Video lottery terminal definition

Video lottery terminal means any electronic computerized video game machine
Video lottery terminal or "terminal" means an electrical or electronic device, component, or terminal that displays a ticket through the use of a video display screen, and that is available for consumer play upon payment of any consideration, with winners determined by the application of the element of chance and the amount won determined by the possible prizes displayed on the device.
Video lottery terminal means a machine or device on which a video lottery game is played by a person on insertion of appropriate legal tender and that falls within the definition of "slot machine" under section 198(3)(a) of the Criminal Code;

Examples of Video lottery terminal in a sentence

  • The term does18 not include a machine that directly dispenses coins, cash, or tokens.19 (13) Video lottery terminal permit.

  • Video lottery terminal in-meter readings are recorded, manually or electronically, at least weekly immediately prior to or subsequent to a video lottery terminal drop.

  • Video lottery terminal sales agent” means a lottery sales agent licensed under Ohio R.C. Chapter 3770 to conduct video lottery terminals on behalf of the State pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3770.21.(Ord.

  • The11 term does not include a machine that directly dispenses coins, cash, or12 tokens.13 (10) Video lottery terminal permit.

  • First, as suggested by Mazur [22], students were asked to read the textbook and answer a few questions online prior to class.

More Definitions of Video lottery terminal

Video lottery terminal or "VLT" means any electronic or other device, contrivance or machine where the game outcome decision-making portion of the overall assembly is microprocessor controlled wherein the ticket or game outcome is displayed on a video display screen, electronically controlled physical reels, or other electronic or electro-mechanical display mechanism and that is available for consumer play at the device upon payment of any consideration, with winners determined by the application of the element of chance and the amount won determined by the possible prizes displayed on the device and which awards game credits. Such device also displays both win amounts and current credits available for play to the player.
Video lottery terminal or “VLT” has the meaning given the term “Video Lottery Terminal” in Rhode Island General Laws §42-61.2-1(7) as in effect on the date the Act became law.
Video lottery terminal means any electronic computerized video game machine that, upon the insertion of cash, is available to play a video game authorized by the lottery division, and which uses a video display and microprocessors in which, by chance, the player may receive free games or credits that can be redeemed for cash. The term does not include a machine that directly dispenses coins, cash, or tokens.
Video lottery terminal means a commission-approved interactive electronic terminal device which is connected with the commission’s central computer system, and which is used for the purpose of playing video lottery games authorized by the commission. A video lottery terminal may simulate the play of one or more video lottery games.
Video lottery terminal or "VLT" means any electronic or other device or machine:
Video lottery terminal means a device for playing lottery games that:
Video lottery terminal or "terminal" means an electrical or electro­ mechanical device, component, or terminal which displays a ticket through the use of a video display screen, and which is available for consumer play upon payment of any consideration, with winners determined by the application of the element of chance and the possible prizes displayed on the device.