When you definition

When you re open to stories, it means that you’re open to other people’s perspectives and experiences, and that is at the heart of being an engaged human being and someone who cares about other people’s lives,” she says.
When you ve got a free service and a means-tested service it's quite hard to join it up coherently. [It] means that people don't get joined up care – their experience of the system is pretty disjointed and massively suboptimal.”
When you re undermanned, that means the existing people have to work harder,” she said. “That impacts morale and it could impact other things as well. We have, right now, already directed 1,100 additional people are going to be in- serted into the nuclear force to get those manning levels up.” They principally will be in the field, she said, and the Air Force is going to 100 percent manning in the eight critical nuclear specialties. Air Force officials have lifted some of the ongoing servicewide manpower reductions to add people back into the nuclear force, she added.

More Definitions of When you

When you re a worker and a member, it means that you’re the owner. It depends on which co-operative you’re in, but in my experience you contribute much more… Because at the end of the day, it’s your business and you have to be responsible for it.” Begoña, 36
When you re undermanned, that means the existing people have to work harder,” she said. “That impacts morale and it could impact other things as well. We have, right now, already directed 1,100 additional people are going to be inserted into the nuclear force to get those manning levels up.”
When you re farming deer, that means you have to take a lot of care with pretty much everything – stock management,

Related to When you

  • You, Your, Yourself means the Insured Person shown in the Schedule.

  • You/Your means the person(s) (natural or corporate) investing money in the Bond in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and includes their successors.

  • Homeless youth means persons found within the

  • You or Your means the person(s) who has signed or authorised by other means the Direct Debit Request.

  • You and Your means the person named in the schedule as the insured.

  • Homeless means lacking fixed, regular and adequate housing. You may be homeless if you are living in shelters, parks, motels, hotels, public spaces, camping grounds, cars, abandoned buildings, or temporarily living with other people because you have nowhere else to go. Also, if you are living in any of these situations and fleeing an abusive parent, you may be considered homeless even if your parent would otherwise provide a place to live.

  • IRDAI means the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.

  • ER means E.R. Schiffahrt GMBH & Cie. KG, a German limited partnership.

  • CI means carbon intensity.

  • You or “Your” shall mean the Bidder responding to this Invitation For Bid or the Seller whose Bid the City selected and awarded a contract.

  • MI means Michigan

  • DA or ‘Dubai Airports’ means Dubai Airports Corporation;

  • LEI means a legal entity identifier;

  • WAN means wide area network.

  • SMP : means Significant Market Power;

  • HI means programs for pupils with hearing impairment.

  • Party B The Credit Support Annex, solely in respect of Party B's obligations under Paragraph 3(b) of the Credit Support Annex.

  • FA , followed by a year, means the Finance Act of that year, and “F(No.2)A”, followed by a year, means the Finance (No.2) Act of that year.