Messages definition

Messages means both “EDI Messages” or “Other Messages”.
Messages. [], "IsSuccess": true, "AvailableRecordCount": 0, "ErrorMessages": "No Errors Reported" } GET /MaintenanceItem/GetDueList
Messages. [ ], "IsSuccess":true, "AvailableRecordCount":0,

Examples of Messages in a sentence

  • Messages are also displayed when the obtained values are outside expected range.

  • We will reject any Messages that cannot be matched to a Cash Account.

  • Messages or actions relating to or in support of illegal activities will be reported to law enforcement.

  • Key Messages on Direct Access to International Climate Funds from Participants of the NCFISP.

  • In this case a claim for damages must be notified to the hotel at the latest at the time of checking out.(6) Messages, mails, and merchandise deliveries for customers shall be handled with care.

More Definitions of Messages

Messages is an Apple messaging app that lets you send text messages and iMessages to anyone with an iOS, iPadOS, watchOS, or macOS device using iMessage.
Messages means the call detail information provided via the DUF (See Section 3.0).
Messages means both EDI Messages and Other Messages
Messages means electronic transactions that are used to exchange information between the Service Provider’s Host System and the RMV.
Messages. [], "IsSuccess": true, "AvailableRecordCount": 0, "ErrorMessages": "No Errors Reported" } POST /NonRoutineMaintenanceItem/Create/ Allow the creation of non-routine maintenance items (like discrepancies) for a particular aircraft. Notes: While the EquipmentId is not required, if it is not supplied then the non-routine item will be created on the airframe of the aircraft. If the discrepancy or other type of non-routine is found on an engine for instance the /Aircraft/GetEquipment/ method should be called so that a list of the equipment on the aircraft can be presented to the user and the appropriate EquipmentId can be sent in with the create. Parameters Name Data Type Required Description RegistrationNumber String(12) X This is the current registration or tail number of the aircraft as registered with Flightdocs. EquipmentId Integer Id of the equipment that this item is to be created on. IsOptional Boolean Indicator if the non-routine is an optional item ControlNumber String(20) Control Number of the non-routine item. ItemTypeId Integer X The type of non-routine item: • 5 – Discrepancy • 6 – XXX • 7 – NEF • 8 – CDL • 9 – Watch List ATACode Integer ATA Chapter of the non-routine item ManufacturingMaintenanceCode String(40) Manufacture code for the non-routine item. Description String(700) X Text to describe the non-routine maintenance item. LastUpdated DateTime Date and Time of when the non-routine item was last updated. DateReported Date Date of when the non-routine item was reported. (format YYYY-MM-DD) ReportedHours Decimal The number of hours on the equipment when the item was reported ReportedLandings Integer The number of landings on the equipment when the item was reported. ReportedCycles Decimal The number of cycles on the equipment when the item was reported. ReportedRIN Decimal The number of RIN on the equipment when the item was reported. Category String(1) Category of the non-routine item. • A – Multiple Metrics • B – Date (In 3 Days) • C – Date (In 10 Days) • D – Date (In 120 Days) Name Data Type Required Description HardNextDueDate Date The date of when the non-routine item is due. (format YYYY-MM-DD) HardNextDueHours Decimal The hours on the equipment when the item is due. HardNextDueLandings Integer The landings on the equipment when the item is due. HardNextDueCycles Decimal The cycles on the equipment when the item is due. HardNextDueRIN Decimal The RIN on the equipment when the item is due. DiscrepancyTypeId Integer The id of the discrepanc...
Messages. [ ] } Sample curl request: curl -X GET xxxxx:// --header "Authorization: Bearer xkd65SVbcSpNUOKD2UicCFIOBMdIf0dm"
Messages means all messages sent dispatched or disseminated through the Service by whatever ways including but not limited to paging, e-mail, short messages service (SMS), build-in secretarial service and any other value-added services.