verification authority definition

verification authority means the competent governmental authority designated by a Party to conduct verification procedures.
verification authority means the authority in exporting country or country of origin, designated to respond to verification request under a trade agreement.
verification authority means an accredited verification authority operating independently in the state of export, monitoring the chain of custody of the products in order to establish their legality or otherwise.

More Definitions of verification authority

verification authority means the authority in exporting country or country of origin,

Related to verification authority

  • Certification Authority means an entity that certifies the generation, characteristics or Delivery of a REC, or the qualification of a Renewable Energy Facility or Renewable Energy Source under an Applicable Program, may include, as applicable, the Administrator, a GIS, a Governmental Authority, the Verification Provider, one or both of the Parties, an independent auditor, or other third party, and should include (i) if no Applicable Program is specified, the Seller, or the generator of the RECs if the Seller is not the generator, (ii) if the RECs are to be Delivered pursuant to an Applicable Program, the Administrator of the Applicable Program, or such other person or entity specified by the Applicable Program to perform Certification, or (iii) such other person or entity specified by the Parties.

  • Aviation Authority means the FAA or any Government Entity which under the Laws of the U.S. from time to time has control over civil aviation or the registration, airworthiness or operation of aircraft in the U.S. If the Aircraft is registered in a country other than the U.S., "Aviation Authority" means the agency which regulates civil aviation in such other country.

  • education authority means a government department, a local authority as defined in section 579 of the Education Act 1996 (interpretation), a local education authority as defined in section 123 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, an education and library board established under Article 3 of the Education and Libraries (Northern Ireland) Order 1986, any body which is a research council for the purposes of the Science and Technology Act 1965 or any analogous government department, authority, board or body, of the Channel Islands, Isle of Man or any other country outside Great Britain;

  • Resolution Authority means an EEA Resolution Authority or, with respect to any UK Financial Institution, a UK Resolution Authority.

  • Taxation Authority means any national, local municipal, governmental, state, federal or fiscal, revenue, customs or excise authority, body, agency or official anywhere in the world having, or purporting to have power or authority in relation to Tax.

  • Data Protection Authority means an independent public authority that is legally tasked with overseeing compliance with applicable data protection laws.

  • Relevant Resolution Authority means the resolution authority with the ability to exercise any Bail-in Powers in relation to the relevant BRRD Party.

  • Competition Authority means any Governmental Authority or other competition or antitrust body or other authority, in any jurisdiction, which is responsible for applying merger control or other competition or antitrust legislation in such jurisdiction, including the notion of “competent authority” as that term is used in the EC Merger Regulation;

  • EEA Resolution Authority means any public administrative authority or any person entrusted with public administrative authority of any EEA Member Country (including any delegee) having responsibility for the resolution of any EEA Financial Institution.

  • Relevant UK Resolution Authority means any authority with the ability to exercise a UK Bail-in Power.

  • Registration Authority or “RA” means an entity approved by a CA to assist Certificate Applicants in applying for Certificates, and to approve or reject Certificate Applications, revoke Certificates, or renew Certificates.

  • UK Resolution Authority means the Bank of England or any other public administrative authority having responsibility for the resolution of any UK Financial Institution.

  • EEA means the European Economic Area.

  • EEA Member Country means any of the member states of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway.

  • Regulator means, with respect to any person, any Government Authority charged with regulating, supervising or examining such person and its Affiliates.

  • Contracting Authority means any contracting authority as defined in Regulation 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006.

  • Relevant Governmental Body means the Federal Reserve Board and/or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or a committee officially endorsed or convened by the Federal Reserve Board and/or the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or any successor thereto.

  • Inspecting Authority means the authorised representative of the Department to act as Inspecting Authority for the purpose of this contract and for the purpose of ascertaining the progress of the deliveries under the contract.

  • EEA State means a State which is a Contracting Party to the EEA Agreement;

  • Contracting Government means any Government which has deposited an instrument of ratification or has given notice of adherence to this Convention.

  • Authority ICT System means the Authority’s computing environment (consisting of hardware, software and/or telecommunications networks or equipment) used by the Authority or the Contractor in connection with the Contract which is owned by or licensed to the Authority by a third party and which interfaces with the Contractor ICT System or which is necessary for the Authority to receive the Services.

  • EEA Regulations means the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006.

  • Contract Authority means the Board of Supervisors or the head of the department or agency presenting the proposed contract to the Board of Supervisors.

  • enforcement authority means any person or body having jurisdiction to enforce or to take action under or in respect of the relevant legal requirement.

  • EEA Regulated Market means a market as defined by Article 4.1(14) of Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on markets on financial instruments;

  • EEA migrant worker (“gweithiwr mudol AEE”) means an EEA national who is a worker, other than an EEA frontier worker, in the United Kingdom;