As used in this chapter, definition

As used in this chapter,  public works' means:
As used in this chapter,  public work" means the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or renovation of a public building, airport facility, or other structure that is paid for out of a public fund or out of a special assessment. The term includes the construction, alteration, or repair of a highway, street, alley, bridge, sewer, drain, or other improvement that is paid for out of a public fund or out of a special assessment. The term also includes any public work leased by a political subdivision under a lease containing an option to purchase.”
As used in this chapter,  eligible efficiency project' means:

Examples of As used in this chapter, in a sentence

  • DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter: * * * (3)(A) “Development” means each of the following: * * * (iv) The construction of housing projects such as cooperatives, condominiums, or dwellings, or construction or maintenance of mobile homes or mobile home parks, with 10 or more units, constructed or maintained on a tract or tracts of land, owned or controlled by a person, within a radius of five miles of any point on any involved land and within any continuous period of five years.

  • The organization’s certificates of deposit of $338,719 could be withdrawn without penalty.

  • DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter: * * * (11) “Abuse,” “sexual assault,” and “stalking” have the same meaning as in section 4471 of this title.

  • DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter: * * * (10) “Privately owned wastewater system” means a privately owned wastewater system, that receives primarily domestic type wastes.

  • DEFINITIONS As used in this chapter: * * * (7) “Board” “Director” means the Board of Real Estate Appraisers established under this chapter Director of the Office of Professional Regulation.

More Definitions of As used in this chapter,

As used in this chapter,  local agency" means a county, city, whether general law or chartered, city and county, town, school district, Municipal Corporation, district, political subdivision, or any board, commission or agency thereof, or other local public agency.”
As used in this chapter,  legislative body’ means:
As used in this chapter,  energy conservation measure' means a school facility alteration or an alteration of a structure (as defined in IC 36-1-10-2) designed to reduce energy consump- tion costs or other operating costs . . . including future:
As used in this chapter,  record” or “records” means all papers, maps, exhibits, magnetic or paper tapes, photographic films and prints, punched cards, and other documents produced, received, owned or used by an agency, regardless of physical form or characteristics. Library and museum materials made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, and stocks of publications and of processed documents are not included within the definition of the term ‘record’ or ‘records’ as used in this chapter.” (Gov. Code, § 14741.)
As used in this chapter,  public work" means the construction, reconstruction, alteration, or
As used in this chapter,  person’ means any person, partnership, joint- stock company, unincorporated association, society, municipal corporation, or other corporation.”
As used in this chapter,  occupational disease’ means any disease or infection arising out of and in the course of employment caused by substances or activities to which an employee is not ordinarily subjected or exposed other than during a period of regular actual employment therein, and which requires medical services or results in disability or death, including: