Unnecessarily definition

Unnecessarily does means this: that the government could have accomplished the same environmental objective by an alternative measure that was reasonably available and that would have infringed less on those free trade norms.
Unnecessarily does not mean that, in the subjective view of an arbitral panel, the government's environmental objectives are themselves "too high." It is for governments to freely determine those objectives.

Examples of Unnecessarily in a sentence

  • Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other promotional materials beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal are not desired.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate responses or other representations beyond that which is sufficient to present a complete and effective tender proposal are not desired or required.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate brochures of other presentations beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal is not desired.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective quotation are not desired.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate special brochures, art work, expensive paper and expensive visual and other presentation aids are neither necessary nor desired.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations, beyond those necessary to present a complete and effective proposal, are not desired.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate Proposals, beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective response, are not required and unless specifically requested, the inclusion of corporate brochures and narratives are discouraged.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate responses beyond what is sufficient to present a complete and effective response to this RFP are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the proposer’s lack of environmental and cost consciousness.

  • BT3.44 Undesignated Timber Unnecessarily Damaged or Negligently or Willfully Cut.

  • Unnecessarily elaborate brochures or other presentations beyond those sufficient to present a complete and effective response to this RFP are not desired and may be construed as an indication of the respondent's lack of cost consciousness.

Related to Unnecessarily

  • Excessive meaning either repeated unprofessional use or any single event of consumption giving rise to significant intoxication or unprofessional behavior;

  • Impact means any effect caused by a proposed activity on the environment including human health and safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, landscape and historical monuments or other physical structures or the interaction among these factors; it also includes effects on cultural heritage or socio-economic conditions resulting from alterations to those factors;

  • Injure , “Injured” or “Injury” means bodily injury caused solely and directly by violent, accidental, visible and external means, which happens at a definite time and place during your period of cover and does not result from any illness, Sickness or disease.

  • Unreasonably impracticable means that the measures necessary to comply with the regulations require such a high investment of risk, money, time, or any other resource or asset that the operation of a marijuana establishment is not worthy of being carried out in practice by a reasonably prudent businessperson.

  • Minimize means to reduce or eliminate to the extent achievable using control measures (including Best Management Practices) that are technologically available and economically practicable and achievable in light of best industry practice.

  • Downtime means the Total Minutes in the Month during which the Cloud Service (or Servers for Server Provisioning) does not respond to a request from SAP’s Point of Demarcation for the data center providing the Cloud Service (or Server for Server Provisioning), excluding Excluded Downtime.

  • Workload means a special education teacher’s total number of minutes required for all due process responsibilities, including direct and indirect services, evaluation and reevaluation time, management of individualized education programs (IEPs), travel time, parental contact, and other services required in the IEPs.

  • Noise means two times the root mean square of ten standard deviations, each calculated from the zero responses measured at a constant frequency which is a multiple of 1,0 Hz during a period of 30 seconds.

  • Interfering Activities means (A) recruiting, encouraging, soliciting, or inducing, or in any manner attempting to recruit, encourage, solicit, or induce, any Person employed by, or providing consulting services to, any member of the Company Group to terminate such Person’s employment or services (or in the case of a consultant, materially reducing such services) with the Company Group, (B) hiring, or engaging any individual who was employed by or providing services to the Company Group within the six (6) month period prior to the date of such hiring or engagement, or (C) encouraging, soliciting, or inducing, or in any manner attempting to encourage, solicit, or induce, any Business Relation to cease doing business with or reduce the amount of business conducted with the Company Group, or in any way interfering with the relationship between any such Business Relation and the Company Group.

  • Interfere means to interpose in a way that hinders or impedes.

  • Extreme Vetting means data mining, threat modeling, predictive risk analysis, or other similar services." Extreme Vetting does not include:

  • Company’s Business means the businesses conducted by the Company or its subsidiaries at the time of the termination of Executive’s employment over which he has primary responsibility at the time of the termination of his employment (it being agreed and understood that other aspects of the businesses conducted by the Company or its subsidiaries is not within such definition).

  • Discom(s) means one or more of the following distribution companies:

  • Reuse means using a product or component of municipal solid waste in its original form more than once. “RFP” means a Request for Proposal designed to solicit proposals for services.

  • Deafness means a hearing impairment that is so severe that the student is impaired in processing linguistic information through hearing, with or without amplification that adversely affects a student’s educational performance.

  • Tamper means to interfere with something improperly, meddle with it, make unwarranted

  • Oppressive State means: Tibet Autonomous Region and the Provinces of Ado, Kham and U-Tsang

  • Bypass means the intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of the treatment facility. "Summer" shall be considered to be the period from May 1 through October 31.

  • Consumption of a chemical means its conversion into another chemical via a chemical reaction.

  • Disruption , as used in this part, means the cost effect upon, or the increased cost of performing, the unchanged work due to a change to the contract.

  • harmful interference means interference which endangers the functioning of a radio navigation service or of other safety services or which otherwise seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts a radio communications service operating in accordance with the applicable international, Union or national regulations;

  • Interference means a discharge which, alone or in conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, both: 1) inhibits or disrupts the POTW, its treatment processes or operations, or its sludge processes, use or disposal; and (2) therefore, is a cause of a violation of any requirement of the POTW's NPDES permit (including an increase in the magnitude or duration of a violation) or of the prevention of sewage sludge use or disposal in compliance with the following statutory provisions and regulations or permits issued thereunder (or more stringent local regulations): Section 405 of the Clean Water Act, the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) (including Title II, more commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), and including state regulations contained in any state sludge management plan prepared pursuant to Subtitle D of SWDA), the Clean Air Act, and the Toxic Substances Control Act.

  • Tampering means the unauthorized connecting, disconnecting, or causing to be connected or disconnected, or in any other manner interfering with the operation of the Company’s meters, pipes, conduits, other equipment or attachments, or as otherwise provided by this Tariff (see Sections 6.6, 6.13, and 6.15).

  • Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or psychological examinations or tests.

  • Disruptive student means an elementary or secondary student under the age of 21 who is substantially disruptive of the educational process or substantially interferes with the teacher's authority over the classroom.

  • Extremity means hand, elbow, arm below the elbow, foot, knee, and leg below the knee.