Unintelligible definition

Unintelligible means not understandable, and, in particular, not understandable by us. It does not mean incoherent (a crucial point when studying Hume, who uses the word regularly).
Unintelligible means “incapable of being understood or comprehended.”
Unintelligible by other means. Digital rights advocates believe this bill would subvert encryption, violate privacy rights, and chill political speech. In the meantime, the courtroom showdown was postponed after the government requested to vacate the court order requiring Apple’s cooperation to open the iPhone.

Examples of Unintelligible in a sentence

  • Unintelligible entries; entries with incomplete, invalid, incorrect or noncurrent information; entries that are counterfeit, damaged or tampered with in any way; and entries with printing, production or typographical errors will be disqualified.

  • Frequently asked to repeat statements.4 = Unintelligible most of the time.

  • Unintelligible words with an unclear phonetic shape should be transcribed as xxx.

  • Demurrer, Judgment on the Pleadings, and Summary Judgment Not Permitted.; Unintelligible Pleadings Demurrers, petitions for judgment on the pleadings, and petitions for summary judgment are not permitted.

  • Unintelligible entries and entries without valid or current contact information for the entrant will be disqualified.

  • However, once the creditor contests the notice of rescission, the court may alter the procedure otherwise dictated by the TILA, determine whether there were inadequate disclosures that would extend the rescission period to three years, and decide whether equity compels a requirement that the borrower tender the loan proceeds before the lender returns the amounts paid and releases its security interest.

  • Unintelligible entries; entries with incomplete, invalid, incorrect, or noncurrent information; entries that are counterfeit, damaged, or tampered with in any way; and entries with printing, production, or typographical errors will be disqualified.

  • For example, in the case of Unintelligible, the evaluators annotated different sentences with this error category.

  • The κ values are relatively consis- tent between Transformer and RNN, except a strik- ing plunge in agreement scores for Transformer in some categories (Function word and its subtypes, Word order and Unintelligible) and the opposite, a considerably lower agreement for RNN, for Entity.

  • Unintelligible] - [Unintelligible] Third parties Signed by members of the six Local Government Areas participating in the dialogue along with witnesses.

More Definitions of Unintelligible

Unintelligible or rather that unintelligible means that

Related to Unintelligible

  • compatibility means compatibility as defined in point (10) of Article 2 of Directive (EU) 2019/770;

  • Messages means both “EDI Messages” or “Other Messages”.

  • Interoperability means the ability of a Qwest OSS Function to process seamlessly (i.e., without any manual intervention) business transactions with CLEC's OSS application, and vice versa, by means of secure exchange of transaction data models that use data fields and usage rules that can be received and processed by the other Party to achieve the intended OSS Function and related response. (See also Electronic Bonding.)

  • Firmware means software sold or licensed only in conjunction with machines, designed for execution only on a machine with which it is provided, designed only for machines other than a dedicated computer, and embedded into or installed on the machine by the machine’s manufacturer or seller.

  • functionality means the ability of a tenderer to provide goods or services in accordance with specifications as set out in the tender documents.

  • Input Material means all documents, information, representations, statements and materials provided by Customer or a third party on behalf of Customer, relating to the Services, including computer programs, data, logos, reports and specifications and inventories.

  • Output Material means any Documents or other materials, and any data or other information provided by the Supplier relating to the Specified Service;

  • Malicious Software means any software program or code intended to destroy, interfere with, corrupt, or cause undesired effects on program files, data or other information, executable code or application software macros, whether or not its operation is immediate or delayed, and whether the malicious software is introduced wilfully, negligently or without knowledge of its existence.

  • Spectrum Compatibility means the capability of two (2) copper loop transmission system technologies to coexist in the same cable without service degradation and to operate satisfactorily in the presence of cross talk noise from each other. Spectrum compatibility is defined on a per twisted pair basis for specific well-defined transmission systems. For the purposes of issues regarding Spectrum Compatibility, service degradation means the failure to meet the Bit Error Ratio (BER) and Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) margin requirements defined for the specific transmission system for all Loop lengths, model Loops, or loss values within the requirements for the specific transmission system.

  • Technical data means recorded information, regardless of the form or method of the recording, of a scientific or technical nature (including computer software documentation). The term does not include computer software or data incidental to contract administration, such as financial and/or management information.

  • Server Software means software that provides services or functionality on a computer acting as a server.

  • APIs means SAP application programming interface and accompanying or related Documentation, source code, tools, executable applications, libraries, subroutines, widgets and other materials made available by SAP or through SAP tools or SAP Software Development Kit (and all derivative works or modifications thereof) to Provider that allow Provider to integrate the Provider Service with the Cloud Service, including any access code, authentication keys or similar mechanisms to enable access of the APIs.

  • Embedded means the placement of transmission or distribution lines, pipes or cables into the bottom of surface waters by minimal displacement of bottom material and without the creation of a trench, or trough, through the use of techniques such as plowing-in, weighing-in, or non-trenching jets.

  • Interfaces means, collectively, the CAD Interface and the Channel Access Interface.

  • Software Updates means the Software releases, service packs, build updates or emergency fixes released from time to time in accordance with the Vocera’s update policy for such Software.

  • Adaptable means constructed in compliance with the technical design standards of the Barrier Free Subcode, N.J.A.C. 5:23-7.

  • Devices means any and all devices owned or purchased from time to time by Party A and utilized for the purposes of the provision of the Services.

  • Supported Software means the supported software identified in the Proposal. System means the designated information technology environment in which the Software is to be used. Term means the term of this Agreement specified in clause 2.

  • Prewritten computer software means computer software, including prewritten upgrades, which is not designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser. The combining of two or more "prewritten computer software" programs or prewritten portions thereof does not cause the combination to be other than "prewritten computer software". "Prewritten computer software" includes software designed and developed by the author or other creator to the specifications of a specific purchaser when it is sold to a person other than the purchaser. If a person modifies or enhances "computer software" of which the person is not the author or creator, the person is deemed to be the author or creator only of such person's modifications or enhancements. "Prewritten computer software" or a prewritten portion thereof that is modified or enhanced to any degree, if such modification or enhancement is designed and developed to the specifications of a specific purchaser, remains "prewritten computer software". However, if there is a reasonable, separately stated charge or an invoice or other statement of the price given to the purchaser for such modification or enhancement, such modification or enhancement shall not constitute "prewritten computer software".

  • Technically Feasible refers solely to technical or operational concerns, rather than economic, space, or site considerations.

  • Embedded Software means one or more software applications which permanently reside on a computing device.

  • Images means all types of visual content, including without limitation still photography, motion film or video and may include audio elements, whether generated optically, electronically, digitally or by any other means, and shall include all metadata, keywords, descriptions and captions associated therewith. Any reference to Images includes the whole or the part.

  • Feedback means input regarding the SAP Products, services, business or technology plans, including, without limitation, comments or suggestions regarding the possible creation, modification, correction, improvement or enhancement of the SAP Products and/or services, or input as to whether Partner believes SAP’s development direction is consistent with their own business and IT needs.

  • System Software means Software that provides the operating and management instructions for the underlying hardware and other components, and is identified as such in Appendix 4 of the Contract Agreement and such other Software as the parties may agree in writing to be Systems Software. Such System Software includes, but is not restricted to, micro-code embedded in hardware (i.e., “firmware”), operating systems, communications, system and network management, and utility software.

  • Encryption means methods of rendering personally identifiable information unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons through the use of a technology or methodology specified or permitted by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in guidance issued under 42 USC Section 17932(h)(2).

  • Hosted Software means the software owned and controlled by Vendor or Vendor’s third-party contractor that supports the Hosted Software Services.