribution Date by Certificateholders, the Securities Administrator shall distribute to Certificateholders (A) the amount otherwise distributable on such Distribution Date, if not in connection with Terminating Purchase, or (B) if in connection with a Terminating Purchase, an amount determined as follows: with respect to each Certificate with an outstanding Certificate Balance, the outstanding Certificate Balance thereof, plus interest thereon through the Accounting Date preceding the Distribution Date fixed for termination and any previously unpaid interest, net of unrealized losses, Realized Interest Shortfall and Shortfall with respect thereto; and in addition, with respect to each Residual Certificate, the Percentage Interest evidenced thereby multiplied by the difference between the Termination Price and the aggregate amount to be distributed as provided in the first clause of this sentence and the next succeeding sentence. Upon the deposit of the Termination Price in the Certificate Account, the Securities Administrator, on behalf of the Trustee, and any Custodian acting as its agent, shall promptly release to the purchaser the Trustee Mortgage Loan Files for the remaining Mortgage Loans, and the Securities Administrator, on behalf of the Trustee, shall execute all assignments, endorsements and other instruments without recourse necessary to effectuate such transfer. The Trust shall terminate immediately following the deposit of funds in the Termination Account as provided below. In the event that all of the Certificateholders shall not surrender their Certificates within six months after the Final Distribution Date specified in the above-mentioned written notice, the Securities Administrator shall give a second written notice to the remaining Certificateholders to surrender their Certificates and receive the final distribution with respect thereto, net of the cost of such second notice. If within one year after the second notice all the Certificates shall not have been surrendered for cancellation, the Securities Administrator may take appropriate steps, or may appoint an agent to take appropriate steps, to contact the remaining Certificateholders concerning surrender of their Certificates, and the cost thereof shall be paid out of the amounts otherwise payable on such Certificates. Any funds payable to Certificateholders that are not distributed on the Final Distribution Date shall be deposited in a Termination Account, which shall be an Eligible Account, to be held for the benefit of Certificateholders not presenting and surrendering their Certificates in the aforesaid manner, and shall be disposed of in accordance with this Section. The Securities Administrator shall establish the Termination Accounts, which shall be Eligible Accounts, on or about the Closing Date.

  • Appeal Procedure The Appeal will be deemed an appeal of the entire Arbitration Award. In conducting the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall conduct a de novo review of all Claims described or otherwise set forth in the Arbitration Notice. Subject to the foregoing and all other provisions of this Paragraph 5, the Appeal Panel shall conduct the Appeal in a manner the Appeal Panel considers appropriate for a fair and expeditious disposition of the Appeal, may hold one or more hearings and permit oral argument, and may review all previous evidence and discovery, together with all briefs, pleadings and other documents filed with the Original Arbitrator (as well as any documents filed with the Appeal Panel pursuant to Paragraph 5.4(a) below). Notwithstanding the foregoing, in connection with the Appeal, the Appeal Panel shall not permit the parties to conduct any additional discovery or raise any new Claims to be arbitrated, shall not permit new witnesses or affidavits, and shall not base any of its findings or determinations on the Original Arbitrator’s findings or the Arbitration Award.

  • GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 7.01 For purposes of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a difference arising between the parties relating to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the Agreement including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable.

  • Asset Representations Review Process Section 3.01 Asset Representations Review Notices and Identification of Review Receivables. On receipt of an Asset Representations Review Notice from the Seller according to Section 5.7 of the Receivables Purchase Agreement, the Asset Representations Reviewer will start an Asset Representations Review. The Servicer will provide the list of Review Receivables to the Asset Representations Reviewer promptly upon receipt of the Asset Representations Review Notice. The Asset Representations Reviewer will not be obligated to start, and will not start, an Asset Representations Review until an Asset Representations Review Notice and the related list of Review Receivables is received. The Asset Representations Reviewer is not obligated to verify (i) whether the conditions to the initiation of the Asset Representations Review and the issuance of an Asset Representations Review Notice described in Section 7.6 of the Indenture were satisfied or (ii) the accuracy or completeness of the list of Review Receivables provided by the Servicer.

  • Payment Procedure (a) The Lead Securitization Note Holder, in accordance with the priorities set forth in Section 3 and subject to the terms of the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement, will deposit or cause to be deposited all payments allocable to the Notes to the Collection Account or Companion Distribution Account pursuant to and in accordance with the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement. The Lead Securitization Note Holder (or the Master Servicer acting on its behalf) shall (i) deposit such amounts to the applicable account within two (2) Business Days after receipt of properly identified and available funds by the Lead Securitization Note Holder (or the Master Servicer acting on its behalf) from or on behalf of the Mortgage Loan Borrower and (ii) remit from the applicable account (A) prior to the Securitization Date, within two Business Days of receipt of properly identified funds (unless otherwise specified pursuant to an interim servicing agreement) and (B) on or after the Securitization Date, (1) with respect to the Lead Securitization Note, the remittance date under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement for the Lead Securitization Note and (2) with respect to the Non-Lead Securitization Note, (x) prior to the Non-Lead Securitization, the remittance date under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement for the Lead Securitization Note and (y) on or after the Non-Lead Securitization, the earlier of the remittance date under the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement and the business day immediately succeeding the “determination date” set forth in the Non-Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement for the Non-Lead Securitization Note, all payments received and allocable pursuant to this Agreement and the Lead Securitization Servicing Agreement with respect to the Non-Lead Securitization Note (net of amounts payable or reimbursable from such account) by wire transfer to accounts maintained by the applicable Note Holder.

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