Relevant Performance definition

Relevant Performance means[: in respect of [each] General Redemption Component [[]]: [the Performance of the Reference Item comprising the relevant General Redemption Component/the sum of the weighted Performances for each of the Reference Items comprising the relevant General Redemption Component/the [] highest Performance of the Reference Items comprising the relevant General Redemption Component]] [repeat for each General Redemption Component, as applicable]
Relevant Performance of a Basket Component means [the quotient of the Reference Price (R [final] [•]) of such Basket Component [•] divided by the Reference Price [R] ([initial][•]) of such Basket Component] [other method to determine the Relevant Performance of a Basket Component].]
Relevant Performance means [the Performance of the Reference Item/the sum of the weighted Performances for each of the Reference Items]

Examples of Relevant Performance in a sentence

  • Performance of Basket of Underlying Equities, explanation of effect on value of investment and associated risks and other information concerning the Basket of Underlying Equities The Notes are issued at par and the redemption price depends entirely on the percentage change in the basket as measured between the initial and final valuation date (the "Relevant Performance").

  • The Rights attached to the Notes Performance of Basket of Underlying Equities, explanation of effect on value of investment and associated risks and other information concerning the Basket of Underlying Equities: The Notes are issued at par and the redemption price depends entirely on the percentage change in the basket as measured between the initial and final valuation date (the "Relevant Performance").

  • Relevant Performance and fulfilment of its roles & responsibilities and obligations as per the provisions specified in Draft Contract shall be applicable to the bidder.

  • On the Final Valuation Date (provided that the notes have not been auto-called on one of the prior Interest Determination Dates), if the level of the Relevant Performance is at or above 70% but below 100% of its price on the initial valuation date, a bullet coupon is paid out.

  • It is preferred that all participants travel as a group whenever possible.

  • E.25 2.A.3 Relevant Performance Sharing Program Sections of the 2008 Reopener........................................................

  • The amount of the catch-up payment will be equal to the excess of (i) the aggregate Quarterly Bonus payable for such Relevant Performance Period based on the achievement of the applicable Cumulative Performance Goals for such Relevant Period over (ii) the aggregate amount of Quarterly Bonuses previously paid to Executive and the amount payable to Executive under Section 2(a) above for the Relevant Performance Period.

  • If several Underlyings show identical Performance, the Issuer shall be entitled to decide in its reasonable discretion which of the Underlyings concerned shall be used for the purpose of calculating the Relevant Performance within the meaning of these Terms and Conditions.

  • Relevant Performance means the Performance of the Underlying showing the lowest Performance in relation to the other Underlyings.

  • Exhibit 2.A.3 Relevant Performance Sharing Program Sections of the 2008 Reopener RECOMMENDATION #3: Each region shall implement a demon- stration project for 2009 and 2010 that translates PSP goals that cascade up and down the organization into line-of- sight efforts and actionable behaviors by frontline employees.

More Definitions of Relevant Performance

Relevant Performance means [the Performance of the Reference Item/the sum of the weighted Performances for each of the Reference Items/the [] highest Performance of any Reference Item] “Valuation” means [American/Bermudan/European] Valuation “Barrier” = []% “Performance Floor” = [[]%/Zero] “PR” = [[]%/100%] “Strike” = [[]%/100%]]
Relevant Performance means, in respect of a periodic valuation date (t), [the RI Super Asian Performance of the Reference Item/the sum of the weighted RI Super Asian Performances for each of the Reference Items] for such periodic valuation date (t) “RI Super Asian Performance” means, in respect of [the/a] Reference Item and a periodic valuation date, the Super Asian Level of such Reference Item on such periodic valuation date DIVIDED BY the [average] [strike price/level/price/rate/value] of such Reference Item [on the initial valuation date[s]], expressed as a percentage “Super Asian Level” means, in respect of a periodic valuation date, the MAXIMUM of (i) the [level/price/rate/value] of such Reference Item on such periodic valuation date and (ii) the highest [level/price/rate/value] of such Reference Item on any periodic valuation date preceding such periodic valuation date “Super Asian Performance” means the average of the Relevant Performances for each of the periodic valuation dates MINUS 100% “FX Conversion”: [Applicable and “FX” shall be the exchange rate [determined by reference to the relevant cross-rate] on the specified final FX valuation date[s] DIVIDED BY [[⚫]][, being] [the [average] [strike price/rate] of such exchange rate [determined by reference to the relevant cross-rate] [on the initial valuation date[s]], expressed as a percentage] / [Not Applicable, FX = 1] “Performance Floor” = [[⚫]%/Zero] “PR” = [[⚫]%/100%]]
Relevant Performance means [the Performance of the Reference Item comprising the Put Element or the Call Element, as the case may be/the sum of the weighted Performances for each of the Reference Items comprising the Put Element or the Call Element, as the case may be]
Relevant Performance means the Performance of the Reference Item “Valuation” means European Valuation “Barrier” = 70%

Related to Relevant Performance

  • Basket Performance means a decimal number calculated by applying the following formula: BP = ∑ W ×iX ⎛⎜⎜i=1 ⎝ Underlyingi,FINAL ⎞⎟⎠Underlyingi,INITIAL ⎟where: BP = Basket Performance X = 4 Wi = Weighting of the relevant Underlying Underlyingi,FINAL Underlyingi,INITIAL= Arithmetic mean of the Reference Prices of the relevant Underlying with respect to all Averaging Dates = Initial Price of the relevant Underlying

  • Total Performance means that the entire Work, except those items arising from the provisions of any warranty, have been performed in accordance with the Contract;

  • Index Performance means, in relation to an Index and an Auto-Call Valuation Date or the Valuation Date, as the case may be, a percentage calculated by the Calculation Agent in respect of such date in accordance with the following formula: Index Performance =Final Index Level × 100% Initial Index Level

  • Underlying Performance means in relation to the Valuation Date a decimal number calculated by applying the following formula: UP =Underlying FINAL Underlying INITIAL where: UP = Underlying Performance with respect to the Valuation Date UnderlyingFINAL UnderlyingINITIAL= Reference Price of the Underlying with respect to the Valuation Date = Initial Price of the Underlying

  • human performance means human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations;

  • Substantial Performance means the stage of completion when:(a) all Work, as certified by the Contract Administrator, is capable of completion or correction at a cost of not more than:

  • Environmental Performance means all or any of the following: the consumption of energy and associated generation of greenhouse gas emissions; the consumption of water; waste generation and management; and any other environmental impact arising from the use or operation of the Premises or the Estate;

  • energy performance contracting means a contractual arrangement between the beneficiary and the provider of an energy efficiency improvement measure, verified and monitored during the whole term of the contract, where investments (work, supply or service) in that measure are paid for in relation to a contractually agreed level of energy efficiency improvement or other agreed energy performance criterion, such as financial savings;

  • Unsatisfactory Performance means any of the following:

  • Energy savings performance contract means a public contract between a contracting agency and a qualified energy service company for the identification, evaluation, recommendation, design and construction of energy conservation measures, including a design-build contract, that guarantee energy savings or performance.

  • Extreme performance coating means coatings designed for harsh exposure or extreme environmental conditions.

  • Energy Performance Score means the numeric rating generated by Portfolio Manager that compares the Energy usage of the building to that of similar buildings.

  • Financial Performance Covenants means the covenants of the Borrower set forth in Sections 6.10 and 6.11.

  • Key Performance Indicator means a measure that captures the performance of a critical variable to expand and improve community-based corrections programs to promote offender success, ensure accountability, enhance public safety, and reduce recidivism.

  • Sexually explicit performance means a live or public act or show intended to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires or appeal to the prurient interest of patrons.

  • Key Performance Indicators or “KPIs” means the performance measurements and targets set out in Part 3 of Schedule 1 (Services) of this Framework Agreement;

  • Worst Performing Index means the Index for which the performance is the lowest in accordance with the definition of WOfinal

  • Performance has the meaning ascribed to it in the Copyright Act 98 of 1978, as amended from time to time, and the words “Perform” and “Performed” and “Performing” will have the same meaning

  • Control Performance Standard or “CPS” shall mean the reliability standard that sets the limits of a Balancing Authority’s Area Control Error over a specified time period.

  • Annual performance report means a written appraisal of the teaching staff member's performance prepared by the teaching staff member’s designated supervisor based on the evaluation rubric for his or her position.

  • Adjusted EPS means earnings per share further adjusted for share-based payments, amortization of acquired intangible assets, items outside the normal scope of our ordinary activities (including other items, within selling, general and administrative expenses, losses/(gains) on items held at fair value and remeasurements through profit and loss, impairment losses on tangible assets, and impairment losses on intangible assets) and the related tax effects of these adjustments. Adjusted EPS provides a basis for comparison of our business operations between current, past and future periods by excluding items that we do not believe are indicative of our core operating performance. Adjusted EPS may not be comparable to other similarly titled metrics of other companies.

  • EPS means earnings per share.