Examples of Unit owner in a sentence
Each CGL Insurance policy must contain a severability of interest endorsement preventing the insurer from denying the claim of a Condominium or PUD Unit owner because of negligent acts of the Owners' Association or other unit owners.
The Scheduling Coordinator for each Generating Unit owner or Participating Load must rank order the following options of calculating the Default Energy Bid starting with its preferred method.
The Scheduling Coordinator for the CHP Resource will schedule the quantities consistent with information provided subject to any contract rights between the CHP Resource Generating Unit owner or operator and its counter-party to any power purchase agreement regarding curtailment or dispatchability of the CHP Resource.
As part of the initial and annual recertification process, the Generating Unit owner or operator must provide the CAISO and its Scheduling Coordinator, if the Scheduling Coordinator is a UDC or MSS, with an annual non-binding indicative Regulatory Must-Take Generation usage profile.
The Non-Financial Activity is generated from maintenance activity to the Financial Product Unit owner registration.