Third Party Institution definition

Third Party Institution has the meaning given to such term in Clause 8.1 of the Product Terms.
Third Party Institution shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 0. Pod pojmem „protokol“ se rozumí protokol uvedený výše. Pod pojmem „účel“ se rozumí provedení klinického hodnocení. Pojem „výsledky výzkumu“ má význam uvedený v odstavci 0. Pojem „bezpečnostní incident“ má význam uvedený v odstavci 0. Pojem „zadavatel“ má význam uvedený výše. Pojem „chráněné subjekty zadavatele“ má význam uvedený v odstavci 0. Pojem „údaje zadavatele“ má význam uvedený v odstavci 0. Pod pojmem „osobní údaje zadavatele“ se rozumí jakékoli osobní údaje, které zdravotnické zařízení, jeho zaměstnanci, zástupci nebo subdodavatelé zpracovávají jménem zadavatele při provádění klinického hodnocení. Abychom předešli pochybnostem, jedná se například o informace o potenciálních subjektech, které zdravotnické zařízení získá z webových stránek klinického hodnocení zadavatele nebo z jeho poboček ( prostřednictvím subdodavatele zadavatele, který tyto webové stránky spravuje. Osobní údaje zadavatele nesmí zahrnovat původní předmět hodnocení ani zdravotní záznamy pacientů, zápisky z výzkumu, zdrojové dokumenty ani jiné běžné interní dokumenty uchovávané při běžném provozu zdravotnického zařízení, které zůstávají výhradním a výlučným vlastnictvím zdravotnického zařízení nebo poskytovatele zdravotní péče. Pod pojmem „technická a organizační bezpečnostní opatření“ se rozumí vhodná opatření, jejichž účelem je ochrana osobních údajů před neoprávněným nebo nezákonným zničením nebo náhodnou ztrátou, pozměněním, neoprávněným zveřejněním nebo přístupem, zejména pokud zpracování zahrnuje přenos dat po síti, a proti všem ostatním nezákonným formám zpracování. Pojem „zdravotnické zařízení třetí strany“ má význam uvedený v odstavci 0.
Third Party Institution has the meaning given such capitalized term in Section 3(v).

Examples of Third Party Institution in a sentence

  • The Bank may comply with the Client’s request to place the Fiduciary Placement with a particular Third Party Institution provided that the Bank shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for complying with such request and the Client agrees to fully indemnify the Bank against any Loss incurred or arising therefrom.

  • The Bank may, for the purpose of complying with the rules, terms and conditions of the Third Party Institution or for any other reason, from time to time delete, replace, add or change the terms and conditions of the Fiduciary Placement Service without prior notice (whether oral or otherwise) to or approval from the Client.

  • The Client agrees to pay to the Bank a placement fee in respect of each Fiduciary Placement in accordance with the Bank’s prevailing rates from time to time and authorises the Bank to deduct such placement fee from the Account and/or from any principal or interest received from the Third Party Institution in respect of the Fiduciary Placement.

  • The Fiduciary Placement and/or the repayment of the same is subject to the rules, terms and conditions of the Third Party Institution with which such Fiduciary Placement is placed (which rules, terms and conditions may, from time to time, in the absolute discretion of the Third Party Institution, be changed without prior notice (whether oral or otherwise) to or approval of the Bank or the Client) and subject to the Applicable Laws of the jurisdiction where the Fiduciary Placement is made.

  • The Bank shall, in its absolute discretion, determine the Third Party Institution with which it will place the Fiduciary Placement.

  • Under the 2019 Tax Reform, SMEs will benefit, starting in 2020, from the ceiling for a small business being exempt from corporate profit tax and VAT rising from annual revenues of AMD58 million to AMD115 million.

  • Persons having no legal title but using the land – if acquired for the project use – will be provided with compensation and resettlement benefits for structures and assets.

  • Id. As for the fitness for duty examination, defendant submits evidence that CFSA management was concerned about Hunter’s behavior during the August 7, 2008 meeting.

  • All securities pledged must be held at the Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas in COUNTY’s Public Funds Collateral Account or held by an independent Third Party Institution outside the bank’s holding company approved by the Commissioners’ Court.

  • We must hear from you no later than sixty (60) days after the Third Party Institution sent you the FIRST statement on which the problem or error appeared.

More Definitions of Third Party Institution

Third Party Institution means a third-party academic institution that is not part of University System (e.g., community college, state university system, or high school dual enrollment).
Third Party Institution has the meaning given such capitalized term in Section 3(s). All references in the Agreement to the term “Agreement” shall be deemed to refer to the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment.
Third Party Institution has the meaning set forth in Section 8(e) below.
Third Party Institution means either swissfirst Bank, AG or such other financial institution reasonably acceptable to the Parties. The Seller shall have the right to request a Market Opinion with respect to a block of Liquid Stock at any time prior to the fifth (5th) business day after the relevant Liquidation Date.

Related to Third Party Institution

  • Minority institution means an institution of higher education meeting the requirements of Section 365(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1067k), including a Hispanic-serving institution of higher education, as defined in Section 502(a) of the Act (20 U.S.C. 1101a).

  • Medical institution means an organization in which several medical disciplines are practiced.

  • Minority institutions , as used in this clause, means an institution of higher education meeting the requirements of section 1046(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1135d-5(3)) which for the purposes of this clause includes a Hispanic-serving institution of higher education as defined in section 316(b)(1) of the Act (20 U.S.C.

  • the institution means the institution which the Corporation is established to conduct and any institution for the time being conducted by the Corporation in exercise of its powers under the Further and Higher Education Act 1992;

  • Participating institution means an "institution" as defined in KRS 164.001 that actively participates in the federal Pell Grant program, executes a contract with the authority on terms the authority deems necessary or appropriate for the administration of its programs, and:

  • Covered institution means, on and after the Effective Date of its initial Management Agreement, a public institution of higher education of the Commonwealth of Virginia that has entered into a management agreement with the Commonwealth to be governed by the provisions of Subchapter 3 of the Act.

  • Qualifying Institution means the United States office of a commercial bank or trust company organized under the laws of the United States of America or a political subdivision thereof, or a foreign bank, having assets $10,000,000,000 (net of reserves) and a credit rating on its long-term senior unsecured debt of at least "A" from S&P and "A2" from Moody's.

  • Selling Institution The entity obligated to make payments to the Issuer under the terms of a Participation Interest.

  • approved institution means an entity so named in a Certificate. From time to time the Fund may amend a previously delivered Certificate by delivering to the Transfer Agent a Certificate naming an additional entity or deleting any entity named in a previously delivered Certificate.

  • Association Property means that property, real and personal, which is owned or leased by, or is dedicated by a recorded plat to, the association for the use and benefit of its members.

  • Training Institution means the Grantee.

  • Host Institution means the body or institution or administering organisation named in the Letter of Award as the “Host Institution” as the body responsible for undertaking and managing the Research;

  • Home Institution means the institution where the student is currently enrolled as a degree seeking student and may be eligible for financial aid at the same institution.

  • Qualified Institution means a major U.S. commercial bank or a foreign bank with a U.S. branch office or a U.S. agency office with a Credit Rating of at least “A” by S&P and “A2” by Xxxxx’x and, if rated by Fitch, at least “A” by Fitch.”

  • health institution means an organisation whose primary purpose is the care or treatment of patients or the promotion of public health;

  • Custodial Institution means any Entity that holds, as a substantial portion of its business, financial assets for the account of others. An entity holds financial assets for the account of others as a substantial portion of its business if the entity’s gross income attributable to the holding of financial assets and related financial services equals or exceeds 20 percent of the entity’s gross income during the shorter of: (i) the three-year period that ends on December 31 (or the final day of a non-calendar year accounting period) prior to the year in which the determination is being made; or (ii) the period during which the entity has been in existence.

  • Head of the institution means the Vice-Chancellor in case of a university or a deemed to be university, the Principal or the Director or such other designation as the executive head of the institution or the college is referred.