3-Month LIBOR definition

3-Month LIBOR means the London interbank offered interest rate for three-month, U.S. dollar deposits determined by the Trustee in the following order of priority:
3-Month LIBOR has the meaning set forth in Section 2.10.
3-Month LIBOR has the meaning set forth in paragraph 4(a) of Annex I.

Examples of 3-Month LIBOR in a sentence

  • Interest is charged in the amount of 0.70% plus the 3-month London Interbank Offered Rate (“LIBOR”) on the amount of eligible equity securities outstanding, and 0.80% plus the 3-month LIBOR on the amount of other eligible securities outstanding.

More Definitions of 3-Month LIBOR

3-Month LIBOR as used herein, means the London interbank offered interest rate for three-month U.S. dollar deposits determined by the Trustee in the following order of priority: (i) the rate (expressed as a percentage per annum) for U.S. dollar deposits having a three-month maturity that appears on Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on the related Determination Date (“Telerate Page 3750” means the display designated as “Page 3750” on the Moneyline Telerate Service or such other page as may replace Page 3750 on that service or such other service or services as may be nominated by the British Bankers’ Association as the information vendor for the purpose of displaying London interbank offered rates for U.S. dollar deposits); (ii) if such rate cannot be identified on the related Determination Date, the Trustee will request the principal London offices of four leading banks in the London interbank market to provide such banks’ offered quotations (expressed as percentages per annum) to prime banks in the London interbank market for U.S. dollar deposits having a three-month maturity as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on such Determination Date. If at least two quotations are provided, 3-Month LIBOR will be the arithmetic mean of such quotations; (iii) if fewer than two such quotations are provided as requested in clause (ii) above, the Trustee will request four major New York City banks to provide such banks’ offered quotations (expressed as percentages per annum) to leading European banks for loans in U.S. dollars as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on such Determination Date. If at least two such quotations are provided, 3-Month LIBOR will be the arithmetic mean of such quotations; and (iv) if fewer than two such quotations are provided as requested in clause (iii) above, 3-Month LIBOR will be a 3-Month LIBOR determined with respect to the Distribution Period immediately preceding such current Distribution Period. If the rate for U.S. dollar deposits having a three-month maturity that initially appears on Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00 a.m. (London time) on the related Determination Date is superseded on the Telerate Page 3750 by a corrected rate by 12:00 noon (London time) on such Determination Date, then the corrected rate as so substituted on the applicable page will be the applicable 3-Month LIBOR for such Determination Date. As used herein, “Determination Date” means the date that is two London Banking Days (i.e., a business day in which dealings in deposits in U...
3-Month LIBOR means, for any Determination Date, the arithmetic mean of the offered rates for deposits in U.S. dollars having a 3 month maturity, commencing on the second London Banking Day immediately following that Determination Date that appear on the Designated LIBOR Page as of 11:00 a.m., London time, on that Determination Date, if at least two offered rates appear on the Designated LIBOR Page, provided that if the Designated LIBOR Page by its terms provides only for a single rate, that single rate will be used. The “Designated LIBOR Page” means the display on Reuters, or any successor service, on page LIBOR01, or any other page as may replace that page on that service, for the purpose of displaying the London Interbank rates for U.S. dollars.
3-Month LIBOR means the London interbank offered rate for three-month, U.S. dollar deposits determined by the Indenture Trustee, with respect to the particular quarterly period, in the following order of priority:
3-Month LIBOR has the meaning set forth in Section 2.10. -------------
3-Month LIBOR has the meaning specified in Section 2.03.
3-Month LIBOR means, with respect to any Dividend Period, the rate (expressed as a percentage per annum) for deposits in U.S. dollars for a 3-month period commencing on the first day of that Dividend Period that appears on Telerate Page 3750 as of 11:00 a.m., London time, on the Dividend Determination Date for that Dividend Period. If such rate does not appear on Telerate Page 3750, 3-Month LIBOR will be determined on the basis of the rates at which deposits in U.S. dollars for a 3-month period commencing on the first day of that Dividend Period and in a principal amount of not less than $1,000,000 are offered to prime banks in the London interbank market by four major banks in the London interbank market selected by the Calculation Agent, at approximately 11:00 a.m., London time, on the Dividend Determination Date for that Dividend Period. The Calculation Agent will request the principal London office of each of such banks to provide a quotation of its rate. If at least two such quotations are provided, 3-Month LIBOR with respect to that Dividend Period will be the arithmetic mean (rounded upward if necessary to the nearest .00001 of 1%) of such quotations. If fewer than two quotations are provided, 3-Month LIBOR with respect to that Dividend Period will be the arithmetic mean (rounded upward if necessary to the nearest .00001 of 1%) of the rates quoted by three major banks in New York City selected by the Calculation Agent, at approximately 11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the first day of that Dividend Period for loans in U.S. dollars to leading European banks for a 3-month period commencing on the first day of that Dividend Period and in a principal amount of not less than $1,000,000. However, if fewer than three New York City banks selected by the Calculation Agent to provide quotations are quoting as described above, 3-Month LIBOR for that Dividend Period will be the same as 3-Month LIBOR as determined for the previous Dividend Period. The establishment of 3-Month LIBOR for each Dividend Period by the Calculation Agent shall (in the absence of manifest error) be final and binding.