Slop definition

Slop means oil from the slop systems at the Sweeny Refinery Complex.
Slop means oily water residues accumulating in the slop tanks, including tank washing waters, as a result of washing of the cargo tanks in ships,
Slop means off-specification products obtained from market that is to say Retail Outlet and like other outlets, during any disturbance in operation and draining and like other activities from various equipment or tanks or pumps containing oil -water mixture, but does not include interface generated during pipe line transfer operations;

Examples of Slop in a sentence

  • Furnish the Master with a Slop Chest Statement showing on hand at the beginning of each voyage the items, units, unit cost, totals and sell- ing price per unit of each item.

  • Slop tanks shall be so designed particularly in respect of the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted, so as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or emulsion with the water.

  • The General Agents partici- pating in such transfer shall complete and have their respective representa- tives sign, a joint inventory containing the unit cost price and extensions of all slop chest items, a copy of which shall be submitted to the Division of Oper- ations, NSA, Washington, DC 20590, to- gether with a copy of the Slop Chest Statement for the voyage terminated prior to transfer of the vessel.

  • Submit to the Coast Director in the district in which the General Agent is located, upon termination of each voyage a copy of the Slop Chest State- ment obtained from the Master as pro- vided for in section 3(b) of this order and a copy of all invoices for slop chest purchases showing items by brand or trade name, unit cost and total.

  • Slop tanks shall be so designed particularly in respect of the position of inlets, outlets, baffles or weirs where fitted, so as to avoid excessive turbulence and entrainment of oil or emulsion with the water.(3) (a) An oil discharge monitoring and control system approved by the Administration shall be fitted.

  • Slop oil from an oil-water separator tank and oily wastewater from slop oil handling equipment shall be collected, stored, transported, recycled, reused, or disposed of in an enclosed system.

  • Master (or his authorized representative)(4) In instances where vessels are under foreign articles the payroll shall bear proper evidence of having been paid off before a United States Ship- ping Commissioner or an American Consul.(5) The slop chest account shall be certified by the master as follows:I hereby certify that the above is a true statement of all Slop Chest transactions on this vessel and voyage.

  • Both owners have approached officers with a view to acquiring the site although the Council has only received one formal offer.

  • Sell, from time to time as speci- fied by him, any of the contents of the slop chest to any or every seaman ap- plying therefor, at the unit price, spec- ified by the Slop Chest Statement fur- nished the Master by the General Agent as provided in section 2(c) of this order.

  • Slop tanks must have the total capacity to retain oily mix- tures from cargo tank washings, oil residue, and ballast water containing an oily mixture of 3 percent or more of the oil carrying capacity.

More Definitions of Slop

Slop means off-specification products obtained from market, during any disturbance in operation and draining etc. from various equipment / tanks / pumps containing oil -water mixture are called slops. This does not include interface generated during pipe line transfer operations.
Slop means unfinished product stream generated in any Industry during unstabilised period of plant operation;
Slop means unfinished product stream generated in any industry during unstabilished period of plant operation.
Slop means unfinished products stream generated in any industry during unstabilised period of plant operation;

Related to Slop

  • POTW means a Publicly Owned Treatment Works.

  • Spoil means excavated material which is unsuitable for use as material in the construction works or is material which is surplus to the requirements of the construction works;

  • Captain means the captain of a Cruise Vessel

  • Recycled water or “reclaimed water” means treated or recycled waste water of a quality suitable for non-potable uses such as landscape irrigation and water features. This water is not intended for human consumption.

  • Berth means the berth to be constructed in the new inner harbour including the supporting structure for the shiploader, to be constructed by the Company pursuant to Clause 4(2)(a) hereof and includes the land approaches and ancillary equipment thereto;

  • Baggage means luggage, and personal possessions and travel documents; whether owned, borrowed, or rented, taken by the Insured on the Trip.

  • Slope means the inclination of a surface expressed as one unit of rise or fall for so many horizontal units;

  • Incineration means an engineered process involving burning or combustion of solid waste to thermally degrade waste materials at high temperatures;

  • Slug means any discharge of water, sewage, or industrial waste which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen (15) minutes more than five (5) times the average twenty-four (24) hour concentration or flows during normal operation.

  • Produced water means water recovered from an underground reservoir as a result of crude oil, condensate, or natural gas production and which may be recycled, disposed, or re-injected into an underground reservoir.

  • Loading means the quantity of a specific substance present per unit of surface area, such as the amount of lead in micrograms contained in the dust collected from a certain surface area divided by the surface area in square feet or square meters.

  • Sailboat means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18-2.

  • Fresh water means water, such as tap water, that has not been previously used in a process operation or, if the water has been recycled from a process operation, it has been treated and meets the effluent guidelines for chromium wastewater.

  • Cargo means any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage;