Unwelcome definition

Unwelcome or “unwanted” in this context means any actions which the harasser knows or ought to know are not desired by the victim of harassment. Sexual harassment is any unwanted attention of sexual nature such as remarks about appearance or personal life, offensive written or visual actions like graffiti or degrading pictures, physical contact of any kind, or sexual demands. Racial harassment is any action, whether verbal or physical that expresses or promotes racial hatred in the workplace such as racial slurs, written or visually offensive actions, and jokes or other unwanted comments or acts. The experience of harassment can be overwhelming for the victim. People often react with shock, humiliation and intense anger. Therefore, the victim of harassment may not always feel comfortable going through the normal channels for resolving such a problem. Because of the sensitive, personal natures of harassment complaints, especially racial and sexual harassment, the victim may prefer initially to seek other assistance. This could be by any local Union elected person or official, including members of the women’s committee, human rights committee, and affirmative action committee. This person could assist the harassment victim in bringing the incident(s) to the attention of the local Union leadership. The local Union president and the unit chairperson must contact the UNIFOR national representative, and if necessary, they will meet with a senior Company representative(s) to carry out an investigation. The issue must be handled with confidentiality, and is to be resolved within ten (10) working days of notifying the unit chairperson and local Union president. Any resolution of harassment complaint must reflect the serious nature of such acts and send a clear signal that they will not be tolerated.
Unwelcome or “unwanted” in this context means any actions which the harasser knows, or reasonably should know, are not desired by the victim of the harassment.
Unwelcome or “unwanted” in this context means any actions which the harasser knows, or ought reasonably to know, are not desired by the victim of the harassment.

Examples of Unwelcome in a sentence

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct is so severe, persistent or pervasive that it explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work or educational performance, or creates an intimidating or hostile work or educational environment.

More Definitions of Unwelcome

Unwelcome means any uninvited and unsolicited conduct which an individual finds undesirable or offensive, and which reasonable persons in similar circumstances would consider unwelcome. Communication or conduct will be considered “unwelcome” if it is continued after the affected individual has clearly requested that it stop. An environment is “intimidating, hostile or offensive” if the affected person(s) considers it hostile or abusive and reasonable persons in similar circumstances would consider it hostile or abusive. Violation of this policy is prohibited.
Unwelcome in this context means any actions which the harasser knows, or ought reasonably to know, are not wanted by the victim of the harassment.
Unwelcome or “unwanted” means any action(s) which the harasser knows or ought reasonably to know are not desired.
Unwelcome or “unwanted” means any action(s) which the harasser knows or ought reasonably to know are not desired. Harassment is an inappropriate expression of real or perceived power or superiority by the harasser(s) over another person(s).
Unwelcome or “unwanted” in this context means any actions which the harasser knows, or reasonably ought to know, are not desired by the victim of harassment. Lack of intent on the part of the harasser is not a defense. The impact of the behavior on the recipient is of primary significance. Harassment is not bona fide work-related interaction such as work assignment, performance feedback, counseling or disciplinary action, nor is it normal social contact between people based on a position of equality or mutual consent.
Unwelcome means any uninvited and unsolicited conduct which an individual finds desirable or offensive, which reasonable persons in similar circumstances would consider unwelcome. Communication or conduct will be considered “unwelcome” if it is continued after the affected individual has clearly requested that it stop.
Unwelcome means an action which the individual knows or should reasonably know is not desired by the person at which it is directed.