Sabotage definition

Sabotage means deliberate damage, with malevolent intent, to a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, a device that contains a Category 1 or Category 2 quantity of radioactive material, or the components of the security system.
Sabotage means any deliberate act directed against a nuclear facility or nuclear material in use, storage or transport which could directly or indirectly endanger the health and safety of personnel, the public or the environment by exposure to radiation or release of radioactive substances.
Sabotage means an act or omission, intended to cause malicious or wanton destruction of property, endangering or resulting in unlawful interference with civil aviation and its facilities;

Examples of Sabotage in a sentence

  • B., Naturkatastrophen, Bürgerkrieg und Xxxxx, Sabotage, Epidemien oder Unruhen).

More Definitions of Sabotage

Sabotage means wilful physical damage or destruction perpetrated for political reasons by known or unknown person(s).
Sabotage means any deliberate act directed against a nuclear installation or nuclear materials, special materials or equipment, radioactive waste or spent fuel during the management or shipment thereof, which may directly or indirectly, by release of radioactive substances, jeopardize the lives, health or property of the population or the environment.
Sabotage means the unlawful and intentional damage or injury to, or destruction of, real or personal property, in any form whatsoever, of any employer or owner by his employees, or by any employer, or by any person at the instance of any employer, or at the instance, request, or instigation of employees, or any other person.
Sabotage means any act of deliberate subversion that causes damage to or destruction of real or personal property incidental to or arising out of an incident otherwise covered under this Policy.
Sabotage means activities that involve a violation of chapter 105 of title 18, or that would involve such a violation if committed against the United States.
Sabotage means intentionally tampering with any livestock belonging to or owned by another person that has been registered, entered in, or exhibited in any exhibition, or raised with the apparent intent of being entered in an exhibition.
Sabotage means a subversive act or series of such acts committed for political, religious or ideological purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public in fear for such purposes.